Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1265 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1265: Leave me some Face. (2 more)

The king's eyes were deep and he asked calmly, "Your Excellency the city lord, are you planning to open a restaurant in Saran'er City?"

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Yes, a high-end restaurant that integrates dining, entertainment and accommodation.

"High-end restaurant?" Fu Lingna stepped forward with interest.

Mu Liang said calmly: "At that time, the restaurant will sell alcohol products, blue and white porcelain, Star tea, high-end clothing, magic tools and so on.

Sooner or later, Black Tortoise City will leave Salon City, and the restaurant will be equivalent to a stronghold of Black Tortoise City in Salon City, just like the embassy.

Blue and white porcelain!!

Haute Couture!!

The eyes of the king and queen lit up, the goods that Mu Liang said were their favorites.

The king's eyes flickered slightly, and the words of the guilt couldn't be said.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose, and he said lightly, "Your Majesty, the Black Tortoise restaurant is only for business."

Black Tortoise Restaurant is the name given to the restaurant by Mu Liang, which is easy to remember and understand.

"I see." The corner of the king's eyes twitched, and he understood what Mu Liang meant.

After weighing the pros and cons, he chose to remain silent. Black Tortoise City really couldn't afford to offend.

Mu Liang extended an invitation with a smile: "Wait a few days for the Black Tortoise restaurant to open, and His Majesty will come to attend the opening ceremony?"

The king's eyes sank slightly, and he said calmly: "I will come."

Ok"." Mu Liang smiled.

He is using the status and influence of the king to attract customers to the Black Tortoise restaurant. The king has come, will the nobles not come?

Bai Baishuang asked curiously, "Mu Liang, when will the restaurant open?

"Five days later." Mu Liang said softly.

He has already completed the hard decoration of the restaurant, and the glass itself is crystal clear, as beautiful as crystal, and it does not need too much decoration to appear very high-end atmosphere.

Of course, the opaque colored glass is the main one, otherwise it will be seen by others.

In the follow-up, it is only necessary to let the workers of the decoration workshop come over and install curtains, bedding, carpets, decorative paintings, etc. in each room of the restaurant. Five days is enough.

"Okay. Baishuang" nodded slowly, remembering Mu Liang's words.

Mu Liang remembered something, looked back at the king, and asked in a peaceful voice, "Your Majesty, I want to build a factory in Salun City, I wonder if it's possible?"

"Build a factory? What factory?" The king asked with his eyes.

"Food processing factories mainly process fruits and meat products, and can also create job opportunities for urbanites." Mu Liang said warmly.

He plans to build a factory in the city of Salun. The New World is not short of fruit, let alone green plants, but the Old World is short of it.

Mu Liang's idea is to process the fruits here, make preserved fruits, dried fruits, jams, etc., and then transport them back to the Old World.

Not only fruits, but also various meat products can also be processed and shipped back to the Old World, and then traded to various big cities.

The Haiting Kingdom is close to the sea, with abundant resources and convenient transportation. You can reach the Misty Sea by sailing in a straight line. It will be very convenient to transport goods back to the old continent in the future, so this is a good place to build a factory.

When the goods are delivered from the old continent in the future, the port of Haiting Kingdom will also become the first transit point.

In the next period of time, Mu Liang intends to rent a piece of land near the port or buy a piece of land to build a warehouse and a port for his own use in preparation for the future.

"Yes." The king nodded slowly.

As long as Mu Liang doesn't do things in Hai Ting's kingdom and do something that touches the bottom line of Hai Ting's royal family, then there is nothing impossible.

The king stayed at the Black Tortoise restaurant for more than ten minutes, and then took his family back to the palace.

Before he left, he couldn't help but look at Yue Qinlan a few more times, and saw a somewhat familiar feeling from her eyebrows.

In the end, after returning to the carriage, the king was cleaned up by Fu Lingna, who tugged at his ears and scolded his eyes for being dishonest.

"Send it, it hurts.

The king's face flushed, and he said angrily: "Shuang'er and Mette are still here, leave me some face.

Although he is the king of a country, he is also a real wife, at least in Life.

"I didn't see anything." Bai Shuang turned her head sideways and looked at the Black Tortoise restaurant from the car window, Mu Liang was no longer at the door.

"I didn't see it either." Mette lowered her eyes.

Fu Lingna glanced at the king and snorted coldly, "Hmph, if you think that woman is pretty, then you have to come back.

At this time, she is not a queen, just an ordinary woman who is jealous.

The king smiled bitterly and explained: "No, I just think she is a bit like the Great Mage Yueyi, and there is no other meaning."

Fu Lingna sneered a few times and said proudly: "This excuse is very good, then do you want to go back and marry Yueyi?

"Oops, I'm just looking." The king had two big heads and two big faces. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Yes, it's me who made trouble unreasonably." Fu Lingna let go, folded her arms in front of her, and turned to look out the window.

...for flowers 00

"This.... the king's face twitched, both helpless and funny.

He coughed a few times and began to coax the petty queen, who was already very familiar with it.

Bai Shuang blinked her beautiful purple-gold eyes. Among the few people in the car, she was the only one who understood that what her father said was right.

When the animal cart returned to the palace, the king finally coaxed the queen, but there was no smile on her face.

"Don't touch me today." Fu Lingna glared at the king.

"Okay, I won't touch it." The king smiled helplessly.

Fu Lingna's beautiful eyes widened slightly, and she said angrily and funny: "Very good, you are very good."

"What happened to me?" The king twitched the corners of his mouth, wondering why his wife was angry again.

"Father, you really don't understand women." Bai Shuang said earnestly.

The king sighed and said earnestly: "Shuang'er, how old are you, you don't know as much as I do.


"... Baishuang rolled his eyes silently.

When a few people returned to the apse, they happened to meet Yue Qinyi who came out of the library hall.

"Your Majesty, the queen." Yue Qinyi's eyes flashed with fatigue, and she bowed her knees in a simple salute.

Fu Lingna looked at Yue Qinyi and recalled Yue Qinlan standing behind Mu Liang, and felt that the two were still not the same.

It may be that Yue Qinyi has not rested for the past few days, and her eyebrows and eyes are tired, while Yue Qin drank Star tea in the blue sky and her beautiful eyes were still shining. There is still a difference between the two.

Fu Lingna glared at the king, twisted her hips and left.

Mette nodded to Yue Qinyi and turned to leave.

The king raised his mouth and could only wait for the evening to coax the queen.

"What's wrong with the queen?" Yue Qinyi asked in surprise.

"It's fine." The king waved his hand.

He changed the subject and asked calmly: "How is it, have you gained anything in the library these days?"

"Well, I haven't found the answer I want yet." Yue Qinyi shook her head slowly.

These two days, Mu Liang didn't come. She was reading books by herself, and her efficiency was getting lower and lower. Today, she couldn't hold it anymore, so she thought about leaving the library and taking a rest for a long time before continuing to read.

"Well, then you can continue watching." The king responded perfunctorily, turned and left.

Yue Qinyi watched the king leave and whispered to herself, "I don't know if Mu Liang will come tonight..."

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. want,

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