Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1225 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1225: Facing the gods. (3 more)

"Yes." Liyue's silver-white eyes flashed with cold light, and her body rushed forward.

He Fatty's face changed, and he didn't expect that he would let the other party take action with a few words.

"What are you going to do?" he exclaimed in anger.

Without changing the color of Liyue's face, she overtook the Fatty River in three or two steps, and fell directly to the ground with one foot.

He Fatty screamed: "Ah, it's murdered~~~"

The onlookers shrank their necks, but no one opened their mouths to plead for the river Fatty, as if they were used to the scene before them.

Liyue lifted her foot and stepped on it. With two babbles, the girl easily stepped on Fatty's hands.


He Fatty screamed again and again, his face instantly turned pale, and he screamed: "Damn it, get out, my hand...

Liyue kept moving, grabbing a handful of sand and stuffing it into Fatty's mouth, and kicking him on the side of the face, causing his chin to crack and whiten, and the screams became sobbing.

Su hid back for a while, clutching Xue Ji's sleeves tightly with his little hands.

Xue Ji comforted and said: "It's okay, sir Mu Liang will help you teach him."

"What are you doing?" An angry voice sounded, and the knight commander came with the knights.

He was worried that he could not find a reason to attack the people in Black Tortoise City. He didn't expect Mu Liang to give a reason so quickly.

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang turned his head and stared at the knight commander coldly.

The knight’s pupils contracted and he found that he could not see through. Mu Liang looked like an ordinary person on the surface, but the air pressure from his body made him a little bit offended.

The knight commander snorted coldly and said awe-inspiringly: "Your Excellency bullies the people here in the slums, I naturally want to take care of them.

Mu Liang said calmly: "This person has bullied my maid, I will teach it for you."

"This is not a reason." The knight commander said coldly.

Mu Liang raised his brows and asked indifferently: "If you are so opposed, is he yours? You told him to bully me?"

The knight commander twitched, and said in a cold tone, "No, you don't slander me.

"Since it's not, why did you stop me from teaching him?" Mu Liang asked again.

"You can teach with words, but you can't do it!" The knight commander said solemnly.

Xue Ji sneered and said, "Then if I let people get your clothes, how about you teach me words?"

She couldn't bear the attitude of the knight commander, she was obviously looking for trouble.

During the period of time that Variety Witch stayed in Saroner City, she had seen more than 20 bloodshed in fights and killed several times, but none of them received the punishment they deserved.

"Do you dare?" The knight commander said with a black face.

"What can't you dare?" Xue Ji said proudly.

Mu Liang raised his foot and stepped forward, silently, the mud under the river Fatty softened, his body sank suddenly, the ground became rigid in an instant, and the person disappeared.

Liyue retracted her foot silently, knowing that He Fatty would not survive.

The knight's pupils contracted, and he was taken aback by Mu Liang's operation. Without seeing how he did it, he performed earth magic.

"You killed him in front of me?" the knight commander said angrily.

"Get off." Mu Liang's eyes narrowed slightly, his aura spread out, and he pressed towards the knight commander and all the knights.


The space seemed to freeze, and the air stagnated.

The knight commander snorted, and kneeled on the ground together with the triangle beast, as if he was crushing a huge mountain.

With a muffled hum, the knights fell to the ground, and some of them vomited blood and languished.

The triangle beast screamed and fainted directly.

The knight commander regretted in his heart, and his whole body was extremely painful. Looking at Mu Liang, his eyes were full of horror, as if he was facing a god with no ability to resist.

"Before you come to trouble me, you must at least find out clearly, otherwise you don't know how to die." Mu Liang looked down at the knight commander.

"The knight commander opened his mouth, unable to say a word, and his head was filled with anger and horror.

"Master Mu Liang~~~

An excited voice came from a distance, and Hoarfrost probed out of the animal cart.

She heard that Mu Liang had come to Salun'er City again, and quickly took her second brother to find Mu Liang.

Mette also probed out of the carriage, and was shocked when he saw the knights who had fallen to the ground.

Baishuang got off the car and asked in surprise, "Huh? Why is the knight commander here, what is it doing on the ground?"

"Why are you here?" Mu Liang answered the question.

Bai Shuang smiled like a flower and said: "I'm here to see you, see if I can help me."

Intentional "it." Mu Liang smiled.

Mette looked at the knights in the same place, his pupils dilated, Mu Liang's strength was really strong, so that the ninth-tier knight commander could be submissive.

He asked with a serious face: "Your Lord, I don't know how the Knights have offended you?

"He is going to bully our Lord City Lord." Xue Ji said lightly.

-Ask for flowers...

"Mate's mouth twitched. No matter how you look at the situation, it's not that the Knights are bullying Mu Liang.

"Ahem... The knight commander sprayed blood and glared at the Variety Witch, his eyes as if he was about to strip her alive.

"Look, there are so many eyes." Xue Ji curled her lips and said.

The knight commander almost missed a bit of old blood and fainted.

Well, pretend to be.

Mette bit his scalp and asked, "Your Excellency City Lord, can you look at my face and let them go?"

Mu Liang glanced at him, his eyes calm.

Mette's heart tightened, with a wry smile on his face.

"Yes." Mu Liang's eyes were slightly wide.

The next moment, the aura that enveloped the knights disappeared, and the knights breathed greedily, but their faces were still pale and bloodless.

Xue Ji waved her hand and said generously: "You guys, don't bully people anymore, go back quickly."

The knight commander couldn't hold back anymore, he spouted a big mouthful of blood again, and his breath completely wilted.

"You, you.... The knight commander opened his mouth and was so angry that he didn't pretend to be dizzy.

"Something?" Mu Liang raised his eyes and looked at the knight commander calmly.

The knight commander opened his mouth and closed it with the fire, otherwise he would definitely have another beating.

"Knight commander, go back," Mett persuaded.

"Huh, good, you are good." The knight commander pointed at the princess and the second prince, his body trembling in anger.

He lifted his foot and kicked the sleeping triangle beast to wake it up.

"Go back." The knight commander said angrily.

The knights were embarrassed, awakened their mounts, pulled or rode out of the slum.

Bai Shuang couldn't help but curiosity, and asked crisply: "Mu Liang, what's the matter?"

"I'll talk to you." Liyue said softly.

"Okay. Hoarfrost" looked at the silver-haired girl.

Riyueyan explained the matter briefly and concisely, emphatically describing the process of the knight commander being unreasonable and "bad words facing each other".

"This is too shameful, you are the guests, how can the knight commander do this?" Bai Shuang said angrily.

Mette wanted to say something but stopped, but in the end he smiled bitterly and said nothing, only knowing that the person in front of him could not provoke him.

ps: (3 more); ask for customization. ten thousand.

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