Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1172 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1172: brother-in-law, married? (1 more)

Dianes glanced at Yue Qinyi, and said calmly: "Come with me, go up to Shanhaiguan and wait for a reply.

"Okay." Yue Qinyi followed Dianes upwards, her vision gradually widened, and she saw the larger Shanhaiguan fortress.

She raised her face and stared at the three big characters of Shanhaiguan, as if she felt the bloody wind blowing on her face.

Yue Qinyi shook her body, her eyes were covered with blood, and she saw phantom shadows, which were familiar imaginary ghosts.

"What's wrong with you?" Dianes raised her hand and patted Qinyi's shoulder next month.

Yue Qinyi's body trembled, and the horror in her eyes had not dissipated.

"I saw virtual ghosts, many virtual ghosts!!" She said in surprise.

Dianes suddenly explained: "Don't keep staring at Shanhaiguan, you are easily affected by the blood evil spirit."

During the virtual ghost tide, too many virtual ghosts died in Shanhaiguan, leaving behind a thick bloody spirit. The scene of the ghost tide.

Mu Liang also discovered this situation, but failed to eliminate the blood evil on the fortress and city walls. This is a trace of Shanhaiguan’s resistance to the virtual ghost tide, which must be remembered by the world.

The horror of 15 in Yue Qinyi's eyes slowly faded, and she asked in doubt: "What is the blood of evil spirits?"

"Blood evil spirit is the Killing intent left by a large number of virtual ghosts after they die... Diane explained casually.

"It turned out to be so." Yue Qinyi nodded slowly.

She thought of something, frowning and vetoed: "No, Black Tortoise is here, how can so many ghosts die here? There are no ghosts here.

There are no virtual ghosts in the New World. The arrival of the blood moon will only make Magical Beasts violent. If there are no virtual ghosts, how can they leave blood evil here?

Dianes looked at Yue Qinyi with weird eyes, and said in a calm tone: "Because Black Tortoise came here through the sea of ​​mist after the ghost tide passed."

"What do you mean?" Yue Qinyi's head was full of question marks.

She understood every word Dianes said, but the meaning of the connection made her feel ridiculous.


Just as Dianes wanted to explain, there was a sound of wind over her head.

She looked up, Mu Liang fell from the sky with Yue Qinlan's waist.

The sunlight hit the two of them, making Dianes go away.

Yue Qinyi followed the prestige, and after seeing Yue Qinlan's face, she was also in a daze.

"My Lord of the City!! The city defense army on Shanhaiguan Pass quickly and respectfully saluted.

"My Lord of the City!!" Dianes returned to her senses and raised her hand in salute.

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded and landed lightly beside Dianes.

Yue Qinlan stared at Yue Qinyi blankly, her familiar and unfamiliar face made her feel a little confused.

Mu Liang was also beating Huangyue Qinyi, the face exactly like Yue Qinlan, but it gave a completely different feeling.

If Yueqinlan is dignified and elegant, then Yue Qinyi is cold and noble, and the two feel completely different temperaments.

"Sister?" Yue Qinlan said with a trembling voice.

She only took a look, and she was sure that the person in front of her was Big sis,

Although the two sisters have been separated for many years, the familiarity in the blood is still there.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, you are still not as tall as me." Yue Qinyi smiled, but her eyes turned red.

She was very excited, and she was overwhelmed with joy.

Yue Qinlan couldn't hold it back, tears slipped from the corner of her eyes, but there was a smile on her face: "Yes, I still can't catch up.

The two have the same appearance. Before, they could only score high ground based on their height, but it was Little Sister who always lost.

"But it's not short now." Yue Qinyi cried with joy, unable to control her emotions anymore, and her tears fell.

"Sister, I miss you very much." Yue Qinlan stretched out her hand, hugged Yue Qinyi with a full embrace, and clasped her hands tightly.

Yue Qinyi hugged Little Sister back and said in a trembling voice: "I miss you too.

She felt Little Sister's heartbeat, like a drum beating.

Yue Qinyi was a little surprised, she could feel that Little Sister was much stronger, and her strength should be equal to her, and she was also Tier 8.

Yue Qinlan raised her hand and squeezed the thin waist of Big sis, and said strangely: "Huh, why don't you think I should go back and have a look?"

"It's a long story. I have encountered many things in the past few years and I have been unable to get out of it." Yue Qinyi smiled bitterly.

Yue Qinlan grinned his teeth and said: "Well, you will throw the Yuetan tribe to me. I have been running for so many years."

Yue Qinyi said apologetically: "I'm sorry, but it should be great to be the Lord of the Moon, no one can care about you.


Yue Qinlan sneered a few times, and said with no good air: "Those Elders are stubborn and ineffective, which has caused me a lot of stumbling...

"Guess it." Yue Qinyi nodded slowly.

Seance listened to the chat between the two sisters, and opened her mouth in exclaim, "She is really the big sis of the heart...

She whispered: "It looks the same, but it's different.

"The appearance is the same, but the temperament is different." Mu Liang nodded.

Dianes sighed: "I thought she was a fake Qinlan sister, just like the Variety Witch. I didn't expect it to be her Big sis."

Be wary of "The point is always right." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Yes." Diane breathed a sigh of relief.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Don't talk here, go back to the palace.

Yue Qinlan nodded vigorously, and said with joy: "Yeah, yes, go back and talk again."

Yue Qinyi looked at Mu Liang, remembering that he appeared holding Little Sister, the relationship between the two?

Yue Qinlan perceives the gaze of Big sis's scrutiny, and quickly explained: "Sister, this is Mu Liang, the lord of Black Tortoise."

"Hello." Mu Liang stretched out his hand.

"Hello, brother-in-law." Yue 413 Qinyi glanced, and learned to reach out and hold her, feeling the temperature of each other's palms.

Her eyes trembled slightly, her warm hands: "Brother-in-law?"

Mu Liang raised his brows slightly, and there was a smile at the corners of his mouth.

Yueqin's pretty face turned red immediately, and said strangely: "Sister, what are you shouting nonsense?"

"Send, isn't it?" Yue Qinyi blinked her blue eyes.

We "have not gotten married yet." Mu Liang explained on his behalf.

"Oh, that will happen sooner or later." Yue Qinyi said suddenly.

In her opinion, Yue Qinlan was willing to be hugged by this man, proving that she liked him, otherwise she would break Mu Liang's hand early based on her understanding of Little Sister's character.

"Sister!" A blush appeared on Yue Qin's blue cheeks.

She camped.Mu Liang glanced at him and saw him with a gentle smile, remembering what he just said, now that he is not married, will he marry her in the future?

Yue Qinyi smiled and promised: "Okay, I won't say it.

She continued to look at Mu Liang, and the more she looked at it, the more she couldn't see it through.

Strength, personality, etc., all seem to be covered with a layer of mist, very mysterious.

Let's go". Mu Liang waved his hand, and gravity blessed Yue Qinlan and Yue Qinyi.

Gravity flipped, and the three of them rose into the air.

"Send to send!!" Yue Qinyi exclaimed in a low voice, but quickly controlled her posture to avoid flying upside down.

ps: (1 update): the second update for the positive code.

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