Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1267 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1267: They're all sewer rats. (1 more)

Salon City, in the manor where the Duke lives.

Duke Schmirau sat in the main seat of the living room, listening with a sullen face to his subordinates reporting information on Black Tortoise City.

"Lord Duke, Black Tortoise City is moving again." The intelligence officer whispered.

"Say." Shmirau raised his head, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

He has already made it clear that the incident in the slave market was probably done by Black Tortoise City.

The duke also thought that Princess Rime had returned safely and was sent back by Black Tortoise City, and felt even more that Black Tortoise City was against him on purpose.

"Black Tortoise City demolished the Turan Tavern and rebuilt a restaurant on the original site." The subordinate said respectfully.

"Building a restaurant in Salon City?" Schmirau narrowed his eyes, not knowing what Black Tortoise City was going to do for a while.

The subordinate nodded and said, "Yes, and the king, queen, princess, and second prince all went to the scene."

Schmilau raised his hand and patted the table, and said angrily: "Hmph, this city of Black Tortoise is really on the king's side, and it is against me everywhere."

The subordinate's body trembled, and he lowered his head and did not dare to speak, for fear of angering the Duke, and then he was slapped to death by a slap.

"By the way, have the people who sold us the goods at high prices caught it?" Schmirau asked in a deep voice.

When the city of Black Tortoise arrived in the Kingdom of Haiding, the duke had a deal with a group of adventurers 16, and bought a lot of rare and delicious things.

It's just that the goods that were bought back at a huge price have become devalued after Black Tortoise City arrived in the Kingdom of Haiding.

Because the same thing can be bought seven or eight times cheaper in the commercial area.

"Not yet." He lowered his head,


Schmirau suppressed his anger, raised his hand and waved: "Go, keep watching the movement of Black Tortoise City."

"Yes." The subordinate saluted respectfully, turned around and left quickly.

Schmilau raised his hand and rubbed his temples, his face becoming more and more gloomy and ugly.

After he learned that the incident in the slave market was related to Black Tortoise City, he wanted to trouble Black Tortoise City as soon as possible, but was stopped by the Knight Commander.

With a dark face that day, the knight commander recounted his encounter with Mu Liang in the slum, including his humiliation.

Schmirau was shocked for a while after hearing this. He knew how strong the knight commander was, but he was still not a combined enemy of the Black Tortoise city lord.

He recalled what the knight commander said: Don't provoke Black Tortoise City lightly, unless you have a sure shot to kill, you can only deal with Black Tortoise City in secret.

"Black Tortoise...Schmilau gritted his teeth.

His heart was full of anger, all because of the city of Black Tortoise, which caused the slave market to become coldly clear.

Schmillau stood up and paced the living room with his head bowed slightly, thinking of another event, also related to the city of Black Tortoise.

"Advanced magic equipment... Shmirau's eyes flashed, and the greed in his eyes became more and more intense.

A few days ago, I learned from the subordinates of the slave shop that there are many high-grade magic tools in Black Tortoise City, and the quality is very good, which made the Duke's eyes completely red.

"We have to find a way to get those high-level magic tools back... Shimirau raised his hand to his chin, lowered his eyes and pondered.

His eyes slowly lit up, and he whispered to himself: "Maybe I have to work with "Black Phoenix again." "

He can't shake the city of Black Tortoise, but with the power of the "Black Phoenix", maybe he can.

It is not the first time that the Duke has cooperated with the Black Phoenix. When he shot White Frost, the Black Phoenix also helped.

"The throne, I want high-level magic equipment." Schmirau grinned.

His greatest wish in this life is to become a king, even if he cooperates with the underworld forces, he must become a king.

He turned around and left the living room, finding the black robe and covering it to avoid being discovered.

The duke wore a black robe and left the manor where he lived alone.

After more than half an hour, he appeared in an underground tavern and sat down at an empty wooden table in the corner.

"Guest, what would you like to drink?" The clerk of the tavern stepped forward, an old man with a grizzled beard.

Schmilau raised his head, stared into the eyes of the old man and said hoarsely: "Two bottles of rum, a plate of hand-cut meat, three wine glasses, and four fruits, something sweeter."

The old man was shocked, his brows were slightly wrinkled, he leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Are you here to look for Lord Hong?"

"Well, take me to see her." Schmirau nodded.

The drinks and food he just asked for are actually the secret code of the connection, and only in this way can he meet the people of the "Black Phoenix".

Your Excellency, "Come with me." The old man straightened his waist and gestured with his hand.

The Duke stood up, tightened his robes, and followed the old man to the back door of the tavern.

The old man pushed open the back door, revealing a long passageway. There were lighting stones on the wall, but it still gave off an eerie feeling.

step, step, step~~~

The two walked deeper along the passage, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the passage.

At the end of the passage, there is a big iron gate.

The old man raised his hand and knocked on the iron door a few times, three long and one short.

bang bang bang bang...

As soon as the knock on the door fell, the iron door slowly opened.

The black magician guarding the gate asked in a cold tone: "Old Zheng, what's the matter?"

"Someone wants to see Lord Hong." The old man called Lao Zheng explained.

"Who are you?" The black magician looked at the duke with a bad look.

"It's me." Schmirau took off his hood, revealing an old face.

"Lord Duke, rare guest." The black magician raised his brows, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

Schmirau said in a hoarse voice: "I want to see the red deacon, take me there.

"Come with me." The black magician didn't refuse, and turned sideways to let the duke walk through the iron gate.

Lao Zheng stopped outside the iron gate, and after the Duke entered, the iron gate slowly closed, and he turned around and walked back to 907.

Inside the iron gate, the duke followed the black magician and continued to walk forward, which was another deep passage.

Schmilau moved his mouth and silently complained about the black magicians, thinking that they were all rats in the sewer, so they liked to live underground.

Soon after, the black magician took the duke to the end of the passage.

There are several rooms at the end of the passage, and this is one of the strongholds of the "Black Phoenix" in Salon City.

The black magician raised his hand and knocked on the room at the end of the passage.

"Knock Knock~~~"

The black magician respectfully said: "Lord Hong deacon, the Duke asks to see you.

"Let him in." An indistinguishable voice came from the room.

"Yes." The black magician reached out and gently pushed open the door, looked back at the Duke, raised his chin and motioned for him to enter.

The Duke pouted, stepped into the room, and the door behind him closed again.

Schmirau paused in footsteps and looked at the room environment calmly.

This is a boxy room, ten meters long, wide and high.

There was only a wooden chair and a person in the room, nothing else.

The Duke looked at the woman sitting on the wooden chair, and his expression became serious.

Shmirau said hoarsely: "Meet again, red deacon."

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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