Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1218 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1218: It seems that the word is poor. (2 more)

Mette looked at the merchandise on the table and picked it up curiously.

"These are shoes?" He squeezed the rubber-soled boots and looked at the fox in surprise.

"Yes, you can try it." The Fox Fairy stretched out his hand and motioned.

"Okay." Mette sat down and took off the wooden animal leather shoes on his feet.

The fox fairy looked at the feet of the second prince, without socks, and an unpleasant smell floated.

Mu Liang's nose moved, and he complained inwardly. The second prince's feet smelled out of the sky.

However, the second prince didn't even know it, so he picked up the rubber-soled shoes and put them on his feet.

He slipped in with ease, tensed the rope and tied the knot, got up and walked a few steps.

"Send, comfortable shoes, the soles are very soft." Mette's eyes lit up, and his mouth was amazed.

Rubber is very soft, and it is naturally more comfortable to wear than shoes made of animal skins, wood, and animal bones.

Kempins looked suspicious: "Is it so comfortable?"

Mette praised: "Really, the first time I wore such comfortable shoes, I didn't grind my feet at all.

Fox fairy introduced: "These are rubber shoes, they are durable and soft, so they won't grind their feet naturally."

"Let me try it on." Kempins urged eagerly.

Mette waved his hand and said, "You wear another one."

When the prince turned his head, the other rubber shoe had already been tried on by the king, and he was also impressed.

The king asked with fiery eyes: "How do you trade these rubber shoes?"

"A pair of five second-order Magical Beasts spars." The fox fairy smiled.

"We need a thousand pairs first," the king said decisively.

"Okay." The Fox Fairy looked calm and took out a notepad to write down.

Selling only a thousand pairs of rubber shoes will bring too little profit, so we should cooperate with Yuzheng Commercial Bank.

"I like this material, it feels so comfortable." Fu Lingna touched the garment that the little maid brought out, marveling at the silk cloth.

The Fox Fairy said gracefully: "This is silk, an extremely rare cloth.

"How to sell?" Fu Lingna asked.

The fox fairy gleamed, and said: "Silk cloth is a treasure, and the annual output is poor. The price of one meter of cloth is fifty second-order Magical Beasts crystal stones."

"More than a meter long?" Fu Lingna blinked her beautiful eyes.

The fox fairy picked up the piece of silk, pulled out a length of one meter, and motioned: "It's so long."

Fu Lingna opened her red lips slightly, and said in astonishment: "So short!"

"Good things are naturally worth the price, and the quantity is small, so you have to wait a long time when they are sold out." The Fox Fairy said, picking up a silk dress and showing its gorgeousness.

"It's really good-looking." Fu Lingna's beautiful eyes were shining, and she couldn't look away.

The fox fairy was talking about the words Mu Liang taught her: "This is a high-end garment, a set of 1,000 yuan, which is a fourth-order Magical Beasts spar."

"I want it." Fu Lingna waved her hand to get the Magical Beasts spar without saying a word.

The corner of the Fox Fairy's lips raised: "This is just a sample dress. There are still many ready-to-wear garments in Black Tortoise. You can check it out if you are interested."

"Okay, I'll go tomorrow." Fu Lingna agreed.

She ordered a few more silk cloths and took out a large amount of Magical Beasts spar.

The king was not interested in the clothes, and his attention fell on the box of wine.

He looked at Mu Liang and asked curiously, "My Lord, what is this?"

Mu Liang asked in a clear voice, "This is the wine from Black Tortoise City, taste it?"

"Your Majesty, the wine in Black Tortoise is very good." Yue Qinyi praised.

The king raised his brows and smiled: "The wine that can be praised by the Great Mage Yueyi, then I have to taste it.

Upon hearing the words, Yao Er quickly opened the wine box, took out a bottle of wine, and then took out the Liuli wine glass, bringing out the different wines in a small glass.

"This wine smells so delicious~~~" the king said in surprise.

He picked up the wheat wine and looked at the pale yellow wine. There was no Impurities in it, and the quality was obviously not low.

The king took a sip of wine, and the aroma of wheat bloomed in his mouth, followed by a strong aroma of wine.

"Good wine!!" The king opened his nostrils slightly and his body shook slightly.

Kempins's face was suspicious: "It's better than the wine at the night banquet?

"Well, very good." The king seemed to be poor in words and would only nod in praise.

Kempins picked up the bottle curiously, looked up and poured a sip of wheat wine in his mouth.


When he stared in surprise, the whole bottle of wheat wine hit the bottom.

"It's delicious." Kempins belched his drink unconsciously.

"Taste fruit wine and white wine." Mu Liang gestured.

"Good." The king replied, blushing.

He tasted fruit wine and white wine in turn, his eyes brightened, as if he had discovered a rare treasure, and his mouth was admired again and again.

"It's delicious, good wine, white wine is the best drink, strong enough,

The same is true for Kempins. After a few glasses of wine, his face is already very red.

The king stretched out his hand and said: "My lord, I want to buy wine. These wines will cost a thousand bottles, and every month from now on, I will have a thousand bottles.

"Yes." Mu Liang smiled and nodded.

Although the price of liquor is high, the royal family does not seem to lack the appearance of magic stone spar. It is not a big deal to buy several thousand bottles of wine every month.

Yue Qinyi glanced at the king, and hesitated to remind him that the prices of white wine and fruit wine are not ordinary.

However, the king was immersed in the joy of enjoying the wine at this time, and completely forgot about the price.

Yue Qinyi looked at the queen, she also smiled, and she couldn't put it down to study silk cloth.

She looked at the princess again, while Baishuang kept looking at Mu Liang, rarely looking away.

The night slowly got deeper, and the banquet ended in laughter and laughter.

Mu Liang stood up and said gently: "It's getting late, we should go back.

"Okay, welcome to come again next time." The king stood up drunk and patted Mu Liang on the shoulder like a brother.

Liyue stepped forward and almost couldn't hold back her shot.

Mu Liang raised his eyes and motioned, and then the silver-haired girl stopped the movement of her hands.

"The goods will be ready tomorrow." The fox fairy took Fu Lingna's hand and said.

Fu Lingna smiled and nodded and said: "Okay, I will personally take someone to pick it up tomorrow."

Liyue looked at the two women in surprise. They were like sisters who didn't speak anything at all. How did this happen?

During the farewell of the king and queen, Mu Liang and others left the banquet hall.

"Mu Liang, I will often go to Black Tortoise City." Bai Shuang waved his hand and shouted.

"Welcome anytime (Li's Zhao)." Mu Liang turned around and said warmly.

Bai Shuang's eyes turned red slightly, and she felt a little reluctant in her heart. She gave birth to a thought that "Mu Liang can stay forever".

She watched Mu Liang got into the car and was pulled out of the palace by the moon wolf.

After Mu Liang and others left, Wang Yan became quiet and old again.

The drunk king became energetic, not at all drunk.

He patted his daughter's head and said softly, "Hoarfrost, it's getting late, go back and rest."

"Okay." Hoarfrost was depressed and walked obediently to the apse where she lived.

"Father, what do you think about Mu Liang?" Mette asked softly.

The king said solemnly: "This person can't provoke him, I can't see his strength, he may really be a holy order."

"Father, I will go to Black Tortoise to investigate tomorrow." Kempins whispered.

"Well, pay attention to safety." The king nodded slowly.


ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization.

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