Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1245 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1245: New laws. (3 more)

Yueqinlan looks at Mu Liang. "How does this count?"

"It's a tie." Mu Liang said in surprise.

He didn't expect the elf girl to be so strong, but Liyue was not weak either.

"Then how do we count our bet?" Sallefin blinked his emerald eyes.

Mu Liang said crisply: "The bet is about you winning, and you can leave anytime you want.

"But I don't want to leave, I want to stay in Black Tortoise." Salofin said charmingly.

"Why?" Yue Qinlan asked in surprise.

"It's safe here. I can't hide my life, and I can fly freely." Sallefin said, shaking his wings, and his body rose from the ground.

She is like a light butterfly, flying freely in the air.

"Yes, but you have to support yourself on your own." Mu Liang said calmly.

"What can I do?" Sallefin fell back to the ground, blinked and looked at Mu Liang.

Mu Liang whispered, "Go find a job, or become a soldier, or go to the air force.

"What is the air force?" Salophan asked curiously again.

Mu Liang thought for a while and explained: "You can understand it as a flying knight."

"It seems very powerful!" Salofin's eyes lit up.

Yutian's mouth wide open, a flying knight? Dragon knight?

Mu Liang said calmly: "If you are interested, I will let Yan take you to the air force base tomorrow."

"Good." Sallefin nodded vigorously.

"Well, it's getting late, so let's go rest. If you have anything to do, we will talk about it tomorrow.

Mu Liang waved his sleeves and turned back to the palace.

He is still busy, and he is destined to not sleep tonight.

"Come with me, I will arrange where you live." Yan Bing said coldly.

"Yes." Yutian and others hurriedly followed.

Mu Liang returned to the study, and Yue Qinlan followed.

"Aren't you ready to rest?" Yue Qinlan came behind him and gently pinched his shoulder.

"No, you go to sleep first." Mu Liang said gently.

He reached out and opened the document in front of him, and it was half of the anti-discrimination law.

"Isn't it finished yet?" Yue Qinlan glanced at it.

Mu Liang patted the back of Yueqinlan's hand and said softly, "Well, some regulations need to be revised.

A lot of things have happened in Black Tortoise recently, which made him understand that there are still many imperfections in the laws and regulations of Black Tortoise, which need to be further revised.

"I'm going to help you make a cup of tea." Yue Qinlan put down her hand and left the study with an elegant gait.

Mu Liang picked up the pen and continued to improve the anti-discrimination law.

When Yue Qinlan came back, he had already written half a page, and the pen in his hand had not stopped.

She put down the hot tea, watched it for a while, and left. She had to prepare well, and she would go to the bureau to work tomorrow.

Today, Bouvier brought people from the slums to visit Black Tortoise. Tomorrow, there will be many people from the slums coming to Black Tortoise. There will be a lot of work.

Mu Liang kept the pen in his hand, writing a full seventeen or eight pages before stopping.

With the previous life as a reference, plus the market quotations of this life, the manuscript is considered complete, and will be repaired and added every year in the future.

The current anti-discrimination law can be regarded as a kind of protection, but it may become a kind of discrimination in the future.

The society is progressing, and some old laws need to be improved.

At this time, it was three o'clock in the night.

Mu Liang read the anti-discrimination law from beginning to end, and felt that there was nothing to add before putting it down.

He decided to let Liyue and the others see tomorrow, and the anti-discrimination law will be promulgated when there are no problems.

"You have to let the printing workshop prepare in advance." Mu Liang whispered to himself.

He stood up and stretched, with a flash of inspiration, and suddenly wanted to visit the palace in the city of Salon.

It seems that "I'm going to revisit the old craftsmanship." The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose.

At this time, if you go to the palace and read a book, no one should find it.

He picked up the pen, wrote a message note, and then left the palace and flew out of the city.

Under the night sky, Mu Liang's body disappeared.

From a distance, he saw a lot of light in the direction of the palace, which was the brightest place in the city of Saroner.

Mu Liang did not slow down, and went straight to Salun'er City.

He remained invisible, and walked towards the main hall after landing, unobstructed along the way.

In front of the palace, the knight guards did not find him.

Mu Liang paused, where is the book collection in the palace?

He hesitated, planning to find it from the side hall on the left.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

At this time, a team of patrolling knights came and passed by Mu Liang, but did not find him.

Mu Liang glanced at them, then continued to walk forward, and soon came to the first partial hall, where there was a snoring sound, obviously it could not be the place where the books were collected.

Where will the collection of books be?

Mu Liang continued to walk forward, passing by four or five partial halls, none of which was a book collection place.

He hesitated, soared into the air, and flew towards the apse.

At this time, deep in the apse, in the book collection hall, Yue Qinyi was reading at night with a lamp.

The book collection hall is very large, with nine hundred square meters, and there are three floors. Each floor has more than ten rows of bookshelves filled with books.

...For flowers...

Yue Qinyi was on the second floor at this time, holding an aging travel book on the cover, fascinated by it.

She entered the library, and now she has read the three rows of bookshelves. She hasn't found the information she wants, but unexpectedly she has learned a lot of secrets about this continent.

"No." Yueqinyihe's upstream jokes, slid back to the bookshelf disappointed.

Although the content of the travel notes is very interesting, it is not what she wants.

Yue Qinyi took out the next book, the cover is still old, the inner pages are badly damaged, and the writing on it is not obvious.

A move in her heart, the more ancient a book is, the more likely it is to record great secrets.

She turned page by page carefully, but the words on it were blurred, and there was no useful information at all.

"Oh, let's be happy for nothing." Yue Qinyi put down her book in a loss.


She looked at the rows of bookshelves. There were countless books on them. It would take more than a month to finish reading.

"If only there was a magic that would let me finish a book quickly.

She sighed, then regained her spirits and continued to read the library.


The library is very quiet, with only the sound of flipping books.

Suddenly, the hall door on the first floor was pushed open, and the sound of wood rubbing was very clear in the library at night.

Yue Qinyi had a meal, someone came, who?

She looked back in the direction of the stairs and waited quietly.

After five or six minutes, no one showed up.

"Is it an illusion?" Yue Qinyi frowned, stood up lightly, and walked towards the top of the stairs.

"Who is there?" She looked to the first floor and listened attentively.

No one responded, she hesitated, surrounded by water elements, and walked to the first floor.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

The sound of her footsteps was very clear, echoing in the library.

When I came to the first floor, the firelight shining on the bookshelf, leaving a long shadow on the ground.

Yue Qinyi's heartbeat is fast, her breathing slows down, carefully feel the fluctuations of the surrounding water elements, and carefully pay attention to her surroundings.

In the dark, Mu Liang looked at her calmly, hesitating to come forward to recognize her.

Yue Qinyi came to the gate of the temple and found that the gate had been opened, making him even more convinced that outsiders had entered the library.

Her eyes fell cold, and she said coldly: "You better come out, otherwise I yell, and this place will be surrounded by guard knights."

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. ten thousand,

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