Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1331 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1331: Taboo items. (1 more)

Mu Liang said calmly: "Think about it carefully, and then let's talk about the sale of the locomotive."

"Okay." Yu Zheng nodded slowly.

Mu Liang turned his head to look at Yue Qinlan, and said in a clear voice, "Qinlan, arrange for someone to take Your Excellency Yuzheng to go around the inner city, and talk about the follow-up cooperation when the fox fairy wakes up."

"Okay." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

Yuzheng didn't refuse. Last time he came in a hurry, he just came to the Highland Palace, and he hadn't visited the inner city of Black Tortoise.

You know, in the city of Salun, there is no information about the inner city of Black Tortoise.

Mu Liang nodded to Yuzheng and said indifferently, "I still have something to do, so I'll be busy first."

"City Lord, go get busy, don't worry about me." Yu Zheng nodded quickly.

Mu Liang turned to leave, but when he walked to the door of the living room, he remembered another thing.

He looked back at Yuzheng and asked casually, "Your Excellency Yuzheng, I heard that Yuzheng Firm has the "Nine Sanqi" magic stone?"

Yu Zheng's pupils shrank slightly and nodded slowly: "There is one.

"Can you show it to me?" Mu Liang asked with a smile.

"Just a glance?" Yu Zheng was stunned.

"Well, okay?" Mu Liang asked with a question in his eyes.

Yu Zheng returned to his senses, nodded and agreed: "Yes, I will deliver it myself tomorrow."

He thought that Mu Liang wanted to buy the Philosopher's Stone, but he never thought that the other party just wanted to take a look.

"No, I will visit in person at night." Mu Liang left a sentence, turned and left the living room.

Today, he will go to Saraner City to rebuild the city within the city, and he can drop by Yuzheng Commercial Bank.

"This... Yu Zheng opened his mouth, and the words of refusal were stuck in his throat.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully, "You two, come with me.

"Okay." Yu Zheng regained his senses, took his daughter's hand and followed Yue Qinlan out of the living room.

In the main hall, Yao Er was mopping the floor.

Yue Qinlan said in a clear voice: "Yao'er, don't work first, take Your Excellency Yuzheng to the inner city for a walk."

"Yes." Yao'er replied obediently.

She hurriedly put the mop back in the tool room and washed her hands before returning.

"Entertain people." Yue Qinlan rubbed the little maid's head before leaving.

"I understand." Yao Er smiled charmingly.

Yao'er looked at Yu Zheng and Yu Fei'er, and said in a sweet voice, "You two, come with me."

"Okay." Yu Zheng responded, followed the little maid out of the palace, and took the transport ladder to the first floor of the high ground.

Yu Feier looked up at the huge tree of life above her head, and asked curiously, "Big sis, how old is this tree?"

"I don't know either." Yao'er shook his head.

"It should be thousands of years old, maybe even long." Yu Zheng guessed.

In his opinion, it is impossible for a tree to grow so big in tens of thousands of years.

Yao'er blinked her beautiful eyes, remembering what Wei Youlan had said, the tree of life was very small a year ago, just a little bigger than an ordinary green tree.

She was silent, after all, no one would believe what she said.

The girl took Yuzheng and Yu Feier away from the highland, and took a regular car to the inner city square.

In the car, the little maid introduced the history of Black Tortoise city and reminded some taboos.

For example, you can't defecate or spit anywhere, you can't discriminate against orcs and half-orcs, you can't fight, you can't litter, and so on.

Yu Zheng was stunned secretly, but he honestly wrote it down so as not to offend Black Tortoise City without knowing it.

The beast car stopped beside the inner city square, and the little maid and others got out of the car.

Yao Er introduced: "This is the inner city square. It is the earliest square built in Black Tortoise City, and it is also the central area of ​​the inner city residential area."

"Very good." Yu Zheng praised sincerely.

The plaza in the inner city is very spacious, and the landmark is the clock tower in the center.

"Boom, boom, boom~~~

It happened that the Black Tortoise bell was struck, and the clear bell echoed in the inner city.

The bell rang nine times, and the reverberation lingered in the ears of the people.

"What a loud bell." Yu Feier opened his mouth slightly.

Yu Zheng remembered something and asked curiously, "Is this clock also a high-end magic tool?

"Hmm, Black Tortoise clocks are all high-end magic tools." Yao Er explained.

"How many Black Tortoise clocks are there?" Yuzheng was shocked, why are high-end magic tools like popular goods in Black Tortoise City?

Yao'er said uncertainly: "One in the inner city, one in the outer city, one in each of the Four David Cities, one in the business district, one in the Black Tortoise restaurant, it should be eight...

The city of Black Tortoise is very big, and she does not know if Mr. Mu Liang has a Black Tortoise clock in other places.

"...Yu Zheng was silent.

"Let's go to the front." Yao Er stepped forward.

Yu Zheng and Yu Feier followed.

The three spent two hours in the inner city before they received a message from the palace that the fox fairy had woken up.

"Let's get ready to go back... Yaoer said naively.

"Okay." Yuzheng expects in his heart that only by negotiating the cooperation can his heart settle down.

Before leaving, Yu Feier pointed to the building in the distance and asked, "Big sis, what does the house over there do?"

Yao'er looked sideways and explained, "That is the Great Hall, where some important events are held, and it can also be used for auctions."

"Auction?" Yu Zheng's eyes flickered.

He asked with interest: "When will the next auction start?"

Yao Er shook his head and revealed the news: "I don't know this, but the next auction will be held in Salun City."

"Holding an auction in Salun City!!" Yu Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, that's what Mr. Mu Liang said." Yao Er said obediently.

This is not a secret, and Yuzheng can help promote the auction.

Yuzheng took this incident in his mind, and at the same time wondered what good things would appear at the auction.

Given the wealth of Black Tortoise City, high-level magic tools are definitely available, even more than one or two.

His heart was hot, thinking of Little Brother, he should be very interested in advanced magic equipment.

To be precise, no one is not interested in advanced magic tools.

Half an hour later, the three returned to the highland and took the transport ladder to ascend to the eighth floor of the highland.

"Is the transport elevator for sale?" Yu Zheng asked suddenly.

He was also interested in transport ladders.

Yao'er shook her head and said clearly, "You have to ask Master Mu Liang or Master Huxian."

0.0 "Okay." Yu Zheng closed his mouth.

After the transport elevator stopped, the three of them returned to the palace one by one.

"I'm back." The fox fairy walked gracefully, holding a glass of milky white ice drink in her hand.

This is an ice drink newly researched by Mino, named "Lychee Milk Tea", which is made from lychee, Star tea and animal milk, and has a rich taste.

"Lord Fox Immortal." Yao'er greeted obediently.

Yu Zheng stared blankly at the fox fairy until his waist hurt, and turned his head to his daughter's round eyes.

He laughed a few times and said, "Your Excellency Fox Immortal, can we start discussing cooperation?"

The fox immortal glanced at him, raised his hand and said, "Come with me."

"Okay." Yu Zheng's throat moved, and he followed honestly, walking towards the familiar living room.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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