Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1169 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1169: Time is running out. (1 more)


At night, on the sea, the sea breeze is strong.

In the moonlight, a thirty-meter-long ship moved forward in the wind.

Yue Qinyi stood at the bow of the ship, looking into the distance, putting her hands on the guardrail, her beautiful eyes staring at the hazy sea in the distance.

It's been thirteen days since she went to sea, and the half-month period that Master Yilun said was approaching.

"Haven't found Baishuangyue Qinyi frowned, her expression a bit tired.

She sighed and whispered to herself: "Time is running out."

Yilun's divination did not miss, Yue Qinyi still believed what he said and decided to wait two more days.

Yue Qinyi's eyes flashed, and another fable that Master Yilun said would meet the closest person in the same place, who would it be?

"The people I'm close to, except Little Sister, are Fipen... or other people?"

She was puzzled.

This is the New World. According to common sense, Yueqinlan and Yue Feiyan are unlikely to appear here.

Who is the person that Yilun is talking about?

Ta Ta Ta~~

With the sound of footsteps, the captain walked onto the deck and walked slowly to the bow position.

Yue Qinyi turned her head and asked, "Jie Yufu, what's the matter?"

Jie Yufu said slowly: "Ms. Yueyi, it's late at night, it's time to rest."

The captain is an old man close to sixty years old, with a gray beard and a Mediterranean hairstyle.


He is the captain of this big ship and was once a knight.

Yue Qinyi wanted to go to sea, so she hired him in order to be cautious and confidential.

"Can't sleep." Yue Qinyi shook her head.

Jie Yufu asked curiously, "Is there something on my mind?"

"Yeah." Yue Qinyi nodded.

Jie Yufu smiled and said, "You can talk to me, maybe I can help you.

Yue Qinyi hesitated, and said clearly: "I'm looking for someone, she may appear in the sea."

"Who are you looking for?" Jie Yufu asked subconsciously.

Yue Qinyi's eyes flickered slightly, she just smiled and didn't say much.

Jie Yufu agreed and did not continue to inquire.

Before leaving, he silently explained: "It is too dangerous to sail at night, so let's move on at dawn."

"Yes." Yue Qinyi nodded.

Yilun said that there is a chance to encounter Hoarfrost in half a month, so there is no rush to hurry.

She stayed on the deck for another two hours. When she felt sleepy, she turned and returned to the cabin.

When she woke up the next day, the ship had already begun to sail.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

She simply ate something and habitually went to the deck to observe the surrounding sea.

Jie Yufu wiped the guardrail on the boat with a cloth, just like treating a child.

For him, a widowed old man, this ship is his future support.

Yue Qinyi raised her hand to say hello: "Jie Yufu, morning."

"Morning, beautiful Yueyi Miss." Jie Yufu looked up with a kind smile.

He looked more serious, and asked in a hoarse voice: "By the way, Yueyi Miss, we are about to reach the sea of ​​mist ahead, you are sure to continue forward.

So "I'm about to reach the sea of ​​mist?" Yue Qin was shocked.

According to the sailing speed of an ordinary large ship, if it encounters a tailwind, it will take about 20 days to sail to reach the Misty Sea.

Jeyufu raised his chin slightly, and said proudly: "Although my ship is small, it is faster than those merchant ships.

When he bought this big ship, he specially asked a magician friend to transform the hull and draw a speed-up magic array.

"So it was... Yue Qin nodded thoughtfully.

"So, do you want to move on?" Jie Yufu asked again.

"Of course." Yue Qinyi nodded without hesitation.

Yilun gave her the direction of Baishuang and couldn't give up easily.

Jie Yutian said with a serious face: "Okay, but we can't get too close, it's easy to be swept away by the storm.

Yue Qinyi said crisply: "I know, I won't let you take risks.

"Okay." Jie Yufu relieved his heart and turned back to the cab.

The ship continued to move forward, and more than two hours later, Yue Qinyi, who was standing on the bow, saw a patch of gray on the horizon.

On the mast, the observer narrowed his eyes, trying to see what was on the sea level.

(bfcd) He saw the fog, and the storm belt with lightning, thunder, wind and rain, and a huge island.

The watchman lowered his head and shouted, "Captain, I see a sea of ​​mist and a big island."


Jie Yufu walked out of the driver's cab and said in astonishment: "No, I remember that there are no islands on this route. Are you sure you didn't look at the dazzling eyes?"

"No, that island is too big to be wrong." The lookout said with a firm tone.

Jie Yufu frowned and said, "Is that the wrong direction?"

"It should not be!!" Yue Qinyi's eyes lit up.

What Yilun said in her mind, Hoarshuang was probably on that island.

She said in a serious tone: "Jie Yufu, let's go over, I want to go to the island.

"you sure?"

With a serious expression, Jie Yufu persuaded: "You have to know that this may be an unfamiliar island. There are too many uncertain factors, and it may be fatal."

"Not afraid, I am very strong." Yue Qinyi smiled confidently.

"Well, I'll take you there." Jie Yufu didn't say anything, and ordered the crew to turn and sail to Mysterious Island.


When the ship slowly approached, it became known how big the island was in the eyes of the watchman.

"This is too big!!" Jie Yufu's eyes widened.

He felt puzzled that such a large island shouldn't be known now, but there is no trace of its existence on the route map.

"Captain, this island doesn't feel like an island to me... the watchman whispered.

"Don't talk nonsense." Jie Yufu glared at the lookout.

He ordered loudly: "Get closer."

"Yes." The crew responded in unison.

The big ship got closer, and you could see the towering city walls on the island, and there was a layer of colorful fog.

"If there is a building, there are people on it." Yue Qinyi's spirit was shaken, and she felt that Princess Baishuang was on it.

"Captain, I saw the pirate ship!! The watchman exclaimed.

He pointed his finger forward. At the port of the island, there were two island ships parked a full circle larger than Jeyufu's ship.

"No, is this a pirate site?" Jeyufu's expression changed.

Yue Qinyi frowned, and her body jumped up, standing on the guardrail.

"You are waiting here, I'll go and see." She dropped a word, and fell to the surface of the sea.


A wave rose from the sea below, holding Yue Qinyi towards the island.

"Miss Qinyi, pay attention to safety." Jie Yu Yufu shouted.

Yue Qinyi waved her hand, focusing her attention on the two pirate ships, her hand on her back was already fisted, and the water element surrounded her body.

ps: [1 more]: the second more positive code.

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