Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1173 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1173: A big city crosses the sea. (2 more)

Yue Qinyi looked at Mu Liang in surprise, and asked, "What kind of awakening ability is this?"

Gravity "Control!" Mu Liang casually explained.

"This is the first time I heard that there is this kind of awakening ability." Yue Qin was thoughtful.

Yue Qinlan opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't explain to Big Sis Mu Liang's awakening ability, she will know about it in the future.

Mu Liang smiled, and flew the two sisters across the towering city wall, entered the business district through the fog of dreams, and flew towards the inner city.


The wind was blowing, Yue Qinyi's attention fell below, and when she saw the vast outer city, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

Black Tortoise "The city is so big!!"

Seeing Black Tortoise from the sea is completely different from seeing Black Tortoise from the air. Only by seeing the whole picture can you understand the hugeness of Black Tortoise.

Mu Liang deliberately slowed down so that Yue Qinyi could see Black Tortoise city clearly.

"A lot of green plants." Yue Qinyi looked around, and green occupies 80% of her vision.

She had seen too many green plants in the New World, and she was not surprised at this time. Of course, until she saw the tree of life.

Yue Qinyi looked up, and the huge tree crown broke into her eyes without warning, filling the entire field of vision.

"Such a big tree!!" She exclaimed in a gaffe.

Yue Qinlan smiled and introduced: "This is the tree of life, the sacred tree of our Black Tortoise city."

"The tree of life, the sacred tree?" Yue Qinyi muttered to herself, the shock on her face undiminished.

The tree of life is the largest tree she has seen so far, not one of them.

She was amazed: "This is too big."

For her, the shock brought by the tree of life is no less than that of her discovery of the New World.

"It should be bigger in the future." Yue Qinlan said and looked at Mu Liang.

Of course "." Mu Liang smiled confidently.

As long as there is an evolution point, the tree of life can evolve to ten second-level, but after the rock turtle completes its evolution.

"It's strange, why have you never heard of Black Tortoise before?" Yue Qinyi asked in confusion.

Yue Qinlan explained: "It's normal. Black Tortoise was only built and developed in the past year. At that time, you had already left there and came here." "

?? "Yue Qinyi looked dumbfounded.

She raised her hand and said with a bewildered face: "Wait a minute, I said that I have never heard of Black Tortoise here!!"

"The city of Black Tortoise only arrived in the New World yesterday. It's normal that you haven't heard of it before." Yue Qinlan said as expected.

Yue Qinyi wanted to understand something, the corner of her eyes jumped, and she suspiciously said: ``Don't tell me that Black Tortoise City can be moved!!

"Guess it!" Yue Qinlan smiled like a flower, and looked at the shock and unbelief on Big Si's face, making her mood even more happy.

"This joke is not funny." Yue Qinyi twitched at the corner of her mouth.

"Mu Liang, explain?" Yue Qinlan looked at Mu Liang.

Mu Liang raised his lips and said calmly, "Little Black Tortoise, raise your head."

Ho Ho Ho~~~

The rock tortoise that received the instructions awakened, and the huge head was raised high above the surface of the water.

Yue Qinyi heard the sound and saw that the rock tortoise had brought a new shock to her spirit.

She shook her body and said in surprise: "Black Tortoise was built on the sea monster?"

Yue Qinlan corrected: "Little Black Tortoise is an ancient savage beast, not a sea beast.

"Yue Qinyi's pink lips are slightly open, the degree of surprise remains undiminished.

Imagine if someone told you that a big city crossed the sea, would you believe it?

"Go back first, sit down and talk slowly." Mu Liang said clearly.

Hmm "." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

Mu Liang speeded up and flew to the inner city with the two women until he reached the high ground.

Yue Qinyi only recovered from the shock, and at the same time thought of another question.The green plants in Black Tortoise are not from the New World, so can there be a large number of live green plants in my hometown?

She suppressed the many doubts in her heart, and looked at the palace in front of her, and the trunk of the huge tree of life that looked like a mountain peak behind her.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

Wei Youlan and the other maids walked out quickly and saluteed: "Mr Mu Liang welcomes home."

The maids looked at Yue Qinyi curiously, the surprise in their eyes couldn't hide, and they were curious about the similarity between the two sisters.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Well, prepare tea and some snacks.

"Yes." Wei Youlan and Xiao Zi obediently responded.

Yue Qinyi was dragged into the palace by Little Sister, she had too much to say.

Fox fairy came out of the side hall, and happened to see Yueqinlan and Big sis walking towards the drawing room.

Her eight foxtails were blown up and she looked at Mu Liang in amazement: "Did I just get dazzled?"

"No, that is Qinlan's Big sis." Mu Liang said with a dumb smile.

The stunned foxtail woman looks very pleasant, making people want to squeeze the stunned face.

Fox Fairy Mei's red eyes lit up, and said charmingly, "Hey, did you find her Big sis?"

"Well, it was delivered to your door." Mu Liang half-joked.

Before he went to Haiting Kingdom, Yue Qinyi appeared in Black Tortoise City, and it was correct to say that it was a home delivery.

The fox fairy rolled his coquettish eyes and looked very charming.

"I'll take a look." She said she was about to go to the living room.

Mu Liang grabbed the fox fairy by the tail, and said gently, "Don't worry, leave time for them to be alone."

A tingling sensation came from the tail of the fox fairy, and his body became soft.

She turned around and raised her hand to pat off Mu Liang's arbitrarily grasping hand, and gave him an angry look.

","Cough cough, wrong hand. "Mu Liang coughed slightly.

"Humph!" The Fox Fairy obviously didn't believe it, and Jiao hum turned around and left.

She has to go back to the business district. The pirates have not left yet, and several big deals are to be completed today.

Yesterday, the pirate followed the Fox Fairy into the Treasure Building. Not surprisingly, he saw a lot of things and successfully hollowed out the Magical Beasts spar.

Mu Liang shrugged and turned back to the study.

In the living room, Yue Qinlan and Yue Qinyi were sitting together, with a variety of snacks and fruits in front of them, as well as a pot of steaming Grade 10 Star tea.

"Let's eat something first." Yue Qinlan gestured with her hand out.

"What kind of fruit is this?" Yue Qinyi focused on the plate of lychees.

Yueqinlan introduced: "Litchi, the unique fruit of Black Tortoise.

The lychees grown in Black Tortoise were transformed by the tree of life, so it is not an exaggeration to say that they are unique.

Yue Qinyi was interested in picking up a litchi and peeling it off.

In the entrance of lychee, the unique (good) sweetness spreads to please the taste buds.

"It's delicious! Yue Qinyi exclaimed.

The delicacy of lychees is much better than those specially provided by the palace.

"Try these pastries and Star tea, the taste is also very good." Yueqinlan highly recommends.

"Okay." Yue Qinyi tasted pastries one by one, her aqua blue eyes getting brighter and brighter, and surprises continued.

"It's delicious...this one is also delicious...this one is more delicious...

Ten minutes later, the plate in front of her was half empty, and Yue Qinyi was half full.

She took a sip of the Star tea, her spirits instantly refreshed, her consciousness was unprecedentedly clear, and Mental Energy was much stronger.

"This Star tea is a good thing!!" Yue Qinyi exclaimed again.

She has forgotten how many exclaims she uttered today, only knowing that she has been in a state of excitement since she stepped on the air.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization.

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