Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1290 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1290: King-order space magician. (3 more)

Knock Knock~~~

Buff knocked on the study door.

"Come in." Mu Liang's voice came out.

cough cough...

Bamei pushed open the door and walked into the study, and saw Mu Liang sitting on the dragon chair, writing something with a pencil in hand.

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang asked without raising his head.

Buff said respectfully: "Master Mu Liang, Miss Feiyan has returned with news that the transport spacecraft has successfully entered the sea of ​​mist."

Mu Liang's hands kept moving, and he said indifferently: "Well, I see, you go and talk to Qinlan."

"Okay." Ba Mei replied obediently.

She eased her footsteps, turned and left the study.

After Mu Liang came back from Salun City, he stayed in the study and was writing the script.

Just half an hour ago, Yue Qinlan told him the good news that he had found a way to record images.

After hearing this news, Mu Liang's first thought was to write a movie script.

In his opinion, making a movie to test the water, after all, will take a relatively short time, and it can be released before the city of Black Tortoise leaves Salon, and the fastest profit can be obtained.

Of course, the TV series also has to be filmed, but the script cannot be written for a while and needs to be postponed.

"I don't know what Qin Lan said. The pencil in Mu Liang's hand paused slightly.

He remembered what Yue Qinlan had said, and inquired about the method of recording images in Sarun'er City, but the conditions were very harsh, and it needed a magician of the royal rank to do it.

Half an hour later, the study door was pushed open from the outside.

Yue Qinlan walked quickly into the study, holding a book in her hand.

"Mu Liang, I'm back." With joy on her face, she walked briskly to Mu Liang and sat down.

Found "the solution?" Mu Liang asked with interest.

"Well, that's it." Yue Qinlan handed the book to Mu Liang.

"What is this?" Mu Liang took the yellowed animal skin book.

He flipped through two pages, and there were many complex magic circles drawn on the animal skin, as well as a long spell.

Yue Qinlan explained: "This is a magic circle that can record images, and it can be used by drawing on the Magical Beasts spar."

Mu Liang was stunned for a moment, then asked, "How to draw the magic circle?

Yue Qinlan shrugged, and Ai Mo could help: "I'm not a magician, so I don't know."

She contacted Big sis Yue Qinyi and asked her to find out about this book in the palace, and it was also lent by Big sis from the palace.

"I don't know magic either." Mu Liang said helplessly.

The ability to own is obtained from domesticating animals and plants, not a little cultivation.

He suddenly remembered something, turned his head and asked: "Didn't you say that you hired a sixth-order magician a few days ago, go and call her.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan didn't ask more, got up and left the study quickly.

Mu Liang looked at the magic circle on the animal skin page by page, and it took only ten minutes to memorize it all in his mind.

As if "it's not very complicated," he whispered to himself.

Mu Liang grabbed a clean piece of paper, picked up a pencil and drew the magic circle he just remembered on the paper.

According to the instructions written in the book, stack and splicing the magic circles on top of each other to build a larger and more complex magic circle. This is the complete magic circle.


Ten minutes later, the pencil was casually thrown aside by Mu Liang, and the entire paper was covered with fine lines. Ordinary magicians would be dizzy or even faint if they looked at it.

"I don't understand." Mu Liang grinned, failing to understand how the magic circle works.

ta ta ta

Footsteps sounded outside the door, and after a few breaths, the study door was pushed open again, and Yue Qinlan led the sixth-order magician into the study.

"Mu Liang, the sixth-order magician has brought it." Yue Qinlan said elegantly.

Mu Liang raised his eyes and saw that standing behind Yue Qinlan was a woman who was about 15 or 16 years old.

She has short cyan hair and a very ordinary appearance. She is the type that will be ignored if thrown into a crowd, but her cyan eyes are exceptionally bright and unforgettable.

Mu Liang asked calmly, "What's your name?"

"Lord City Lord, my name is Luo Nai." Luo Nai bowed her knees and bowed respectfully.

She is a sixth-order wind magician. For various reasons, she decided to come to Black Tortoise City to live after seeing the recruitment announcement of Black Tortoise City.

After Luo Nai entered the study, she kept beating Mu Liang, shocked by his youth.

"Do you know how to draw a magic circle?" Mu Liang went straight to the topic.

Luo Nai nodded: "Yes, I will draw some simple magic circles."

"Tell me how to draw a magic circle." Mu Liang said calmly.

...... ask for flowers 00

Luo Nai was puzzled in her heart. It is not difficult to draw a magic circle. Every magician should know it. Why do you need to explain it yourself.

"Okay." Although she was puzzled, she nodded in response.

Luo Nai said with a serious face: "Lord City Lord, drawing a magic circle is simple and easy, and difficult to say, it is related to the strength of the magician and the strength of his soul."

Mu Liang frowned slightly, raised his hand and interrupted: "What do you mean, only magicians can draw magic circles?"

"Of course, this is inevitable." Luo Nai's eyes became more confused. This seems to be common sense. Why does the Lord of the City seem to know nothing?

"You continue." Mu Liang sighed secretly.

"For example, a third-order magician can draw a third-order magic circle in common sense, but some magicians' soul power is naturally stronger than their peers, and they can also draw a higher-order magic circle."


Luo Nai said crisply: "It's just that there are very few people like this, not even one in ten thousand."

"Well, go on." Mu Liang nodded slowly, Luo Nai's words were easy to understand.

Luo Nai thought for a while and continued: "There is another point, that is, you need to have a good understanding of the magic circle drawn, and the drawing process must not make any mistakes, otherwise it will be unsuccessful."

"I see." Mu Liang lowered his eyes thoughtfully.

Yue Qinlan's blue eyes widened, and she said in amazement, "According to Luo Nai's words, we still have to find a king-level magician to draw this magic circle."

The book Big sis gave her wrote and drew the magic circle on the book, which requires a magician on the king's rank or above to do it.

"King rank magician!!" Luo Nai's face was stunned.

She couldn't help but asked curiously: "Lord City Lord, are you going to draw a magic circle of king rank?"

"Hmm." Mu Liang put down the book in his hand.

Luo Nai looked over and exclaimed: "Lord City Lord, this is the magic circle of the space system, I am afraid no one can draw it now!!"

"What do you mean?" Mu Liang asked with a puzzled face.

"Lord City Lord, there are very few magicians in the space department, and even fewer have reached the king rank."

Luo Nai said with a serious face: "At least until now, I have never heard of a space magician with a king rank in any kingdom.

ps: (3 more]: Please customize. To,

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