Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1289 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1289: Insulated life jacket. (2 more)


On the vast sea, two giant transport spaceships moved forward side by side.

On the transport spaceship on the left, Yue Feiyan and Charlotte stood at the bow, overlooking the sea in front of them.

"Why haven't we reached the sea of ​​mist yet." Yue Feiyan yawned, her arms resting on the guardrail.

Charlotte said softly: "Calculate the time, it should be almost there.

Yue Feiyan straightened her waist and said sideways: "Charlotte, you are watching here, I will go to Xibeqi's side to see."

"Okay, let's go." Charlotte said casually.

The red-haired girl's thoughts moved, and the wings of Vermillion Bird's armor spread out, taking her to another transport spaceship.

On the other transport spaceship, Xi Beqi was equally bored, and after seeing the red-haired girl flying over, there was a look of joy in the bottom of her eyes.

She waved her hand and asked, "Feiyan, why are you here?"

Yue Feiyan folded her wings and landed, and said in a clear voice, "I'm a little bored, I'm here to chat with you."

Xi Beqi showed such an expression on her face, and said angrily: "If you are bored, you can exercise your body and improve your strength."

"You know?" Yue Feiyan asked squintingly.

"Hey, I won't either." Xibeqi's slender eyebrows were slightly curved, and she smiled with a pair of tiger teeth.

"That's it." Yue Feiyan waved her hand.

920 Xi Beqi said yesterday, "But if I don't train, I don't know what to do."

"It seems to be too." Yue Feiyan lowered her face.

She flattened her mouth and said in a low voice, "I'm starting to miss Black Tortoise~~~"

"Same." Sibeqi bit her lower lip.


At this time, the wind in the air suddenly became stronger.

The crew shouted: "Sir, you can see the sea of ​​mist.

When Xibeiqi and Yueyan heard the words, they looked at the bow of the boat, and they saw fog at the end of their sight.

The two walked quickly to the bow of the boat, the fog connected the sea and the sky, and they could see lightning flashing across the sky.

"I should go back." Yue Feiyan's expression became serious.

Xibeiqi stretched out her hand and said, "Go, get in touch with the resonance bug if you have something to do.

"Got it." Yue Feiyan waved her hand, spread her wings and flew back to another transport spaceship.

"Captain is back." Charlotte sighed in relief when she saw the red-haired girl coming back.

"Yeah." Yue Feiyan nodded.

After she landed, she ordered in a loud voice: "Everyone cheer up, they will soon enter the foggy sea, and everyone on the deck wears insulating life jackets."

"Yes!!" The crew responded in unison, moving quickly.

Insulated life jackets are actually clothes made of rubber. They can float up when falling and can also prevent lightning. Although the effect is not very large, it is better than nothing.

Yue Feiyan looked at the misty sea and put on the helmet of the Vermillion Bird armor.


The forward speed of the transport spacecraft slowed down, and at the same time, it lowered its flight altitude and kept it at a position twenty meters above the sea surface.


In front of the foggy sea, lightning and thunder continued in the sky, and the wind and rain continued.

"Everything is done, ready to enter the Misty Sea area." Yue Feiyan shouted loudly.

"Yes!!" the crew responded loudly, the next moment muffled by thunder.

The two transport ships entered the storm area side by side. The wind was strong, the hull shook violently, and the rain fell on the deck and flowed back to the sea along the drain.

"The wind is so strong!" Yue Feiyan tried her best to stabilize her figure.


Lightning shot into the sky and landed on the sea ten meters away from the transport spaceship.

"It's scary." Charlotte's voice trembled slightly, and the two pairs of orange wings behind her spread out, blocking most of the rain.

The thunder continued, making everyone on the boat tense.

Amidst the precarious weather, the two transport spaceships adjusted their forward direction and headed towards the Misty Sea Passage.

Yue Feiyan shouted loudly: "A little further to the left, there is the passage opened up by Mr. Mu Liang."

The sea of ​​fog is huge, and without Feng Shui compass and the route map, it would be difficult to find the passage that Mu Liang opened up.

Fortunately, Feng Shui compass can also be used in the New World, which saves a lot of trouble.


The transport spacecraft lowered its height again, and the bow had entered the fog. (bgaa)

The steam engine drives the turbofan to rotate rapidly, blowing away the wind and rain, and pushing the transport spacecraft into the foggy sea.

After the transport spaceship entered the foggy sea, the sound of thunder and rain in everyone's ears decreased.

"Come in." Charlotte exhaled, shaking the rain on her wings.

Yue Feiyan took off her helmet, turned back and shouted: "Everyone check to see if anyone is injured and if the hull is damaged.

"Yes!!" the crew went into action.

Yue Feiyan ordered: "Charlotte, you lead a team to be responsible for guarding the surrounding area and beware of possible dangers.

"Okay." Charlotte gathered her wings and led people around to guard.

Yue Feiyan sighed lightly, found the resonance bug, and contacted the vampire girl on another transport ship.


The resonance insect flapped its wings at high speed, and after more than ten seconds, the sound of the resonance insect flapping its wings disappeared, which means that it successfully got in touch with another resonance insect.

"Feiyan?" Xibeqi's crisp voice sounded.

"Well, it's me." Yue Feiyan replied.

She hurriedly asked: "How is your situation there, is anyone injured?"

"I'm fine here, everything is fine, what about yours?" Xibeqi asked rhetorically:

Yue Feiyan looked behind her after hearing the words, the crew members were relieved, and there was no bad news for the time being.

She responded: "It should be fine, don't worry."

Xi Beqi said crisply: "That's good, I'm going to take someone to inspect, and we'll talk later."

"Hey, go get busy." Yue Feiyan replied casually.

The call was interrupted, and the frequency of the resonating insect's wings slowed down.

Yue Feiyan whispered: "I have to report safety to Gaodi, otherwise my mother will be worried."

She found another male resonator, and her paired female resonator was in the highland liaison room.


Soon, male resonators establish contact with highland female resonators.

"This is the Highland, is it Miss Feiyan?" The voice of Buff's little maid sounded.

"It's me." Yue Feiyan responded.

After an interval of three seconds, the little maid Buff's voice sounded again: "Miss Feiyan, what's the matter?"

Yue Feiyan said in a clear voice: "I'm here to report safety. The two transport spaceships have entered the sea of ​​fog safely and are moving forward according to the scheduled route. There is no danger yet."

"Okay, I'll pass it on to Mr. Mu Liang." Bhagavan's words were more relaxed.

Yue Feiyan hurriedly said: "Remember to tell my mother, don't let her worry."

"I will, please rest assured Miss Feiyan." Ba Mei said obediently.

She asked again, "Is there anything else?

"No more." Yue Feiyan said lightly.

Buff said tenderly: "Then this call is over, and I will go to send a message to Mr. Mu Liang immediately.

Yue Feiyan responded, the resonating insect in front of him slowed down and the call was disconnected.

She regained her mood and turned to inspect the transport ship.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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