Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1775: Shoots himself in the foot. (1 more)

Mu Liang transplanted linden in the back garden of the palace, very close to the lake.

After planting, he plucked three leaves from the branches and put them in different glass boxes for preservation.

Among the three leaves, only one allows the magician to learn a ninth-order magic 100%, and the remaining two leaves allow the magician to learn the eighth-order magic 100%.

Seeing this, Yue Qinlan asked, "Would you like to reveal the news about the auction of linden leaves?~"

"Well, I think people from the Wizards Association will be very interested." Mu Liang-lips rose.

Which force has the most magicians on the mainland, and has the strength to shoot - the leaves of Bodhi grass?

The answer, of course, is the Society of Magicians.

This force can be said to be spread all over the New World, and each kingdom has a branch of the Magician Association. Such a force has no shortage of magical beast spar.

"I see." Yue Qinlan nodded slowly.

She already had a plan in her mind, and she would contact the person in charge of the business district in the New World through the resonance bug in a moment, and ask them to release the news to the Magician Association.

The two left the back garden and returned to the palace, walking towards the study side by side.

Mu Liang went back to the study and sat down, listening to Yue Qinlan asking: "Su Jin gave you such a good gift, how are you going to thank her?

"Yeah, how should I thank her..." Mu Liang raised his hand and rubbed his temples.

Linden grass is rare, and has brought him a very good ability.

Yueqin's blue eyes flashed and said: "Just marry her, Su Jin also likes you anyway.

"Sounds good." Mu Liang's eyes flashed with a smile, showing serious consideration.

"Do you really want to marry her?" "Yue Qinlan stared at her aqua blue eyes.

"Isn't this what you proposed?" Mu Liang asked rhetorically, raising an eyebrow.

"Yue Qinlan's brows jumped, does this count as shooting herself in the foot?

She rolled her eyes and Tsundere said, "I'm joking, can't you hear me?"

"I can't hear it. 39 Mu Liang raised his hand and tapped the woman's forehead lightly.

Yue Qinlan wrinkled her pretty nose, rolled her beautiful eyes, and asked, "Mu Liang, you are quite old, when are you going to marry? 35

"Am I very old?" Mu Liang was dumbfounded.

He is clearly only in his early twenties, why does it sound like he is about to be in his thirties.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "You are not very old, but many people as old as you have married and had children. 39

"..." Mu Liang was speechless for a moment, the world seems to be like this, and there is no legal age for marriage.

In the Xuanwu City Marriage Laws and Regulations he wrote, it was restricted to marry at the age of 18.

Mu Liang suddenly asked, "Then are you going to marry me?"

"Ah?" Yue Qinlan was stunned for a moment, but her pretty face turned red, and her water-blue eyes flashed at a loss.

Mu Liang smiled and said: "It seems that you are not ready, it is too early to talk about this, and we will talk about it when the Xuanwu Kingdom has fully developed and become stable. 99

"Oh..." Yue Qinlan's mouth moved, and she finally uttered a word silently.

Mu Liang asked, "How is the renovation of Qianji Commercial City?"

"The newly recruited workers have already started, but the time is too short to complete the renovation of one street." Yue Qinlan said crisply.

Qianji Commercial City is newly built, and the workers all come from Jinyuan City. It takes two or three days to get familiar with the environment, and it will take time to get started slowly.

During the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Qianji Commercial City will be open to the public, and people who come from the salt water area of ​​the old continent will also pass through Qianji Commercial City.

"Well, let's take a street, it's better than being bare." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

Yueqin Lan's beautiful eyes smiled and said: "However, the greening of the Qianji Commercial District has been done, and it will not be bare.

"Well, that's fine." Mu Liang replied in a warm voice.

The two chatted for a while about work, and the management bureau had something to do, and Yue Qinlan was called away by the little maid.

There was only Mu Liang left in the study. He pulled a piece of paper and prepared to draw a map of the Xuanwu Kingdom. He wanted to re-plan the direction of the Xuanwu River and create mountains and lakes on the turtle's back.

He picked up the pen and drew, until at night, before dinner, Yue Qinlan carried a thick stack of paper into the study.

"What is this?" Mu Liang asked, raising his eyes.

"I brought back all the scripts written by the townspeople." Yue Qinlan put down all the manuscripts.

Mu Liang glanced at the manuscript and asked, "Isn't there room to store magic tools, why are you still holding them back?

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "There is no more space, it's full.

"Then I'll make another one for you." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

The space for storing magic tools was too small, this time he was going to make a bigger one.

"Do it when you have time, don't worry." Yue Qinlan sat down and said.

She picked up the top manuscript, looked at the title, and wanted to throw it away.

Mu Liang took a look, tugged at the corners of his mouth and read out the script name: "The love story of the Merry Knight and the Short-legged Princess?

・・・・For flowers・・0

Yue Qinlan raised her hand to rest on her forehead and said, "This name makes people have no desire to read it at a glance. 35

She was not optimistic about the rest of the script.

"I think it's okay, open it and take a look." Mu Liang said with interest.

Yue Qinlan was speechless for a moment, but she opened the script obediently.

"This word... it's ugly." She resisted the urge to throw away the script and tried to identify the words on the script.

Mu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but fortunately, although the words were ugly, he could barely understand them.

He swept through the lines at a glance, and found that the plots he wrote were not smooth, and they were all running accounts.

Mu Liang took over the script, quickly flipped through a few pages, and finally put it aside in disappointment.

"Can't use it? Yue Qinlan asked.

"Well, the whole article is about how the princess seduced the knight. Mu Liang couldn't help but chuckle a few times.

Yue Qinlan couldn't help laughing: "If those princesses see this, I'm afraid they will die of anger.

Mu Liang smiled, looked at the manuscripts with dozens of manuscripts, and said with emotion: "There are so many manuscripts in just a few days.

"I'm afraid all of them won't work." Yue Qinlan worried.

"It shouldn't be." Mu Liang said hopefully.

"Then look at it again." Yue Qinlan picked up the second script, which also had the name written on the cover.

"The Wanderings of the Lame Prince..." She had a bad premonition.

She turned to the first page and found that the words on it were still neat this time, at least she could easily understand what was written.

The woman turned two pages and found that the content of the script was very incoherent, the sentences were inconsistent, and the plot was the same.

"No." Mu Liang shook his head.

He picked up a third book, called 'The Underground Romance of a Knight and a Princess'


Mu Liang was speechless: "Why do you like to write about the love between knights and princesses?

"I'm speechless too." Yue Qinlan said helplessly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~.

Mu Liang quickly flipped through a few pages, but the script was still useless, closed it and put it aside.

"Master Mu Liang, Master Qinlan, it's time for dinner." There was a knock on the study door, and the maid came to ask the two to have dinner.

Mu Liang put down the script, stood up and said: "Let's go, continue watching after you've had enough. 35

"Okay." Yue Qinlan replied, but after seeing the rest of the script, she was still disappointed and overwhelmed.

. . . . . . . . .

[1 more]: Ask for a custom towel,


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