Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1776: Purity is polluted. (2 more)

At night, in the study.

Holding a script, Mu Liang turned two pages, frowning slightly.

Sitting next to him is Yue Qinlan, also holding the script in his hand.

In addition to the two people in the study, there are also Liyue and Mia, who have a script to help select high-quality scripts.

After dinner, Liyue and Mia didn't have to be on duty tonight. They learned that Mu Liang was going to screen the script, so they came to help because it was fun.

Yue Qinlan dropped the script in her hand and said depressedly: "No, what is this writing?"

Mu Liang asked curiously: "What was written?"5

"The forbidden love between the princess and the prince." Yue Qinlan said sideways.

"Is there any problem?" Mia looked over suspiciously.

Yue Qinlan raised her hand and pressed her temple: "They are brothers and sisters. 35

Mia opened her mouth and suddenly didn't know how to complain.

"...This kind of "one six seven" bloody plot can also be written?" Mu Liang was also shocked.

I want to get my leg broken.

"Let me see." Li Yue said softly.

Yue Qinlan picked up the script and handed it over, Li Yue turned two pages with curiosity, and then closed the script with a blushing face.

Mia's cat ears trembled, and she said in surprise, "Why are you blushing."

"It's okay..." Li Yue blushed, her mind was full of the descriptions in the script just now.

Catwoman couldn't help being curious, picked up the script and looked at it, and finally threw the script down with her heart beating faster, and the hair on her ears froze.

It feels like my pure soul has been polluted.

"Giggle, does it look good?" A sly look flashed across Yue Qin's blue eyes.

Li Yue recalled it, and complained in her tone: "Sister Qinlan, you are cheating on me.

"Good things should be shared together." Yue Qinlan smiled gracefully.

Mia didn't dare to read the rest of the script. It was the first time she encountered such explicit words and was frightened.

Mu Liang raised his brows slightly, raised his hand, and the script on the desktop floated up and landed on his hand.

Mia said without words: "Mu Liang, don't look at it.

"It's okay." Mu Liang already had the answer in his heart, just to verify it.

He swept his eyes and ten lines at a time, and his expression became strange. After reading it, he went to see the person who wrote the script, and found that there was no signature.

Mu Liang twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "I didn't sign it because I was afraid of being caught. It's quite clever."

"Do you want to send someone to investigate? Yue Qinlan asked with a smile.

"Forget it, don't waste your manpower." Mu Liang waved his hand, and the flames rose from his palm, burning the script to fly ash and falling into the trash can.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan responded and picked up another script to read it.

Liyue let out a sigh of relief, cleared the strange thoughts in her head, and continued to read other scripts.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~~

There was only the sound of turning the pages of the script in the study, and the tsk tsk that the three girls couldn't help making.

"Tsk, is this written by a child?"5

"You don't need to read this one.

Two hours later, there were only five scripts left on the desktop, and the rest had been read, and without exception, all of them could not be used.

Yue Qinlan said disappointedly: "There are still five books left, shouldn't there really be none that can be used?"

"Let's talk after reading it. Mu Liang picked up another copy.

He glanced at it a few times and threw away the script. It was another script without nutrition.

"I'm wondering if this method is really bad." Yue Qinlan sighed.

Mu Liang reassured: "This is just the beginning, there will be good scripts in the future.

"Hope it. Yue Qinlan picked up the next script reluctantly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~

"Adventures in the book." She opened it and glanced, her expression stunned, and continued to look down.

Yueqin Lan's beautiful eyes glowed, and she said in surprise, "Hey, it's interesting, this book is interesting.

"What is it written?" Mia looked suspicious, worried that she would be tricked by Yue Qinlan again.

Li Yue also remained skeptical, and recalled the 'Little Huang Wen'


"An interesting story." Yue Qinlan said with satisfaction.

She handed the script to Mu Liang and let him taste it.

Mu Liang turned a few pages and found that the content of the plot is really good. It was written that the protagonist entered the world of the adventure travel notes and experienced the plots written in the travel notes.

"It's really interesting, it can be made into a movie." He also said with joy.

After reading so many waste scripts, finally one can be used, how can it not be surprising.

Yue Qinlan smiled like a flower and said: "The person who wrote this script also marked it, this will be a script with several sequels, and it is still being created.

"Really so interesting?" Li Yue was curious.

"Look." Mu Liang handed the script to the silver-haired girl.

Liyue took it and looked over it, and Catwoman was also curious, so she leaned forward to watch it together.

Half an hour later, the two of them put down the script with no end in sight.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully, "Is it not bad?

"Well, it's not as good as Mu Liang's writing, but it's pretty good." Li Yue commented.

Mu Liang said warmly: "The content of the script is very novel, and it is a genre that I have not written before. This person can be reused or hired to write the script specially. 35

Mia asked, "What's the author's name?"

Yue Qinlan turned to the last page and glanced at it, and said softly: "My name is Norman, it should be a woman, if it is her real name. 55

Mu Liang instructed: "Go to contact tomorrow, if it is a script written by her, then buy it.

"Well, I will arrange it. Yue Qinlan agreed.

Mu Liang said warmly: "Your sister should like this script, you can show her first. 35

"Wait for tomorrow, she didn't come back today." Yue Qinlan shrugged.

Yue Qinyi stayed in the No. 8 Acropolis on weekdays and rarely returned to the highlands.

The film and television base has been incorporated into the No. 8 Acropolis, helping to build a real film and television city.

In the current Acropolis No. 8, several film and television bases have been built, some of which are open to the outside world, in order to attract tourists and drive the sales of peripheral derivatives of movies and TV dramas.

Like the popular TV series and movies, the clothes, armor, shoes and other items worn by the protagonists can be bought by people who love movies to wear and collect in 4.0.

"Well, let her pay attention to rest." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

"As I said, she will rest when she is tired." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Mu Liang smiled and had to admit that Yue Qinyi was very talented in filming, and every time she made movies and TV series, she was deeply loved by everyone.

"There are still three scripts, one person should read half of them." Yue Qinlan picked up the remaining scripts and read them.

But what is disappointing is that after reading the three scripts, they are all scraps without exception.

"I hope the subsequent submissions will be better." Yue Qinlan sighed.

"Don't be discouraged." Mu Liang smiled.

"Got it. Yue Qinlan blinked her blue eyes and took away those useless scripts.

. . . . . . . . . .

【2 more】: Please customize.


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