Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1168 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1168: Pull down a mountain to make a way. (3 more)

Black Tortoise city, high ground.

Mu Liang returned to the palace with Baishuang and Liyue.

Mu Liang turned his head and asked: Baishuang, "Your Excellency, do you know how to get to Haiting Kingdom?"

Baishuang's face was embarrassed, and she whispered: "There is no route map, so I don't know.

"In this case, go and ask the pirates." Mu Liang said gently.

As a pirate, you should know the coastal countries very well.

"The Fox Fairy is in the business district." Liyue said softly.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Well, let the fox fairy ask them."

Liyue said crisply: "I'll contact Zhenbao Building."

She stepped towards the liaison room.

Hoarfrost hesitated, but still asked, "Your Excellency Mu Liang, after arriving in Haiting Kingdom, will Little Black Tortoise come ashore?"

She had read the adventure travels written by Alina and chatted with the maid. She knew that the rock turtle used to live on land, and it took two months to enter the sea.

"If there is no accident, no." Mu Liang said calmly.

The rock turtle is too big, if it landed and walked, it would cause too much damage.

Tear down a mountain to make a way?

Or destroy a city to make a way?

The vibration caused by the action can cause a disaster to the nearby residential area.

"That's good." Bai Shuang breathed a long sigh of relief.

The Haiting Kingdom is big, but if the rock turtle walks ashore for a few days, it can also travel across the entire country.

"What are you worried about?" Mu Liang asked amusedly.

"No, nothing." Bai Shuang shook his head repeatedly.

When she remembered something, she pulled her face and said, "Forget it!!"

"Forgot what?" Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly.

Bai Shuang sighed and said, "I should ask those pirates about the current situation of the Haiting Kingdom."

"I'll let the Fox Fairy help you ask." Mu Liang said clearly.

Really "?" Bai Shuang raised his head, staring at him blankly.

Mu Liang didn't care: "This is a small matter.

"It's not for me." Hoarshuang's face was serious.

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled, and subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed Baishuang's head.

Bai Shuang froze, the palm of her head made her a little surprised.

"Sorry, I'm used to it."Mu Liang coughed slightly.

He complained about himself in his heart, and was used to rubbing the heads of girls with rabbit ears on weekdays.

"It's okay." Hoarsam's ears are reddish.

I don't know why, she doesn't hate Mu Liang's close contact, but she feels joy in her heart. This is a very strange feeling that she has never had before.

"Your ears are a little red." Mu Liang quipped.

"It's okay." Baishuang's face turned redder, and she ran away as if she turned around and fled.

She returned to the side hall where she lived, closed the door with her backhand, and adjusted her breathing against the door panel.

"Do I like Mu Liang?" Bai Shuang's face was suspicious, but his face turned redder.

"Will my father accept it?"

She grabbed her hair and squatted down, her purple-golden eyes blurred: "Then Mu Liang likes me?"

She is immersed in the world of her own, brain replenishment and Mu Liang join hands to walk into the palace, get married and have children

In the study, Mu Liang couldn't help but sneezed.

"Strange, who is reading me?" He muttered suspiciously.

He thought for a while, but couldn't figure out why, so he took out pen and paper and continued to compile new textbooks.

Before the fox fairy asked Hai Ting where he was in the kingdom, the rock turtle had to stay in place for a while.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

Yueqinlan came back from the commercial area, opened the study and came to the door beside Mu Liang.

Mu Liang raised his eyes and asked, "It just happened, how many rubber shoes and ceramics were produced?"

"The production of rubber shoes is very simple. There are already seven thousand pairs of different sizes.

Yuexinlan took out a notepad and turned a few pages and said: "The number of fine ceramics is still not much, now it only has one hundred.

"There are 400 pieces of silk cloth and more than 500 sets of ready-made garments."

Yueqinlan’s work was reported for twenty minutes, and the goods to be sold to the New World were almost ready.

"You can prepare more Star tea, you don't have to sell it right away, you need to reserve it first." Mu Liang said peacefully.

The tree of life grows very fast. After taking a part of the leaves, new leaves can be grown immediately.

"Good." Yue Qinlan nodded.

Rubber "Shoes, and then increase production." Mu Liang continued.

"There is not enough manpower, there can only be so many." Yue Qinlan shrugged, her face full of helplessness.

Mu Liang asked clearly, "Where is the transfer base?"

"The rubber trees over there have just matured, and the output of rubber is not high." Yue Qinlan explained.

Mu Liang nodded slowly: "Well, I see."

"You should take a rest. You have rarely slept these days?" Yue Qinlan reached out and fiddled with the broken hair on Mu Liang's forehead.

"Not tired, but very energetic." Mu Liang smiled, stretched out his hand to grab Yue Qinlan, and sat on his legs.

When he thought of arriving in the New World, he was inexplicably excited, as if seeing a steady stream of Magical Beasts flying towards him.

"I can see it." Yue Qinlan smiled and pressed against Mu Liang's chest, clearly hearing the sound of his heart beating.


"Mu Liang." The study door was knocked, and Liyue's voice sounded.

"Come in." Mu Liang responded.

Yueqinlan got up from Mu Liang's legs and sat down on the chair next to her.


The study door was pushed open, and the silver-haired girl walked into the study.

She whispered softly: "Mu Liang, the Fox Fairy has sent the news back and has asked about Haiting Kingdom."

"Let's talk." Mu Liang leaned back.

"The Hai Ting Kingdom was attacked by the Magical Beasts tide, and the loss was heavy. There was nothing wrong with the palace... Liyue said the news that came back.

The foxtail woman took the pirates to the Treasure House, squeezing the Magical Beasts spar on them, and asked about Haiting Kingdom by the way.

Yue Qinlan asked quickly: "Is the king okay?"

"I don't know this." Liyue slowly shook her head.

"Enough, tell Baishuang the news." Mu Liang said gently.

"Good." Liyue nodded in response.

Mu Liang asked warmly, "Where is the route map?"

"I'm still asking about this." Liyue said crisply.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Well, then stop here for a while."

Li Yueqing said coldly: "If you want me to say, just grab the pirate leader and let Ajiezhu hypnotize him, so you can ask anything at that time.

Yueqinlan's legs overlapped, and she said gracefully (that's good): "No, they didn't make trouble, it's not suitable to do this."

Black Tortoise is to do business to make money, and reputation is sometimes very important.

"I'll just say that." Liyue pushed her hand.

Mu Liang thought for a while, and said, "Wait for them to make trouble, and then grab them.

"I will make people stare." Liyue said in a serious tone.

If Mu Liang pointed out: "They are pirates and they will always make mistakes.

"That's right, it's almost the same as the thieves." Liyue answered, feeling that the pirates and the thieves on the mainland are the same.

Yue Qinlan asked with a smile: "You said, maybe there are good people in the pirates?"

"Maybe, it must be rarer than the eleventh-order strong." Liyue rolled her beautiful eyes.

I have all become pirates, how can I be better?

As long as you do bad things, between active and passive, the crime is big and small, but you still do bad things.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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