Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1226 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1226: Food is the best publicity. (1 more)

Bai Shuang asked curiously: "Mu Liang, what are you doing in the slum?"

Mette also looked curiously at Mu Liang, everyone in Mu Liang, the slums are very chaotic, can't you come here to hunt for Yan?

"I'm here to recruit people." Mu Liang answered truthfully.

"Recruiting people?" Mette and Hoarfrost were stunned at the same time.

Mette frowned slightly, and asked in surprise: "Who is the Lord of the City recruiting?"

"Recruit some city citizens." Mu Liang said frankly.

"Um...Meter was shocked, this is the first time I heard about the idea of ​​recruiting city residents.

Mu Liang said calmly: "People in the slum, you don't care about it in the weekdays, not Tathagata or Black Tortoise."

"...Also." Mette nodded slowly.

The reason why the slums are so chaotic has something to do with the indifference of Saroner City.

Baishuang's beautiful eyes lit up when she heard this, and said sincerely: "Do you really need my help?"

"No need." Mu "Six Nine Seven" Liang smiled.

Baishuang said with a serious face: "Well, if you need my help, just say, you're welcome."

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled.

He looked at Susu and asked, "Susu, how many people do you know in the slums?"

"I only know people who live nearby, I don't know the others." Susu said weakly.

Mu Liang thought for a while, and said warmly: "Go tell them that I have food here and distribute it to them for free.

What is the best publicity? Of course it is food.

"Good." Susu nodded obediently, and walked towards the nearby house.

More than ten minutes later, the girl came with more than a dozen men, women and children, all of them with suspiciousness and curiosity on their faces.

"Susu, is there really free food?" an old woman asked suspiciously.

Susu turned around and said helplessly: "Grandma Hu, when did I lie to you?"

"That's right." Grandma Hu smiled kindly.

She saw Mu Liang and others, and after seeing what they were wearing, she suddenly became cautious.

Grandma Hu turned her head and asked with a serious face: "Susu, these people are not easy to provoke, you won't be deceived, will you?"

"Grandma Hu, sir Mu Liang is a good person. He took me in and gave me food and clothes." Su Su Nai explained heartily.

"But why should they treat you so nicely?" Grandma Hu still doubted.

Susu said in a crisp voice: "Because sama Mu Liang and Xue Ji Big sis are good people."

"You, you are too naive and easy to be deceived." Grandma Hu sighed.

"No, don't worry about Grandma Hu." Su Su Qiao blushed.

She took Grandma Hu by the hand and came to Mu Liang respectfully and said: "Master Mu Liang, this is Grandma Hu. She has lived here for the longest time and is respected by everyone."

"Hello." Mu Liang said calmly.

Grandma Hu respectfully said: "Hello, Susu has troubled the lord to take care of it."

Mu Liang nodded slightly, and gestured to Liyue with his head sideways.

Li Yueyi would turn around and lead the city defense army to open the two cars behind and take out a box of food.

The people who followed Susu looked curiously. Some people smelled the scent and couldn't help swallowing saliva.

"It smells so good, it should be delicious." A child in his early ten could not help swallowing saliva.

"Don't talk nonsense." The child's mother reached out her hand to cover her mouth.

Mu Liang said warmly: "Divide the food.

"Good." The city defense army replied respectfully.

They opened the wooden box to reveal the rice balls inside, each of which was the size of a fist.

There are many pieces of meat in the rice ball, as well as chopped pickles, which looks delicious.

Li Yueqing said coldly: "One person, one by one, line up to get it."

Grandma Hu hesitated, and was the first to pick up the rice ball, planning to be the first to test the poison.

She took a bite of the rice ball and said in astonishment: "What is this for? It's so delicious!!

"I'll try it." The boy took a rice ball, took a bite and exclaimed in exclamation, then gobbled it up, as if he had been hungry for several years.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious, it's the first time to eat such a delicious thing!!

"Oh, it's so delicious.

The people in the slum gorged themselves, some even choked.

"Beautiful Big sis, what is this?" the girl with a gray face asked.

Riyue smiled and said, "This is a rice ball, some of the ingredients in it are unique to Black Tortoise."

The seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy excitedly said: "Black Tortoise, I know, I heard that it is the huge magical beasts outside the port!"

"Yes, we are from Black Tortoise City." Xue Ji nodded.

Black Tortoise "City?" Some people were puzzled and didn't know what was happening outside the port.

The boy explained excitedly: "It's like this, outside the port...

Everyone listened, when they heard that Black Tortoise was built on the huge sea Magical Beasts, they all exclaimed.

Riyue explained: "We are here this time to let you go to Black Tortoise City Life. There will be jobs for you. As long as you work, you will have food and a house to live...

"Let's go to Black Tortoise Life City. As long as we work, we have food and a house?" Everyone looked at each other, their faces full of suspiciousness.

"Yes." Liyue nodded.

"You lied to us, the boy whispered.

"What lie to you?" Mu Liang asked quietly.

"Cheat to us... The teenager opened his mouth and found that he really had nothing to be deceived.

Another teenager said solemnly: "You want to trick us into becoming slaves."

"No need, you are so thin and can't sell for a good price." Mu Liang shook his head, his tone calm and realistic.

"Damn it." The young man looked at his thin arms and legs, unable to refute, his heart was full of disappointment.

"What Mr. Mu Liang said is true." Bai Shuang said suddenly.

"This, this is your Royal Highness!!" Grandma Hu said in amazement, and she trembling quickly, she was about to kneel and salute.

"It's the princess and the second prince."

The people in the slum discovered that Hoarfrost and Met in the crowd wanted to kneel and salute.

"No need to salute." Hoarshuang said quickly.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness." Grandma Hu became more cautious.

Hoarfrost said seriously: "I've been to Black Tortoise City. It's very good there. Life will be better if you go there than here."

As a princess, Bai Shuang's words are ascending in a straight line.

Grandma Hu looked at Mu Liang and asked cautiously: "My lord, can we go take a look first?"

3.6 Mu Liang said calmly: "Of course, you can select some people and follow us to visit Black Tortoise City, and then decide whether to go or not.

"I'm going." The teenagers raised their hands.

"Come with me if you want to go." Liyue raised her hand.

In a short while, twenty people went to the silver-haired girl to sign up.

Mu Liang looked at the Variety Witch and said: "Xue Ji, you take a few people to stay, distribute the rest of the rice balls, and continue to promote Black Tortoise."

"Yes." Xue Ji nodded respectfully.

Mu Liang turned his head and said, "Let's go to the slave market.

"Yes." Liyue nodded, and followed Mu Liang to the carriage.

Bai Shuang asked in surprise: "Send, Mu Liang wants to buy a slave?"

"Well, go take a look first." Mu Liang nodded.

ps: [1 more]: the second more positive code.

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