Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1266 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1266: Sooner or later something will happen. (3 more)

Salon City, the port.

The three large ships of the Muda Adventure Group are still parked here.

In the cabin of the main ship, Muda, Daqi and Cordola were sitting in a row.

Muida leaned against the mother chair, tapped the armrest of the wooden chair with his fingers, and his deep eyes swept across the crowd.

He said in a low voice: "Let's talk about it, what should we do next?"

"Boss, I have no opinion." Someone responded weakly.

"Alas, no one would have thought that the city of Black Tortoise would come here directly across the sea of ​​mist." Cordola sighed and scratched the back of his head.

In Muda's plan, the things from Black Tortoise City were shipped to the New World, and then they were sold at higher prices.

It's just that they just raised the price and sold the goods in their hands, and the city of Black Tortoise came.

Those buyers who have dealt with Muda have been to Black Tortoise and found that the same goods are seven or eight times cheaper in Black Tortoise, "Nine Zero Seven", which made those buyers very angry. Salon City looking for them.

After seeing the appearance of Black Tortoise City, the members of the Muda Adventure Team were dumbfounded and worried that they would be punished, so they have been hiding on the boat for the past few days.

"Damn it, it's only earned once." Da Qi raised his hand and patted the table hard, making the table "bang bang".

"Captain, we can go to Black Tortoise City to buy goods, and then transport others to the kingdom to resell." Cordola suggested.

Da Qi's eyes lit up, and he agreed: "Yes, Black Tortoise City has only arrived in Sarun City, and other kingdoms should not know about it. We can take advantage of this time difference to make more money."

After a successful reselling, their assets more than tenfolded, which made them taste the sweetness and were unwilling to give up easily.

"No, this will happen sooner or later." Muda shook his head and denied the proposal.

"Be careful, probably not... Cordola didn't give up.

Muda said coldly: "Hmph, then you go out now and see if those who bought our goods will kill you.

"Well, it's still not enough. Cordola sneered a few times and silently closed her mouth.

"I have an idea that I mentioned before." Muda said solemnly.

"Boss, you said." Someone echoed.

According to "the information from the previous investigation, the continent on the other side of the Misty Sea is deficient in resources, and fruits and green plants are extremely rare.

Muda glanced around the crowd and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "We can take advantage of this to transport the fruit from this side to that side, and then trade it out at a high price."

Dora's eyes lit up and excitedly said: "Yes, the fruit here is very cheap, it can be shipped to another continent, and then sold at a high price, you can also earn more wealth.

"It's just that the fruit is not easy to preserve, it has to be made into a dry fruit." Da Qi said angrily.

"Well, as I mentioned before, just do it." Muda raised his hand and patted it.

After leaving the city of Black Tortoise, they reached a verbal agreement to re-sell things from the two continents together.

It's just that this plan has shifted from the Black Tortoise City to the sea, and now it's back on track.

He continued: "I have another idea.

"Boss, what are you thinking?" Da Qi and the others all looked at him.

Muda stood up and said with a serious face: "I want to buy two more big ships, so that I can transport more fruits and earn more wealth.

"Buying a big boat, it's not easy to buy." Da Qi frowned slightly.

Since the great voyages prevailed, the price of boats has risen, and what used to be able to buy a big boat can now only buy a small boat.

Like adventure teams, pirates, and merchants, if they want to expand their power, they have to buy ships.

As a result, the price of ships has become more and more expensive. Many shipyards are operating day and night, and in the end, the supply is still in short supply, so the price of ships can only be mentioned again and again.

Muda said solemnly: "I will find a way, it depends on whether you want to invest in buying a boat, and whether you want to earn more wealth.

"I think." Cordora gritted her teeth and raised her hand first.

If he wants to get rich, he wants to live a life of hugs and hugs in the future, then he has to fight hard.

"Add me one." Da Qi no longer hesitated and raised his hand.


"And I."

More and more people raised their hands and agreed, all willing to pay for the boat.

Muda nodded repeatedly and said with satisfaction: "Very well, everyone is a big moneymaker."

He sat down and began to arrange work.

Everyone straightened their backs, and their faces were full of anticipation.

Muda said solemnly: "Da Qi, you bring someone to buy fruit, and we can process it ourselves, which can save a lot of gold coins."

"Ah, do we process it ourselves?" Da Qi was stunned.

Muda snorted coldly: "Hmph, dried fruit is not difficult to make, you only need to use fire to remove the moisture from the fruit to be successful...

In his view, making dried fruit is the same as making dried meat, both drying moisture to improve the shelf life.

"Oh, that's it, it's very simple." Da Qi was stunned and a little eager to try.

Cordola opened his mouth, is it really that easy to make dried fruit?

He was a little uneasy, and always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it.

As everyone knows, dried fruit is easy to make, but difficult to store. It is still in the most humid sea with the largest water vapor.

"Remember, go to several stores to buy, don't let people doubt it." Muda urged.

"Got it." Da Qi nodded quickly.

Muda again instructed: "When you go out, remember to cover your face so that no one will recognize you.

Da Qi said naively: "Well, those people should still be looking for us, so be careful."

Muda looked sideways at the lookout and ordered, "Cordola, go to the business district of Black Tortoise City and buy some dried sweet potatoes.

Cordola said in astonishment: "Send, didn't you say you won't resell dried sweet potatoes?"

"It's not reselling, I want to eat it." Muda said calmly.

"... Cordola's face darkened, but she didn't dare to say a word.

He stood up speechlessly, covered his mouth and nose with a cloth, and put on a black robe, then reluctantly left the cabin and helped the captain go to Black Tortoise to buy dried sweet potatoes.

Others "go to collect wood and charcoal, and come back with some stoves," ordered Muda.

0.0 Drying fruit requires a lot of charcoal, and to improve the efficiency of making dried fruit, it requires a lot of stoves.

"Yes." The crew responded excitedly.

Da Qi reminded loudly: "Be careful, don't reveal your whereabouts, and change your clothes before going out."

"Okay, go and change your clothes." The crew members turned and left excitedly.

For them, as long as they can earn gold coins and Magical Beasts spar, it is worth it no matter how tired they are.

"Da Qi, you keep watching the boat." Muda said solemnly.

"What are you going to do?" Da Qi asked in confusion.

Muida flicked his sleeves and said indifferently: "Of course I'm going to buy a boat.

"Hey, then you pay attention to safety, don't be recognized." Da Qi grinned.

"...Da's eyelids jumped.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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