Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1317 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1317: thetoto (2 more)

Mu Liang did not leave the city of Salun, but went to the library of the palace.

"Cough cough~~~"

The door of the library hall was pushed open, and Yue Qinyi, who was reading a book, turned around.

"Mu Liang?" She whispered tentatively.

"It's me." Mu Liang released his stealth and closed the temple door with his backhand.

"Don't you have to be busy tonight?" Yue Qinyi's eyes flashed with joy, but her face remained calm.

Mu Liang pointed out: "Some things can't be rushed, take your time."

"What's the matter?" Yue Qinyi's eyes widened, did Mu Liang see something?

Her eyes flickered, her earlobes had turned pink, and she bit her lower lip before speaking.

Mu Liang picked up a book and explained: "I have been researching several spiritual tools recently, and I have no clue, so I can't be in a hurry."

"That's it." Yue Qinyi was stunned.

She secretly sighed, but she kept muttering in her heart, it turned out that she was thinking too much.

"How many books have you not read?" Mu Liang asked softly.

Yue Qinyi cheered up and said softly, "There are the last two rows of bookshelves, and they're gone after reading them."

"Then try to finish it in two days." Mu Liang nodded and opened the book in his hand to take a closer look.


"In the past two days... Yue Qinyi has grown a bit.

Mu Liang glanced at her sideways, and asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, just look at it." Yue Qinyi responded perfunctorily.

Mu Liang didn't think much about it and returned his attention to the book.

Time passed slowly, and the sky outside the library gradually became brighter.

Mu Liang closed the book, stood up and said softly, "Let's come here first today, and I'll come back tonight when I have time."

"Okay." Yue Qinyi nodded lightly.

She looked sideways at the last row of bookshelves. If Mu Liang came back in the evening, he would be able to read the books on it in one night.

Mu Liang thought of something and asked curiously, "After reading the book for so long, did you find the information you were looking for?"

"No. Yue Qinyi shook her head regretfully.

Although the library is large, none of the books here are written on the mainland, and there are no clues about ghosts and green plants withering.

"That's a pity." Mu Liang regretted.

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry." Yue Qinyi squeezed a smile on her face.

Mu Liang smiled, what a familiar word.

"I'm gone, come to Black Tortoise to play when I have time." He raised his hand and waved, and his body went into stealth.

"Haoyue Qinyi nodded long, watching the palace door being opened and closed again.

"Oh, forget it...

She sighed again and left the library hall in despair.

Mu Liang left the palace and flew back to the Black Tortoise restaurant. At this time, the sky was nearly full.

The lantern beetles on the Black Tortoise restaurant stopped glowing and flew back to the lounge area in the restaurant.

dong dong dong~~~

The Black Tortoise bell also rang at this time, rang six times before stopping.

"Mister Mu Liang. Elina" and others came from not far away.

"Well, it's started." Mu Liang said without thinking.

Started "What?" Nijisha and the others looked at each other, confused.

Mu Liang didn't answer, but closed his eyes and used his abilities.


Invisible fluctuations spread out from under his feet, and the ground began to vibrate.

Near the earth and stone pillars, the ground cracked, and the earth and stones gathered together to form a half-meter-high containment, enclosing the land belonging to Black Tortoise City.

The garrisoned city defense troops stepped up to the half-meter-high fence, and then stopped moving.

"Except for the city defense army, everyone is far from the wall." Mu Liang's calm voice spread throughout most of the city of Salun.

"What is this going to do?" Some city residents were still outside the state, staring at the half-meter wall that suddenly appeared in a daze.

"I understand, this low wall is the area under the jurisdiction of Black Tortoise City." Someone guessed.

"It should be, but the wall is so short, it's useless."

The townspeople were discussing, and some brave people came to the low wall, and the Xuecheng Defense Forces stood on it.

Mu Liang's voice sounded again: "Again, except for the city defense army, everyone else should stay away from the wall, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

"If you don't leave, what will be the consequences?" The daring person sneered.


The next moment, the ground shook violently.

The originally half-meter-high low wall was raised at an astonishing speed, and its thickness was also increasing.

The shaking lasted for five minutes, and the half-meter-high low wall was raised to ten meters, with a thickness of five meters.

"What's this...what's going on?

"Put me down, mother, father, I was wrong. . . .

Those who hadn't had time to leave began to cry and cry, and they were already scared out of their wits.

Originally it was a low wall, but now it is a city wall, completely a city within a city.

On the city wall, the townspeople who didn't have time to go down squatted tremblingly, their faces white and scary.

The city defense army looked at them coldly, and the military crossbow in their hands had already aimed at them.

"Raise your hand." The city defense army said coldly.

The townspeople on the city wall almost cried and squatted on the ground with their hands up.

Mu Liang came to the city wall and used his ability again to open a doorway that was five meters high and four meters wide, and then made the city gate out of colored glass. He was very skilled at this.

Using the same method, he dug five more gate holes in other parts of the city wall, making the number of city gates six.

"The name, just use the number, door number one.

Mu Liang raised his hand and waved, and there was a plaque made of colored glass on the city gate, with the three characters 'No. 1 Gate' engraved on it.

In the same way, he put up plaques at gates two to six.

"With the city wall, the next is the residential area." Mu Liang turned to 937 and looked at the circled area

His eyes lit up, the roar sounded again, and the ground shook violently.

At the next moment, a familiar earth and stone pillar appeared on the ground, dividing the circular land into seven parts.

The circular area in the middle is the commercial area, and the surrounding six fan-shaped areas are residential areas, just like the model made by Mu Liang.

"People in this area have to move out of their houses before twelve o'clock in the afternoon, and I will renovate this area in the afternoon." Mu Liang floated in the air, and his voice spread throughout the fan-shaped area in the circle of stone pillars under his feet.

"Where are we moving?" someone shouted.

After thinking about it, Mu Liang used his ability to build many three-storey houses in another area as a temporary residence for the people.

He said calmly: "Let's live here for now, and when the renovation is completed, there will be new houses for you to live in.

The people looked at the rows of neat and tidy three-story buildings, and most of the reluctance in their hearts immediately dissipated.

When Deva registered yesterday, the people already knew from the city defense army that the place where they lived would be renovated, so most people were willing to cooperate.

In addition, a small number of people who resisted, after seeing Mu Liang's ability to build the city wall, were already scared, and willingly agreed to cooperate with the reconstruction work.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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