Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1246 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1246: After all, you are my sister-in-law. (1 more)

Yue Qinyi's spirit is tense, her body is still, her aqua-blue eyes turn left and right, looking for suspicious places.

"Your Excellency really doesn't plan to come out?" Her voice was cold, and the surrounding water elements became richer.


The flame of the lighting was much weaker, making a sizzling noise, as if water vapor was being evaporated.

"Don't get excited, here are all books, you can't get damp." With a calm voice, Mu Liang appeared.

Yue Qinyi was stunned after hearing the sound. After seeing Mu Liang, her pupils shrank slightly, and the water element all over her body subconsciously dissipated.

She came back to her senses and said in astonishment: "Mu Liang, why are you here?"

"I'll find some books to read." Mu Liang said with a smile on his face.

" came here secretly, right?" Yue Qinyi just wanted to ask the king if she approved it, but when she thought of what had just happened, she understood what Mu Liang did.

"Smart." "July One Zero Mu Liang raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

He tilted his head, chuckled and asked, "Will you tell me?"

Yue Qinyi shook her head subconsciously and said in a low voice: "No, you are my brother-in-law, how could I denounce you.

"Brother-in-law?" Mu Liang frowned.

"Ahem, what Qin Lan taught me." Yue Qinyi's eyes drifted, a little embarrassed.

Mu Liang smiled and nodded suddenly.

He asked back: "Why are you here?"

"I'll check some information." Yue Qinyi explained.

"Is it sneaky?" Mu Liang asked curiously.

Of course "No, the king allowed it." Yue Qinyi endured the urge to roll her eyes.

"That's right, with you here, I can read it at night with an open light." Mu Liang turned around, took a book from the shelf, opened the book and looked at it.


He turned the book very quickly, turning a page at a breathing interval.

Yue Qinyi blinked her blue eyes and said in astonishment: "Did you look carefully when you flip so fast?"

"Well, I remember it all." Mu Liang replied casually.

"Remember all!?" Yue Qinyi's eyes widened.

"Is there a problem?" Mu Liang's lips raised.

"No, you are great." Yue Qinyi twitched the corner of her mouth, but her beautiful eyes were full of envy.

She was amazed in her heart. If she had this ability, she should have read one-third of the books in the library.

"A book without nutrition." Mu Liang closed the book in his hand expressionlessly, tucked it back on the shelf, picked up another book and continued reading.

Yue Qinyi watched silently. In just ten minutes, Mu Liang had finished reading five books.

Mu Liang turned the book faster and faster, page after page, only to stop when he saw interesting places, and only for a few seconds.

"Have you seen anything interesting?" Yue Qinyi asked crisply.

"No, most of them are books with no nutrition." Mu Liang curled his lips.

Yue Qinyi blinked and asked, "What is an unnutritious book?"

"It's just useless books." Mu Liang responded casually.

"Oh Yue Qinyi whispered.

She turned around and continued reading, but her thoughts were already flying, and she looked at Mu Liang frequently.

"Are there flowers on my face?" Mu Liang looked at Yue Qinyi amused.

Yue Qinyi hesitated for a moment, and said cheeky: "That... Mu Liang, can I ask you something?"

"Talk about it." Mu Liang listened respectfully.

Yue Qinyi said sincerely, "You read a book faster, can you tell me about the contents of the book when you finish reading a book?"

"That will lose the fun of reading." Mu Liang said with a laugh.

"It's okay, I just want to know what the book says." Yue Qinyi said seriously.

She wants to filter out useful books through Mu Liang. If there is information in the book that she wants to know, she will read it again from the beginning.

"Okay, you can." Mu Liang shrugged.

"Thank you!" Yue Qinyi's face was beaming with joy.

"It's nothing, after all, you are my elder sister-in-law." Mu Liang smiled at the corner of his lips and reached for the next book.

"Huh?" Yue Qinyi opened her mouth wide.

"Nothing." Mu Liang said perfunctorily, opening the book in his hand and reading it.

He quickly flipped through the book in his hand and looked at Yue Qinyi, who was full of eagerness.

"What is written?" Yue Qinyi asked.

Mu Liang had weird eyes and said calmly: "It is about a king who goes to the fireworks field day and night. Would you like to know the details?"

Forget it, "I don't know." Yue Qinyi twitched, and shook her head uninterestedly.

"Yeah." Mu Liang put down the book in his hand, picked up the next one and continued reading.

Yue Qinyi rolled her eyes, picked up the book that Mu Liang had put down, turned a few pages, and then put it down silently.

"She is speechless, the content in the book is exactly the same as Mu Liang said...

Mu Liang held back his laugh, finished reading the next book, turned his head and looked forward to Qin Yi last month.

"It is a folk story. There is a man named An Niu who has an affair with the widow of the neighbor next door. How to cover up the process..." He said solemnly.

"Stop, stop, next one." Yue Qinyi waved her hand quickly.

Her head is full of black lines, why does the library of the palace store such books?

Mu Liang smiled and put down the book, picked up another book and continued reading.

Suspicious in her heart, Yue Qinyi picked up the book and flipped through a few pages again, but when she saw a scene depicting an affair, she blushed and threw down the book and started to complain secretly.

"Does it look good?" Mu Liang asked back with a smile.

"Humph~~~" Yue Qinyi rolled her eyes strangely.

"Hahaha~~~" Mu Liang burst into laughter.

This "What's in this book?" Yue Qinyi grinds her silver teeth, blushing and staring at Mu Liang.

Mu Liang casually explained: "It is about some history of the Hai Ting Kingdom, which is related to the change of power, but it is also an unnutritious book."

"I've read this one, let's go to the next one." Yue Qinyi waved her hand in a desperate manner.

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled and nodded, and opened the next book.

Time passed slowly, and laughter came out from time to time in the library, most of them were the voice of Mu Liang.

The sky was slightly bright, and the quiet city of Saroner slowly became lively.

"It's dawn." Yue Qinyi pushed open the door of the Book Collection Hall and saw the white sky glowing in 3.6.

"Hey, I'm going back." Mu Liang stretched.

He has read books all night, and after reading hundreds of books, he is already very satisfied.

Yue Qinyi's heart tightened and asked, "Will you come tomorrow night?"

"If you are not busy, you should come." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Yue Qinyi nodded slowly.

Mu Liang smiled and asked, "Wait for me, or wait for me to read to you?"

Yue Qinyi's slender eyelashes trembled and asked, "Hou, is there a difference?"

"It's okay." Mu Liang shook his head, turned and walked out.

The next moment, he disappeared invisible, as if he had passed by in the future.

Yue Qinyi's eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

ps: (1 more): the second more positive code.

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