Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1186 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1186: Arrived in the New World. (3 more)


On the great sea, three big ships marched in a zigzag shape.

On the foremost main ship, Kodola turned around and said: "Captain, it should be close to the port of Saron'er City in the Haiting Kingdom.

"Calculate the time, it's time." Miuda said hoarsely.

Da Qi yawned, stretched his waist, and sighed, "It's finally here!!

"Tell them, keep your mouth shut, and don't talk about Black Tortoise."

A trace of killing intent flashed in Miuda's eyes, and he whispered: "Whoever dares to talk nonsense, then throw it into the sea to feed Magical Beasts.

He didn't want the existence of Black Tortoise City and New World to be known to others and affect his future fortune.

"I see, I'll make arrangements." Da Qi nodded seriously, turned and walked into the cabin.

Kodola's Adam's apple moved, knowing that the captain was serious.

On the deck, the invisible Xue Ji pouted her lips silently "four four three".

She is now more courageous and has dared to stay on the deck for a long time before she has the opportunity to hear more conversations and see more things.

Xue Ji turned her head and saw land appeared in the distant horizon.

She was shocked, and her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

She was dying of boredom in the boat, she just wanted to get on the land quickly to see what the new world was like.

Miuda yelled: "Prepare to call in Hong Kong.


The adventure team members shouted excitedly and acted skillfully.

Xue Ji avoided the running adventurous team members, looking expectantly at the land that was getting closer and closer, and she could already see people walking on the shore.

At the end of the line of sight, there is a prosperous port. There are hundreds of large and small ships in the port. The largest is nearly 100 meters, and the smallest is only ten meters.

People come and go in the port, and there are all kinds of people.

"It's been a long time since I came to Sarun'er City." Miuda sighed.

"It's been two years." Kodola nodded.

Miuda curled his lips and said, "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the big buyers of the goods this time."

Kodola said with a serious face: "Yes, although the city here is very prosperous and the port is also big, there are all kinds of people. The forces are too complicated. We have to be careful."

"Huh, use you to remind me?" Miuda raised his hand and knocked the watcher's head.

"...Kodola was speechless, hung his head and walked away depressed.

Xue Ji listened to the conversation between the two and became vigilant, and decided to be more careful after going ashore.


The three big ships slowly approached the port. The crew ran, dropped anchor, and rewinded. No one was idle.

"How long will it take to stop?" At the port, the caretaker strode forward, preparing to charge the docking fee for three large ships.

Keonu is a middle-aged man who is an administrator in many ports in the city of Sayon, and is responsible for collecting the docking fees of large ships.

Wearing a uniform made of linen, he looked very grand, at least much better than those civilians.

"Stop for five days." Miuda responded loudly.

"Are these three boats all yours?" Keonu asked, pointing to the three big boats.

Miuda nodded: "Yes, it's all mine."

Keonu calculated it in his heart, and said loudly: "Three eighty-meter-long ships need 500 second-order Magical Beasts to dock for five days."

"No, my boat is fifty meters, and the price is wrong." Miuda said with a black face.

"I said it was eighty meters, that would be eighty meters." Keonu said blankly.

Miuda shouted: "You are talking about me!!"

"Hehe, I don't have one." Keonu sneered a few times.

He waved his hand and said, "Either pay 500 second-order Magical Beasts, or leave here immediately."

"You...Muda's face is gloomy and terrible.

"Captain, don't care about him." Kodola quickly persuaded.

Miuda gritted her teeth and cursed in a low voice, "Damn it, the people here are getting darker and darker, and no one is raising them."

"It has always been like this here." Kodola said helplessly.


Muda snorted coldly, took out an animal skin bag, and weighed it with his hands. There were only 480 second-order Magical Beasts crystals in it.

With his backhand, he threw the animal skin bag off the ship.

Ke'onu stretched out his hand to catch the animal skin bag, opened it and took a look inside. The hand was similarly wrapped a few times, his face was dissatisfied, but he didn't say much.

Originally, three 50-meter large ships docked for five days and only needed 300 second-order Magical Beasts spars. He earned the rest by himself, so it would be nothing to earn 20 less.

"You can only stop for five days, and you have to pay the docking fee after five days." Keonu dropped a word, turned and left, and walked to the other new ships that called at the port.

Miuda cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, don't fall into my hands,

Xue Ji saw all this in her eyes, and she couldn't help being surprised. It turned out that she had to charge for docking, and the price was not cheap.

Miuda took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and turned around and said: "Bring the samples, Kodola and I will go to Saroner City to find a buyer. The others will stay on the boat and guard the boat. Don't let your eyes open. The goods."

The port is very chaotic. Some large ships are easily spotted by thieves if they are not careful.

"Okay, the captain also pay attention to safety." Da Qi reminded.

"Yeah." Da nodded.

Kodola returned to the cabin and packed several kinds of cargo in a wooden box, including dried sweet potatoes and popcorn.

He then followed Miuda disembarked from the boat and walked across the harbor towards the city.

Xue Ji hurriedly followed, wanting to see where the two of them were going.

She maintained her invisibility, avoiding the crowds of people along the way.

The Variety Witch was dazzled, there are too many people here.

Most of them are unemployed people, and some are still scornful, obviously suffocating in their hearts.

"This is too messy." Xue Ji whispered.

She looked at Miuda and Dora who were walking in front. They were protecting the wooden box in their arms, exuding an aura that no one should get near.

She hurried to keep up. There were too many people, and she was accidentally hit by someone.

"Send a kiss, what did I hit?" The woman who fell to the ground cried out in pain.

"Hahaha... You obviously fell on your own at 2.3." The woman's companion laughed.

"No, I really hit someone. I fell down," the woman said seriously.

"No, there was no one in front of you just now." The companion said suspiciously.

"No... the woman opened her mouth, staring at her companion's unbelieving expression, knowing that it would be useless to explain it, so she closed her mouth depressed.

On the other side, the Variety Witch who was hit was also very depressed, and immediately lost Miuda and Kodola.

Xue Ji said angrily: "Damn it, just for a while, why did you lose it?"

She looked around, her heads were shaking, her eyes dazzled.

She hesitated, whether to go back to the boat and wait, or to look around.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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