Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1332 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1332: I want to work. (2 more)


In Salon City, the area under the jurisdiction of Black Tortoise City.

The earth shook, and the houses collapsed one by one like dominoes.

Under the control of Mu Liang, the dust raised was limited.

He controlled the earth and stone with his mind and continued the reconstruction work.

The roar continued, the earth vibrated from time to time, and the sky and earth and rocks flew across the sky, which made other city residents outside the high wall full of curiosity.

Outside the high wall, many people gathered, all discussing the situation inside the high wall.

"What the hell is going on in here?"

"Who knows, who can fly, let's go up and see." Someone suggested.

"Who dares to die?"

"That is, if you fly up and get shot down by people from Black Tortoise City, it will be miserable."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and there were many people who came up with ideas, but no one took action.

On the high wall, the city defense army held a crossbow and looked at the townspeople at the foot of the wall.


A loud cry came from high up in the sky, causing everyone to look up at the sky.

A huge figure hovered over the city of Salun, and the fire feathers should hum and fluttered towards the city within the city.

"What a big flight Magical Beasts!!"

"Flying Magical Beasts are attacking the city, run away!!"

"This terrifying aura is the ninth-order Magical Beasts, it's over, Salon City is over....

Panic and despair spread throughout the city of Salun, and the people panicked and fled like headless flies.

In the air, Mu Liang grinned and said to himself: "The commotion seems to be a bit big.


The Fire Feather Eagle screamed again, and the glazed cabin was fixed behind it, and the people sitting in it were all from the decoration workshop.

Mu Liang Didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and ordered: "Xiao Yu, go down first."

Let the Fire Feather Eagle call out a few more times, and I am afraid that all the people in Saran'er City will all run away.

The Fire Feather Eagle fluttered its wings and landed, landing in an open space, leaning down and letting Liu Licui get closer to the ground.

The glazed hatch is opened, and the folded stairs are lowered to the ground, so that the people in the decoration workshop can come down safely.

step, step, step~~~

Bouvier was the first to come down from Liuli Cui, and quickly stepped forward after seeing Mu Liang.

She said softly: "Mr. Mu Liang, everyone has brought them, but there are only three hundred people."

"So little?" Mu Liang frowned slightly.

Before he came to Salun City, he instructed Bouvier to bring a group of decoration workers to start simple decoration for the residential building.

The other "workers are busy," Bouvier explained.

The new business district is being renovated, and some villages and towns in the outer city also need to be renovated. There are also many unrenovated residential buildings in Siwei City.

Mu Liang thought about it for a while, and said in a flash: "In this way, let's recruit people on the spot."

"Recruiting decoration workers here?" Bouvier was stunned.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Hey, let the three hundred workers take them to work, one person takes two, and they do some simple work, they should be able to get started soon."

"I understand, I'll make arrangements now." Bouvier's beautiful eyes lit up, this is indeed a good idea.

"In the temporary residence, the salary is one-fifth lower than that of our workers. Unless they become regular workers, the salary will be adjusted to the same level." Mu Liang reminded.

"I understand." Bouvier nodded seriously.

The salary of newly recruited temporary workers cannot be higher than that of regular employees in the decoration workshop, otherwise it is easy to cause public outrage and cause workers to slack off.

She took the workers to the temporary shelter.

The appearance of the Fire Feather Eagle has attracted the attention of many people, and now that Bouvier is walking towards them, it is inevitable that people will feel nervous.

step, step, step~~~

Bouvier stood in front of the first temporary residence.

Ignoring those scrutinizing eyes, she asked loudly, "Anyone among you who wants to find a job?"

"Work?" In the crowd, Xixi's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

She hurriedly raised her hand, squeezed through the crowd and came to the front, forgetting to say: "I'm looking for a job."

Bouvier frowned and looked at Xixi, then slowly shook her head and said, "You are too thin to do heavy work."

"My lord, I look thin, but I am very strong. I can do it." Xixi hurriedly said.

Bouvier shook her head again and said, "You are just an ordinary person. If you are not strong, how can you be so strong?"

Xixi bit her lower lip and said reluctantly, "But Nigisa Big sis said I can do it."

"You know Nigissa?" Bouvier raised her brows lightly.

Xilin squeezed through the crowd to come to Big sis, and said seriously: "Nigisha Big sis is a good person, she said that we can find jobs here and support ourselves by ourselves."

Bouvier nodded slowly, her expression softened.

She thought about it for a while and said, "I'm hiring decoration workers to decorate the newly built buildings. It will be very hard."

"I'm not afraid of hard work." Xixi said quickly.

Xilin said seriously with a small face: "I'm not afraid of hard work.

"The salary is calculated on a daily basis, each person is five yuan a day in Black Tortoise coins, work at eight in the morning, rest after twelve noon, go to work at one thirty in the afternoon, and leave work at six." Bouvier said calmly.

After the Black Tortoise city arrived in the New World, the wages of the workers have risen as a whole, and the prices have dropped a lot to avoid the situation of currency unequal value.

"Black Tortoise?" Shirin blinked.

Bouvier explained: "That's the currency of Black Tortoise, the same as copper and silver coins."

"But this is Salon City, Black Tortoise coins are useless... Xixi whispered.

"This place will be owned by Black Tortoise city management in the future. When the construction is completed, Black Tortoise coins can be used here."

Bouvier added: "Of course, you can also go to the bank and exchange Black Tortoise coins for copper coins or silver coins.

"Where is Qianzhuang?" Xilin asked curiously.


Bouvier pointed to the Black Tortoise restaurant and gestured: "In the first floor of the Black Tortoise restaurant."

In order to facilitate the guests to exchange currency, the Black Tortoise restaurant has set up a counter with a money shop, and can go to exchange currency independently.

Xixi nodded slowly, most of the worries in his heart dissipated.

Bouvier looked serious and said loudly: "Okay, do you want this job or not, I have limited time, if you want this job, come and sign up.

"I want it." Xixi no longer hesitated, and rushed to Bo Wei first.

Bouvier nodded, raised her eyes and shouted, "Is there any more?"

"Me." Shirin shouted hastily.

Bouvier glanced at him, what can a ten-year-old boy do?

Xilin pleaded: "My lord, I only need half my salary, let me work."

Xixi opened his mouth, wanting Little Brother to stay at home with peace of mind, but remembering what he said before, he couldn't bear to hit him.

"Okay." Bouvier couldn't bear to refuse, so she agreed in a low voice.


"I also want to work.


Many people raised their hands and looked at Bouvier earnestly.

Bouvier nodded with satisfaction and said with a serious face: "Everyone cooperates with the registration information, and then starts work in the afternoon."

"Yes!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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