Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1189 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1189: Like a living dead. (3 more)

Ta Ta Ta~~~

The butler walked ahead, led the way through the wooden building and into the courtyard behind the wooden building.

Xue Ji took Susu, pacing behind, her beautiful eyes looking around, alert in her heart.

The three of them walked into the yard and saw a garden full of flowers of various colors.

"It's beautiful," Susu said in surprise.

The housekeeper calmly said: "Miss likes flowers, so I planted these."

Xue Ji nodded clearly, and couldn't help but compare the garden of Black Tortoise with it, and found that the garden of Black Tortoise was still more beautiful.

She asked curiously: "What kind of illness does Miss get?"

"I don't know, no pharmacist can find out." The housekeeper shook his head solemnly.

Xue Ji's brows were tight, and no one was able to detect the symptoms, and she was suddenly unsure of her heart.

She asked again: Fei Er "What is the reason for Miss to get this disease?"

The butler shook his head again and explained: "This is not clear, maybe only Fei Er can wake up to know.

"I don't know anything, how can I treat it?" Susu whispered.

"Go and see first." Xue Ji touched the animal skin bag on her waist. It contained the good things Mu Liang gave her. It might cure Yu Feier, but she was not sure about the success rate.

The butler led the two through the yard and onto a long corridor, with the house at the end.

The butler turned around and reminded: "There have been 443 pharmacists here.

Xue Ji blinked her beautiful eyes, then?

The steward said more bluntly: "Don't conflict with them or cause riots."

"No, it depends on your ability." Xue Ji shook her head with a look of relief.

She has put down her hood now, revealing a normal face.

The face used by the Variety Witch is of course not her own, so be careful.

The butler led the two to the end of the corridor and turned into a side room, which was used by Yu Feier for medical treatment.

At this time, there were seven or eight people standing outside the room, all over 30 years old, five men and two women.

The appearance of the Variety Witch and Susu aroused their attention and scrutiny.

Although their eyes were not good, they did not act aggressively, and they had obviously been warned in advance.

Xue Ji turned a blind eye to their scrutiny and waited quietly.

"Go out, you can't cure it." A tired voice came from the room.

After a while, a tall and thin man walked out, his face was not very good, and he shook his head and left.

"Failed again." The butler sighed.

In the "Next. Room", the male voice just sounded again.

"Yes." The butler quickly responded.

He glanced at Xue Ji, then at other people, and said casually: "You go in."

The housekeeper refers to an old man with a gray beard and 70 years old.

"Okay." The old man walked into the room carrying the wooden box.

After half an hour, the hoarse male voice rang again, this time with some impatience.

"Get out." Yu Zheng said tiredly.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his daughter with closed eyes lying on the bed.

The old man packed the wooden box, looked at Yu Feier on the bed with regret, shook his head and left the room.

Fei'er, "When will you wake up?" Yuzheng stretched out his hand to touch his daughter's forehead, his tentacles were cold, not the temperature that ordinary people should have.

After the old man went out, the next pharmacist walked into the room and started testing.

Yu was watching, his eyes were getting redder, and the tiredness on his face could not be covered.

The pharmacist only checked it again, shook his head and packed his things and prepared to leave, without trying to heal.

Yu Zheng blushed and asked, "You can't help it?"

"I can't see what's wrong with Miss, so I don't dare to feed medicine randomly." The alchemist answered truthfully.

It doesn't matter if he is not well treated. If Yu Feier died by feeding the medicine indiscriminately, then the matter would be serious.

Yu Zheng's brow trembled, and he waved his hand silently.

The next pharmacist walked into the room and checked for half an hour, but he was still helpless.

Outside the room, Xue Ji watched with a heavy heart, one by one, the pharmacists walked into the room, and left with a sigh. Obviously Yu Feier could not be cured.

"It's all rubbish." The butler whispered.

Until the end, only the Variety Witch and Susu were left outside the room (bfcd). Other alchemists have tried them, but they all failed.

At this time, the sky outside was already dark.

"Go in." The butler glanced at Xue Ji, no longer hopeful in his heart.

Xue Ji didn't care, leaving Su Su stepped into the room and saw Yu Zheng with blood red eyes.

"Hello." Xue Ji nodded.

"Yeah." Yuzheng glanced at the Variety Witch and almost blurted out when she was so young, that she was rude.

Fortunately, he held it back, only raising his hand to signal his daughter on the bed.

Xue Ji looked at the girl on the big bed. She looked only 15 or 16 years old, with long pink hair, but her face was extremely pale, as if she had lost all blood.

The Variety Witch stood by the bed and checked it pretentiously, and found that Yu Feier's body temperature was abnormal, but she didn't think of any corresponding symptoms in her heart.

Xue Ji didn't hesitate anymore, took out the bag around her waist, and took out a glass box and a glass bottle.

"Your Excellency, prepare some hot water to brew the tea in the box." She handed the glass box to Yuzheng.

Yu Zheng was energetic, Xue Ji's calm expression made him see hope.

"What's this? What's the use?" He took the glass box and opened it to reveal the Star tea leaves inside.

Xue Ji said casually: "You'll know if you put a slice in your mouth."

With curiosity, Yu Zheng really twisted a piece of Star tea into his mouth.

The next moment, he felt an unprecedented clarity in his mind, and his exhaustion was swept away, as if he had been baptized once.

"Is this?" Yu Zheng said in astonishment.

"Don't waste time, go and make tea." Xue Ji said with bewilderment.

"Yes." Yuzheng didn't care about Xue Ji's tone, and hurriedly went to make tea in person.

As long as he can heal his daughter, what if he is ordered to say a few words.

Xue Ji's idea is to try Star tea first to see if Yu Feier can't be cured. If it doesn't work, then use other methods.

Soon, Yuzheng came back with the teapot and handed it to the Variety Witch.

Xue Ji helped Yu Feier up, poured a cup of emerald green tea, and slowly sent it into the girl's mouth.

After a few cups of tea entered, the girl's face was much better visible to the naked eye, but she didn't just wake up like this.

Fei Er "!!" Yuzheng's face was joyful, seeing the hope of her daughter.

Only after more than ten minutes, the daughter hadn't opened her eyes yet, which made Yuzheng's face look ugly again.

"Don't worry, there is another way." Xue Ji was also nervous.

"What way?" Yu Zheng cheered up again.

In his opinion, the woman in front of him is more reliable than all the alchemists before, at least to make his daughter's face become normal, rather than pale like a living dead.

ps: (3 more for customization.

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