Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1319 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1319: Strange people. (1 more)

The conductor shouted: "Everyone is seated, the train will start soon."

Diane sat in the first row, just by the aisle.

After sitting down, Hong deacon kept looking out the window, full of curiosity.

Diane and Doloro didn't have much else on their minds, they only prayed in their hearts that they could save a little life after meeting the Lord of Black Tortoise.


At this moment, the carriage vibrated, and then began to move forward slowly.

"Pick up, move!!" Many people in the carriage exclaimed, apparently taking the train for the first time.

"so amazing!

"There are no beasts pulling, how did you do it?"

The exclamations continued, which made Zaian and Doloro also curious.

The speed of the train is getting faster and faster, and after a while, it has already left the train station, and the speed is once again Ascension, which soon surpassed the speed of ordinary animal carts.

The red deacon's white lips parted slightly, and he stared in surprise at the fast passing scenery outside the window.

"How is this done?" She looked at Diane in astonishment.

"I don't know." Diane responded casually.

"Unbelievable.... Red deacon's heart shook.

The speed of the train is getting faster and faster, and the feeling of sitting in the carriage is much smoother than that of the animal car.

At this time, the conductor appeared pushing a small cart, and asked as he walked, "Do you need corn, roasted sweet potatoes, popcorn, and biscuits?"

"Send, there is still food for sale on the train." The passengers exclaimed in surprise.

Diane raised her hand skillfully: "I want a popcorn and an apple-flavored iced drink.

"Okay." The conductor pushed the trolley forward and pressed his body against the trolley to prevent it from moving.

He took out a paper bag with popcorn and a glass of iced drink, and said crisply, "A bag of popcorn and a glass of apple-flavored iced drink are just two yuan."

"Here." Diane gave the Black Tortoise coins prepared.

In the current Black Tortoise city, most of the prices have been reduced, such as ordinary fruit-flavored ice drinks, you can buy a cup for one yuan and five cents.

Zaian and Hong deacon watched eagerly, watching the conductor push the cart to the next carriage.


Diane opened the paper bag and ate the popcorn to herself, sipping the popcorn with ice, and the smell filled the whole carriage.


Dorrero moved his throat, attracted by the smell of popcorn, and his mouth secreted a lot of saliva.

"What is popcorn?" Red deacon asked curiously.

She has never been to the business district and doesn't know anything about popcorn or iced drinks.

Diane pouted and said indistinctly, "Popcorn is popcorn!"

"...Red deacon's mouth moved, speechless.

"Try it?" Diane pushed the paper bag forward, past Dolero and Diane.

"...Diane's nose moved, and her eyes fell on the golden popcorn floating in front of her eyes, which looked delicious.

Red deacon hesitated, but still stretched out his hand and twitched two popcorns in the palm of his hand.

"She looked down at her, her pitted appearance exuded a seductive fragrance.


The red deacon lightly opened her lips and stuffed the popcorn into her mouth. The crispy taste made her beautiful eyes sparkle.

Diane lifted her chin slightly and said proudly: "It's delicious, this is the most popular snack in the commercial district."

"It's delicious." Red deacon nodded earnestly.

"If you have nothing to do later, you can go to the commercial area, there are a lot of delicious food there." Diane took back the paper bag.

"Okay." The red deacon touched her pale lips.

....Dorello and Diane bow their heads, can they really be alright later?

The carriage was noisy and the other passengers were always in high spirits.

Time passed slowly, and the speed of the train began to slow down.

"Acropolis Station No. 1 is in front of you. Passengers who have to get off, please prepare, bring your belongings and prepare to get off." The conductor reminded.

"Do you want to go down?" asked the red deacon sideways.

"No, we're going to the inner city, the next stop is." Diane waved her hand.

"Oh." The red deacon sat down again.

The train (bgaa) entered the No. 1 Acropolis Station and stopped slowly. After the door of the carriage opened, people got off the train one after another.

After a while, another new person got on the bus and found a seat.

Ten minutes later, the train started again, heading for the inner city.

The carriage was still noisy, accompanied by the train conductor's reprimand and warning.

Everyone "sit down, don't run around." The conductor reminded.

"Don't throw rubbish and spit everywhere, offenders will be fined.

The conductors maintained the order of the carriages and kept the restless passengers honest.

The red deacon suddenly raised his head and felt a strong breath of life.

Dolero and Diane did the same, the three of them looked around, looking for the direction of the breath of life.

"What's wrong?" Diane frowned.

"Nothing." Red deacon responded in a low voice.

"Look where!" Diane exclaimed suddenly.

The red deacon looked up and saw the huge tree canopy in the sky through the transparent roof of the car.

"Dorello, the big tree, opened his mouth as if he had seen something incredible.

Hong deacon stood up directly and stared at the huge tree of life in astonishment. The rich life breath rushed towards her face, causing the pores of her body to open.

Doloro's eyes were frantic, and he exclaimed, "What a rich breath of life."

His suddenly raised voice attracted everyone's attention, and they all looked at him sideways.

"What's wrong?" Diane's expression became serious, and the momentum of the seventh-order peak was faintly exuded.

After she came to Black Tortoise City, her strength Ascension was rapid, and she was only one step away from breaking through and entering the eighth order.

"Sit down." The red deacon glanced coldly at Doleiro.

Dolero's throat moved, and he sat down in fear.

Your Excellency, "What kind of tree is that?" Red deacon looked at Diane with a question in his eyes.

Diane looked at her coldly and said indifferently: "That is the sacred tree of our Black Tortoise City.

"Holy tree....what species?" asked the red deacon.

"The tree of life." Diane responded casually.

The name is "the tree of life, no wonder there is such a strong breath of life!" Hong deacon exclaimed.

Diane squinted her eyes slightly, and said in a bad tone, "Are you trying to fight the Holy Tree?"

"No." The corners of the red deacon's eyes jumped, and the greed in the bottom of his eyes was suppressed.

She sat down, but kept her face up, her beautiful eyes were all green.

Diane restrained her momentum and said coldly, "Be honest.

The red deacon didn't respond, and his eyes were always staring at the tree of life.

"Ah~~~" Diane took a deep breath, and her body felt much more comfortable.

"Strange people." Diane pouted, sat down and continued eating the popcorn.

The train was still moving forward and arrived at the inner city railway station after half an hour.

Get off. Diane stood up, staring at the red deacon three vigilantly.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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