Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1187 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1187: Seek medical attention. (1 more)

Ta Ta Ta~~~

"There are too many people here."

Xue Ji walked forward depressed, carefully avoiding the crowd, and moved towards the end of the street.

No matter how careful she was, she was hit several times by others, and each time she was confused by those people.

Soon after, the Variety Witch saw the gate of the city of Sayon.

Xue Ji's eyes lit up and she was confident: "They should go inside."

She strode towards the city gate, and when she got closer, she realized that the city gate of Saroner City was very short, only five meters high, and compared with Black Tortoise, it was like the difference between a small earthen wall and a high steel wall.

At the gate of the city, standing four knights holding black iron spears are maintaining the order of entering the city.

The knights wore thin black iron armor, all of the same style, which belonged to the standard knight armor.

Xue Ji stopped outside the city gate, hesitating whether to enter.

She frowned slightly, and murmured in a low voice, "I am wearing a ghost armor, I shouldn't be spotted, am I?"

The Variety Witch just hesitated for a while, and chose to enter the city to complete the task assigned by Mu Liang.

She remained invisible and walked towards the city gate 15 in the crowd.

The knight guarding the city gate did not find her and successfully entered the city.

The Variety Witch breathed a sigh of relief. After entering the city, she saw a large area of ​​ruins. Many carpenters and bricklayers were repairing houses.

"It's broken than expected." Xue Ji whispered.

She looked at her feet. The main street was paved with ordinary stones. The potholes were not very smooth, but they were much better than the dirt road.

She hesitated, then turned and walked to another street.

The other street is much smaller, only more than four meters wide. It is a pure dirt road and is even more broken.

"Well, Black Tortoise is better." Xue Ji nodded seriously.

She turned back to the main street, looked at the house under repair, and looked for Miuda and Kodola.

The Variety Witch frowned, where did they go?

Ta Ta Ta~~~

She paused and saw many people in front of her, discussing something.

"What's wrong?" Xue Ji was curious, and hurried forward.

When I got closer, I found several animal skin notices posted on the houses on the street, and the people around were discussing the contents of the notices.

The Variety Witch stepped forward and looked at the text on the notice, which was the same as that on the mainland.

"Yu Zheng seeks a doctor with a lot of money: the little girl has a strange disease, so he will pay a lot of money to seek medical treatment. If my girl can be cured, he will be rewarded with 200,000 third-order Magical Beasts." Someone read the text on the animal skin notice.

Xue Ji's eyes lit up and she calculated in her heart how much money can be exchanged for 200,000 Tier 3 Magical Beasts crystals.

Now that the Black Tortoise city is reformed, a Tier 3 Magical Beasts spar can be exchanged for 200 yuan.

"Who is Yu?" a young man asked suspiciously.

The man with the beard was astonished: "What, you don't know Yuzheng?"

"Isn't it strange?" the young man asked with his head full.

"Yuzheng, naturally the boss of Yuzheng firm." The bearded man explained angrily.

The young man stunned and said, "Yuzheng firm...Is it the Yuzheng firm of our Haiting Kingdom?"

Someone sneered: "Apart from this Yuzheng firm, is there a second firm that dares to call it this name?"

Yuzheng Trading Company, the largest trading company in the Kingdom of Haiting, deals in all aspects of people's life.

"That's right." The young man said embarrassedly.

"It turns out that Yuzheng's daughter is sick, and it seems that it is difficult to treat."

"Oh, it's a pity that I am not a pharmacist, otherwise I must try, 200,000 third-order Magical Beasts spars, this is not a small number, it will be enough for me to eat and drink for a lifetime."

"No need to try, the alchemist in the palace can't cure his daughter, so he will find someone to treat the illness with 200,000 Magical Beasts."

"Yes, it has nothing to do with us..."

The words of the people are full of sorrow and regret, and some people are even gloating and having a serious hatred of the rich.

Xue Ji blinked Meipan and heard their conversation.

"Yuzheng Trading Company... She raised her lips, Yuzheng Trading Company, Lord City Lord must be very interested.

She plans to go to Yuzheng Firm to see and join in the fun. If Yuzheng's daughter can be cured, then she will be able to have a relationship, and then slowly use Yuzheng Firm to understand the mainland.

"Go and try it." Xue Ji whispered to herself.

She remembered the address on the hide announcement and turned and left the crowd.

She must find a place to lift her invisibility first, and then go to Yuzheng Commercial Bank to visit.

As for Miuda and Kodola, since they can't find them, they won't look for them. When they go back to the boat to eavesdrop in the evening, they will always know what they did today.

Xue Ji was walking on the street, looking for an unmanned house, went in and locked the doors and windows, and then released her invisibility.

She found the robes to cover her body to cover her ghost armor.

"I shouldn't see it anymore." Xue Ji checked her body and left the house after making sure that no one could see anything unusual.

She walked on the street, looking for the location of Yuzheng Trading Company.

It's just that after searching for two hours, she still couldn't find Yuzheng Commercial Company.

"Where is it?" Xue Ji sighed depressed.

She turned her head and looked behind her. There were people coming and going on the street. Would you like someone to ask?

The Variety Witch hesitated, but decided to ask someone to ask, it's better than blindly searching.

She quickly found her target, a girl with short hair and a gray face.

The Variety Witch walked up and looked at the short-haired girl.

"Who are you?" Susu asked vigilantly.

She was so hungry in the slum, she couldn't help but ran out 443 looking for food, but walked around the street for a long time, and couldn't find a bite.

She lives in a slum, and she can barely survive before the blood moon falls.

But when the blood moon passed and the city was ravaged by Magical Beasts, her life became even more sad.

Susu stared at the Variety Witch vigilantly.

"My name is Xue Ji." Xue Ji raised her brows lightly.

"Is it something?" Susu gritted his teeth and asked.

Xue Ji asked sincerely: "Can you tell me where Yuzheng Commercial Bank is?"

"Yuzheng Commercial Co., Ltd., in the other direction, you have to walk a long way to get there." Susu followed his finger to the front and turned to leave after speaking.

Wait a minute, "Where are you talking about?" Xue Ji shouted depressedly.

"I'm not free." Susu left without looking back.

"Wait, I have something to eat." Xue Ji said again quickly.

She could see that the girl was too hungry.

Sure enough, when she heard something to eat, the girl stopped and looked at the Variety Witch hesitantly.

"I'll eat it for you, you take me to Yuzheng Firm." Xue Ji took out a piece of sweet potato from her arms and shook it.

She saw her previous self in the girl, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Really?" Susu asked suspiciously.

"Well, don't lie to you." Xue Ji nodded seriously.

ps: (1 more): the second more positive code.

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