Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1217 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1217: I'm not afraid of embarrassment anymore. (1 more)

The fox fairy blinked Mei's red eyes and asked curiously, "Is there anything special about sitting in the floating kingdom tea?"

Fu Lingna smiled and said gently, "Of course, this tea is very rare. Only one hundred catties are produced a year, and only 30 catties are traded abroad."

Mette took the words: "Lan Floating Tea has a soft mouth and a hint of sweetness. It is an excellent tea.

"Then I want to taste it." Fox fairy smiled gracefully.

She smelled the tea first, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and it smelled quite fragrant, but she didn't know what it would taste like.

She opened her red lips slightly. After taking a mouthful of hot tea, the tea tasted astringent, and there was a clear bitterness. After the bitterness, there was very little sweetness.

The fox fairy moved his throat and swallowed the tea.

Mu Liang glanced sideways at the foxtail woman, with a smile in his eyes.

The corner of the Fox Fairy's lips curled up and said gracefully: "Queen, if you have the opportunity to taste our Star tea from Black Tortoise, it tastes good."

Baishuang's delicate eyes shone, and she said crisply: "Mother, I have drunk Star tea, it's delicious.

The king thoughtfully said: "Star tea, there seems to be Star tea in the gift from the lord of the city during the day."

"Yes." Mu Liang nodded.

He raised his hand and flipped it, took out 15 wooden boxes from the portable space, and motioned: "Yao Er, make tea, let the king and queen taste Star tea."

"Yes." Yao Er obediently responded.

She reached out to take the wooden box, opened it and took out a set of tea sets and a can of Star tea.

The king and queen looked at each other, did not refuse, and wanted to taste the tea praised by their daughter.

Yao'er was very skilled in making tea. It only took a few minutes to make the steaming Star tea.

"Please have tea." Mu Liang gestured with his hand up.

Yao'er and Yunsuo put hot tea in front of the king and others.

The king picked up the teacup and smelled the tea refreshing. He was surprised and knew that it was good tea.

Fu Lingna took a mouthful of hot tea, the tea tasted slightly astringent and then turned into sweetness, a freshness rushed to her forehead, making her refreshed.

"Delicious!!!" She exclaimed, feeling a lot more comfortable all over.

Mate and Kempins also exclaimed. After drinking Star tea, their strength seemed to improve.

"This tea is comparable to a potion!" Mette exclaimed.

Fu Lingna moved her throat and her expression was a little embarrassed. She was still exaggerating about the tea of ​​the kingdom just now, but she didn't expect to be slapped now.

Mu Liang took a mouthful of hot tea to dilute the smell of wine in his mouth, and said gently, "Star tea is a specialty of our Black Tortoise city. Drinking it often can prolong your life."

The king coughed slightly, and praised without hesitation: "Good tea, this Star tea is good tea.

Fu Lingna smiled, but her feet under the table slammed on the back of the king's instep.

"Heh... the corners of the king's mouth twitched, and he took a breath.

Bai Shuang asked concerned: "Father, what's the matter?"

"No, it's okay." The king twitched his mouth and smiled awkwardly.

The fox fairy drank three cups of Star tea in a row before the peculiar smell in his mouth disappeared.

After tasting the tea and wine at the overnight banquet, she wondered if she would increase the price of Star tea and wine a little bit when she went back.

Kempins asked, "My Lord, how do you sell this Star tea?"

Mu Liang smiled and said: "There are five grades of Star tea we trade externally, from grade five to ten. What you just drank was grade ten Star tea, which sells for 100,000 Black Tortoise coins per catty."

"One hundred thousand Black Tortoise coins?" Kempins looked blank.

Baishuang said crisply: "One hundred thousand Black Tortoise coins can be exchanged for a Tier 7 Magical Beasts spar."

She lived in Black Tortoise for a month and knew the exchange rate of Magical Beasts and Black Tortoise coins.

So expensive "!!" Kempins' eyes trembled slightly.

The fox fairy crossed his legs and smiled and said, "This is not expensive. Your Excellency has also drunk Star tea, knowing that it is good."

"This... Kempins smiled brilliantly.

The Fox Fairy smiled confidently: "The number of Star Tea grade ten produced each year is limited, and many people will rush to ask for it at this price."

Kempins hesitated, raised his eyes and said, "I want ten catties.

"I want ten catties, too." Mette said quickly.

Okay "." The Fox Fairy nodded and wrote it down.

The king opened his mouth, raised his foot and gently touched his wife, wanting her to open his mouth and buy some Star tea.

Fu Lingna was still a little embarrassed at this time, ignoring the king's gesture.

"...The king is depressed.

He brazenly said: "Your Excellency City Lord, help me prepare fifty catties, and I will ask someone to take Magical Beasts to fetch it.

If you feel awkward, you won’t be afraid of embarrassment.

"Okay." Mu Liang nodded calmly.

The fox fairy said with a light tone: "Your Majesty can buy more. After all, it is a good thing. It will not be broken after a few years, and it will not be lost as a gift."

"That's right, it will cost a hundred catties." The king nodded in agreement.

Mu Liang is in a happy mood, and his evolutionary point is going to rise again, but this is far from enough.

The banquet was going on, and some dancers walked into the banquet hall and began to dance in the open space.

Liyue and Fox Fairy watched for a while, and soon lost interest.

The same is true for Mu Liang. In his opinion, these dancers are just waving their arms and waists. Strictly speaking, they are not dances, but they are like god-tier dancers in their hometown on the earth.

Fu Lingna said gratefully: "Your Excellency, thank you for sending Shuang'er back.

"You are polite." Mu Liang smiled.

He sat up straight and cut into the subject: "This time, I mainly want to establish a long-term trade relationship with the Hai Ting Kingdom."

"This... the king's eyes flickered, and he stopped talking.

Mu Liang raised his hand and motioned: "Your Majesty has something to say straight."

The king sighed, and 507 shook his head and said: "You should not know that the commerce of Haiting Palace is almost in the hands of Yuzheng Commercial Firm, and the royal family is rarely involved."

"Yuzheng Commercial Firm?" Mu Liang frowned.

"Yes." The king looked embarrassed.

The fox fairy asked in surprise, "Isn't the king going to be involved in business?"

The king shook his head and said calmly: "No plan, this is not where the royal family is good, and Yuzheng Commercial Bank pays a lot of taxes every year.

Mu Liang and Fox Fairy looked at each other and knew that they had found the wrong person this time, and they should find the right person from Yuzheng Commercial Firm.

The Fox Fairy asked seriously, "Your Majesty, if Black Tortoise wants to start a business in the Kingdom of Haiting, do you have to pay taxes?"

"Yes." The king nodded.

"Understood." Fox fairy nodded slowly.

She tilted her head and motioned: "I brought some goods today. Your Majesty should be interested. You can take a look.

The little maid stepped forward and opened the wooden box she had brought to reveal the goods inside.

Yunting took out the goods one by one and put them on the desktop.

The first item is a pair of rubber-soled animal leather shoes.

The second item is a box of wine, there are six bottles in total, including white wine, fruit wine, and wheat wine.

The third item is fabric and ready-to-wear...

ps: [1 more]: the second more positive code.

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