Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1318 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1318: A novel experience. (3 more)

Inside the city of Salon, outside the boundaries of the city of Black Tortoise.

The red deacon looked up at the ten-meter-high city wall, frowning, what is Black Tortoise doing?

There were two men in black robes standing behind her, but their hands were chained and held by the red deacon.

Under the black robe, were Diane and Doloro, who had hunted down Xue Ji, and they were also the ones who poisoned Yu Feier.

Doloro begged for mercy: "Master Hong deacon, can you let us go?"

Diane remained silent, but his face was equally ugly.

"I can't decide your life or death now." Hong deacon said indifferently.

She wants to take the two to meet Mu Liang and exchange the green deacon.

Diane asked coldly: "Master Red deacon, we have always been loyal to Black Phoenix, why are we doing this to us?

"...Red deacon kept silent, pulled the chain in his hand and walked towards the port.

Because the value of the two is too low, if you can exchange for the green deacon, you will earn it.

Dolero shouted: "Lord Red deacon!!

"Shut up." Red deacon's eyes flashed coldly, killing intent enveloped the two of them.

"...Dorello and Diane's faces turned even paler, for fear of being killed on the spot, they reluctantly followed the red deacon out.

Red deacon ignored the surprised glances of the surrounding pedestrians and brought Dolero and Diane to the port.

Along the way, no one stopped them.

The three stepped on Microsoft's cloud bridge and walked towards the rock turtle at the end.

The seemingly short cloud bridge, the three of them walked for half an hour and finally reached the hanging pavilion at the end.

Di An raised his head, the white lips under the hood were slightly parted, attracted by the lively Hanging Pavilion.

The red deacon had a cold face, pulled the chain forward, and walked towards the passage with the least number of people defiantly.

Zanyan raised his hand to stop the red deacon, and said with a serious face: "Stop, this is the fast lane, please go to other teams to line up when you enter the city."

"I'm looking for your city lord." The red deacon stopped and explained his intention with a cold face.

"Looking for Lord City Lord... Who are you?" Zan Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Red deacon." The red deacon said coldly.

Zanyan's pupils shrank, and he exclaimed in shock: "Black Phoenix"'s red deacon!!"

"It seems that your city lord has already said hello." Hong deacon pouted.

Zan Yan's expression became more serious, and he motioned: "Your Excellency, come with me.

Lead the way. "Let's go." The red deacon nodded.

Dorero and Diane looked at each other, heartbroken.

The three followed Zan Yan through the Hanging Pavilion, and then walked through the long stairs to the front of Shanhaiguan.

Zanyan found Dianes and explained the purpose of Hong deacon and others.

Diane glanced at Hong deacon and the others, then turned back and waved: "I see, go back to work."

"Yes." Zan Yan nodded respectfully, turned back to the Hanging Pavilion, and continued to maintain the order of entering the city.

Diane folded her arms in front of her, her eyes calm and said, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Humph!" Red deacon snorted coldly, without saying anything.

"Come with me." Diane pouted, turned and walked towards Shanhaiguan.

"Go." Red deacon pulled the chain, pulling Doleiro and Diane to continue walking.

Dolero and Diane's attention was a little distracted, and they were shocked by the grandeur of Shanhaiguan.

step, step, step~~~

The four of them passed through Shanhaiguan, and there was a loud noise, and the commercial area was still overcrowded.

"I don't know when the new business district will be built." Diane muttered softly, and continued to walk forward.

A lot of "people." Doloro looked around in amazement, and soon his attention was drawn to the towering colored glass building in front of him.

Flood dragons hovered on the building, clouds and mist lingered around, and there were green plants embellished, which looked very extraordinary.

"Higher than the Black Tortoise restaurant!!" Red deacon whispered in surprise.

"Follow." Diane reminded.

The three red deacon regained their senses and quickly accelerated their pace.

The four continued to walk forward, and soon came to the junction of the new business district and the old business district.

The old commercial area and the new commercial area were separated by a five-meter-high wall, with only a three-meter-high and wide door, and four city defense troops were guarding with military police.

Diane didn't look sideways, and walked straight in with the three red deacon.

The city defense army didn't stop them, just glanced at the three red deacon.

Behind the high wall, there are workers coming and going from the decoration workshop, who are renovating the newly built shop.

Now the decoration workshop has expanded several times, the number of decoration workers has reached nearly 1,000, and 60% of the workers are here at this time.


Kacha Kacha~~~

The sound of sawing wood and hammering heavy objects can be heard.

The red deacon glanced at him and was surprised in his heart.

Diane urged again: "Hurry up, maybe you can get on the train.

"Train?" The three of them were full of question marks.

Five minutes later, several people left Wengcheng and stood in front of the train station.

"Train station?" Red deacon looked at the words above.

"Fortunately, I can catch up." Diane's beautiful eyes lit up.

She quickened her pace, walked into the train station with the three of them, and bought four train tickets easily with the privilege.

As the chief of the three gates, Diane is also handling official business. As long as she is registered, she can use the privilege to buy train tickets.

In the waiting room, she held her arms in front of her, guarding the three red deacon who were in a daze.

They were still confused and didn't know what to do.

At this time, a ticket-checking reminder sounded in the waiting hall: "Passengers, please note that the ticket checking for train No. 01 has begun....

"Go, come with me." Diane raised the four train tickets in her hand and walked towards the ticket gate.

The red deacon followed silently and stood in the wicket line.

When it was their turn to check tickets, Diane identified herself.

"These three people are to be seen by the Lord of the City. This is my identity token and ID card. Now I have to take the train to the inner city." Diane took out the relevant documents and handed them to the ticket inspector.

The ticket inspector took the certificate and the train ticket, carefully checked it, and chose to issue it.

"Master Diane, you can go in." The staff respectfully said.

"Thank you." Diane put away the ID card and the token representing her identity.

She turned her head and said, "Let's go.

The red deacon kept up with her steps, and she was very curious about what to do and why (Nuo Hao Zhao) has been mysterious and mysterious.

Several people walked through the ticket passage and stepped on the stairs to the platform, with the train parked on the left.

"What is this!!" Diane and Doloro were stunned.

The red deacon looked shocked, staring at the huge locomotive, which was a rare high-level magic tool.

Diane looked at the seat information on the train ticket and muttered: "Four carriages, a row of A, B, C, and D seats.

She found the four carriages and turned back and shouted, "Get in, the train is about to leave."

Red deacon came back to his senses, pulled the chain, and followed Diane and Doloro.

In the fourth carriage, most of the passengers had already taken their seats and were chatting with each other excitedly.

"You sit in a row of seats A, B, and C." Diane raised her chin.

Taking a criminal on a train for the first time was a novel experience.

Red deacon sat sideways on the innermost side, just next to the window.

. . . . make.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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