Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1171 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1171: Be savage and willful. (3 more)

Dianes sneered: "Are you joking?"

Yue Qinyi asked coldly: "Do you know the Yuetan Tribe?"

"!! Diance's pupils were slightly enlarged, remembering that Yue Qinlan once said that her hometown is the Yuetan tribe.

"Do you know each other?" Yue Qinyi asked, looking at the expression of the person in front of her.

Dianes responded: "I heard Yue Qinlan say.

Yue Qinyi's heart trembled, and she frowned and asked, "Why doesn't she stay in Yuetan Tribe, why is she here?"

"I don't know the specifics." Dianes's tone eased down.

This is the New World. The other party knows the Yuetan tribe, and it looks the same as Yueqinlan. It is very likely that it is Yueqinlan's twin Big sis.

In a private conversation between the two, Yue Qinlan said that she has a Big sis, which is likely to be in the Haiting Kingdom in the New World.

Yue Qinyi's brows were always frowning, and her thoughts drifted "April 13".

Dianes turned her head and said, "Zanyan, contact Gaodi, and tell Master Mu Liang of the situation."

"Yes!" The astonishment in Zan Yan's eyes was still there, and he turned and walked quickly towards the Hanging Pavilion Fortress.

Yue Qinyi asked curiously: "Who is Mu Liang?"

"It's our Lord of the City!" Dianes said calmly.

Yue Qinyi glanced at Jie Yutian beside her, and stopped talking.

Diane agreed and said, "Send this sir to the business district to rest."

"Yes." Zanyan's deputy nodded respectfully, and walked towards Jie Yufu.

Jie Yufu's face changed, and he looked at Yue Qinyi for help.

"Don't worry, you won't do anything to you, you are still free in the business district." Dianes said calmly.

The deputy added: "You will like it there, after all, no one will dislike it."

"Yes, no one dislikes commercial areas." Diane's lips rose.

Go, "Don't worry, nothing will happen." Yue Qinyi calmed down.

"...Jie Yufu looked ugly, but knew that he could not escape, so he could only follow his deputy upwards.

After the two walked away, Yue Qinyi asked, "Are you all coming from the other side of the Misty Sea?"

"Yeah." Dianes nodded.

Yue Qinyi remembered her daughter and quickly asked, "Do you know Yue Feiyan?"

"Yes." Dianes's face eased.

"Is she okay?" Yue Qinyi asked nervously.

Diane felt strange, but still answered: "Very good, I am very happy to watch every day.

"That's good, that's good... Yue Qinyi's heartbeat speeds up, can't wait to see Little Sister and her daughter, and is afraid that there will be too many gaps after meeting.

Her face changed, which made Dianes feel inexplicable.

On the other side, the liaison room on the high ground.

Wei Youlan stayed in the contact room, reading with gusto with a book in her hand.

What she was looking at was Mu Liang's newly compiled textbooks, which were all new knowledge.

Suddenly, a resonance bug on the shelf awoke, and its wings vibrated at high speed.

Wei Youlan looked up, and there was a sign hanging on the shelf under the Resonance Worm: Hanging Pavilion.

She reached out to touch the resonance worm, and allowed to communicate with the resonance worm in the hanging pavilion.

Zanyan's voice sounded: "This is Xuankong Pavilion, I am Zanyan, and I have something to report to Lord City Lord..."

"I'm Xiaolan, just tell me, I remember." Wei Youlan took a sound stone and prepared to record the work that Zanyan would report.

"Two strangers came to the Xuankong Pavilion. One of them looked exactly like Mr. Clerk. She said it was Mr. Clerk's Big sis... Zanyan said every word.

When Wei Youlan heard half of it, her eyes were already wide open, her face full of consternation.

"Okay, I have finished the report. If the Lord Lord has a reply, I hope to tell me as soon as possible." Zan Yan respectfully said.

"Don't hang up, I'll talk to Mr. Mu Liang now." Wei Lan said anxiously.

She left a word, stood up and hurriedly left the contact room, and ran to the study quickly.

"What happened, why are you running so fast?" The mopping Xiaomi was puzzled.

Wei Youlan ignored the explanation, ran to the door of the study, took a few deep breaths, and calmed down.


She raised her hand and knocked on the door of the room: "Master Mu Liang, the Xuankong Pavilion sent the news back.

"Come in." Mu Liang responded.


Wei Youlan pushed the door into the study and saw Yue Qinlan next to Mu Liang. She had a notepad in her hand. It was obvious that the two had just been discussing something.

Mu Liang lifted his chin: "What's the matter, let's talk."

Wei Youlan glanced at Yue Qinlan, took a deep breath, and said excitedly: "There was news from the Xuankong Pavilion that I saw a woman who looked exactly like Master Qinlan and claimed to be an adult's Big sis."

"What!!" Yueqin Lan Teng stood up,

"That's what it said over there." Wei Youlan whispered.

Yue Qinlan's face was at a loss, and she subconsciously looked at Mu Liang.

The surprise on Mu Liang's face was no less, he stood up and said, "I will accompany you to the Xuankong Pavilion."

"Wait a minute, what if it's not a Big sis?" Yue Qinlan was a little nervous, with a lot less elegant temperament.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and squeezed Yue Qinlan's palm, and said gently, "It should be impossible. We just came to the New World, who can impersonate her?"

"Also, the blue eyes of the moon blue water flickered.

Let's go". Mu Liang gently pulled Xia Yue Qinlan's hand.

Yue Qinlan suppressed the excitement and anxiety in her heart, nodded and said: "Okay."

She followed Mu Liang to the outside, her heartbeat slowly speeding up.

"Wait, do you want to call Feiyan?" Yue Qinlan stopped.

Mu Liang shook his head and said calmly: "I'll talk about it later, Feiyan only knows that you have a Big sis, but she doesn't know that she is the mother."

"Also right... Yue Qinlan nodded slowly.

Mu Liang continued: "And do you want to talk to Yan about this matter, and ask your sisters to discuss it."

Yue Qinlan smiled bitterly: "This is actually not a big difference, but Yan was picked up by Big sis, not his biological mother.

Yue Qinyi and she are twins Big sis, and they are naturally the same age, at the same age of 27 or 28, how can they give birth to a 16 or 17-year-old Yue Feiyan.

Yue Qinyi picked up Yue Feiyan when she was a child and raised it for 2.3-period, and then gave it to Yue Qinlan to take care of her. She went to seek the cause of the abnormal change in the mainland and never returned.

"This news is more difficult to accept than you are not her mother." Mu Liang smiled bitterly.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Fiyan is very smart, even if I didn't say it, she guessed something."

"Indeed." Mu Liang smiled and nodded.

Yue Feiyan usually seems to be playful, a bit big Miss temper, and a little bit savage wayward, but there is no denying that she is very smart.

Let's go", see you Big sis first." Mu Liang stretched out his hand, grabbed Yue Qinlan's waist and rose into the air.

He used eight times the speed and flew to the outer city quickly.

Hope "It's her." Yue Qinlan whispered softly.

ps: (3 more); ask for customization.

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