Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1190 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1190: This is a very simple matter. (1 more)

Xue Ji picked up the glass bottle, which contained a few drops of emerald-like liquid.

With the hand shaking gently, a few drops of liquid flowed at the bottom of the bottle without fusion.

Xue Ji looked at the tears of the angel in the glass bottle with a look of dismay, pretending to be hesitant.

"What is this?" Yuzheng asked nervously.

"It's an extremely precious secret medicine." Xue Jiqing said coldly.

She looked at Yuzheng with a serious face: "This drop will cost five thousand third-order Magical Beasts."

"Use, as long as it can cure my daughter, give it to me, Magical Beasts spar is not a problem." Yuzheng said without hesitation.

"Okay." Xue Ji breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

With Yuzheng's words, even if Yu Feier is not cured, he will not suffer.

She opened the cork and poured out a drop of angelic tears into Yu Feier's mouth.

Yu Zheng watched nervously, his red eyes filled with hope.

The tears of the angel entered the body along the girl's throat, split into inextricably strands and flowed to the limbs, nourishing the muscles and bones.

Xue Ji nervously observed the girl's body changes.

"Is it effective?" Yuzheng asked nervously.

Xue Ji twitched the corners of her mouth, pretending to be calm and said: "Don't worry, wait a minute."

After a while, the body of the girl in the arms of the Variety Witch trembled, and Jing exhaled in pain.


Yu Feier opened his eyes sharply, opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of black blood, which wet the clothes on his chest.

"Feier!!" Yu Zheng's face changed drastically.

He hurried forward, raising his hand to push away the Variety Witch, thinking that it was because of her that made his daughter vomit blood.

Your Excellency, "Your daughter is awake." Xue Ji raised her hand to block Yu Zheng's hand, and stared at him with an unhappy expression.

Yu Zheng moved for a while, and she saw that her daughter who was vomiting black blood had opened her eyes and her face looked much better.

"Feier!!" Yu Zheng's eyes were red.

Yu Feier asked hoarsely: "Father, what's wrong with me?"

"It's fine if you wake up, it's fine if you wake up. Yuzheng said in excitement.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

The housekeeper and Susu also ran into the room when they heard the sound, and their faces were full of joy when they saw Yu Feier who was awake.

Great, "Well, Miss is awake!!" The butler said excitedly.

Susu's eyes gleamed, staring at the Variety Witch and praised softly: "Big sis is really amazing...

Yu Feier said weakly: "Father, I feel so tired, I don't have any strength."

"Master, what should I do?" Yu Zheng looked at the Variety Witch for help.

In his eyes, the Variety Witch at this time was an omnipotent master, stronger than the alchemist in the palace.

Xue Ji said calmly: "You just woke up, your body will be weaker."

She tilted her head and gestured: "Bring the Star tea and drink it for two days, and the body should be healed.

Upon hearing this, Yu Zheng turned around to serve tea and brought it to the bed in person.

Yu Feier had just regained consciousness. From the analysis of the current situation, he also understood something.

She opened her mouth and swallowed the tea her father had brought to her mouth, and suddenly felt relieved all over, and her spirits were refreshed.

"Father, I'm much better." Yu Feier said softly.

"It's great, it's finally cured." Yu Zheng regained his energy and walked upstairs to live in his daughter. He didn't dislike the dirty blood on his chest.

Xue Ji stood up calmly and stepped aside, watching her father and daughter cry with excitement, feeling quite in her heart.

"Big sis, you are amazing." Susu stretched out his hand and pulled the Variety Witch's robe.

"This is a very simple thing." Xue Ji raised her chin proudly.

In fact, she was a little guilty. If it weren't for the angel tears Mu Liang gave her, it would be impossible to cure Fei Eryu.

Yuzheng called the maids and asked them to draw the curtains for their daughters to help clean up and change their dirty clothes.

Standing in front of the curtain, Yu Zheng asked sincerely to the Variety Witch: "What do you call your Excellency?"

Xue Ji said coldly: "Xue Ji."

"Xue Ji, good name... Yuzheng praised.

Variety Witch smiled, knowing that Yu is pulling in the relationship.

Yu Zheng looked back at the housekeeper and said, "Ahuang, go and prepare the reward.

"Yes!" Ah Huang nodded and hurriedly left the room.

"Master Xue Ji, do you still have Star Tea?" Yu Zheng stretched out his hand to signal, and asked the Variety Witch to sit down.

Xue Ji touched the animal skin bag and said calmly, "There are only two catties left.

"Can you sell it to me?" Yu Zheng asked quickly.

He knows that Star tea is a good thing, and he wants his daughter to heal as soon as possible, so he naturally needs more Star tea.

"This... Xue Ji's face was embarrassed.

She spoke earnestly: "Your Excellency, Star tea is very precious, and I only have the last two catties, this...

She didn't finish her words, but let Yu Zheng understand what it meant.

Yu Zheng waved a big hand, and said with a big deal of wealth: "Five thousand Tier 3 Magical Beasts are sold to me for one catty, how about two catties?"

Xue Ji's heart trembled. The price was much higher than her psychological expectations.

...For flowers...

She pretended to be hesitant on the surface, and finally put on a reluctant expression of love, nodded and said: "Okay, I hope Fei Er Miss can recover as soon as possible."

"Thank you so much." Yu Zhengchang breathed a sigh of relief, with a little more joy on his face.

He rolled his eyes and asked, "Master Xue Ji, can I also sell the remaining secret medicine?"

Xue Ji narrowed her eyes slightly, and stared at Yu Zheng vigilantly, knowing that he was talking about angel tears.

"No, I will use the rest for myself." She shook her head and simply refused.

"That's it... Yuzheng's face is full of regrets.

He unwillingly asked: "Master, where can I buy these secret medicines?"

"Black Tortoise City." Xue Ji said calmly.

Yuzheng asked curiously: "Where is Black Tortoise City?"

"You'll know from now on, soon." Xue Ji raised her lips, revealing a mysterious smile.

She has received the news from the Resonator that Black Tortoise is approaching the Sea Kingdom and will arrive in a few days.

"What do you mean?" Yu Zheng frowned slightly.

Xue Ji said crisply: "It means literally."

Before Yu Zheng asked, the butler Ahuang had already returned, followed by a few attendants, and put down a few boxes.

"My lord, the two hundred thousand third-order Magical Beasts are here." Huang Shu respectfully said.

"To Master Xue Ji." Yu Zheng motioned.

Xue Ji stepped back and said calmly: "No, these Magical Beasts spars will be placed here for the time being, and my city lord will send someone to get them in the future.

It is impossible for her to leave with so many Magical Beasts spar. It is better to put it in Yuzheng Commercial Co., Ltd., and wait until Black Tortoise City arrives in Haiting Kingdom, and then let Mu Liang send someone to pick it up.

The Variety Witch never thought of leaving these Magical Beasts spars, so it would be better to give Mu Liang a high-grade magic weapon suitable for her own.

Yuzheng frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xue Ji smiled and asked, "Your Excellency is very interested in Star Tea, right?"

"Indeed, this is not ordinary tea?" Yu Zheng's eyes lit up.

Xue Ji smiled slightly: "If your Excellency is interested, you can go to Black Tortoise City to discuss the Star Tea transaction in the future."

"Good." Yuzheng agreed.

He was curious about the city of Black Tortoise in his heart. In the Kingdom of Haiding, there is no city called Black Tortoise.

ps: [1 more]: the second more positive code. again,

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