Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1777: Long live long life. (3 more)

"Boom, boom, boom~

In the main city, the bell sounded from the center of the square and spread throughout the entire residential area.

Room 6, Building 18, Ding 3rd Street, is a one-bedroom, one-bedroom house where an 18-year-old girl lives.


Norman woke up from the bed, rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, lay on the bed in a trance, and got out of bed reluctantly until his stomach groaned.

She walked into the bathroom, and the sound of water quickly rang out.

Ten minutes later, the girl brushed her teeth, washed her face, and used a wet comb to smooth her messy short hair.

The girl's hair is light gray, and the length of the hair tail is just at the shoulders. With the same gray eyes, the whole person looks a little lifeless.

"The hair seems to be a little longer." Norman grabbed the end of his hair and glanced.

She thought about it, today is a rest day, she doesn't need to go to the workshop, she can go out to buy breakfast and get a haircut.


Norman clenched his left fist on the palm of his right, and said lightly: "That's it, I'll come back to write the script after cutting my hair.

She changed her clothes, tied her short hair behind her head with a rope, and went out the door with a small bag made of animal skins on her back.

The girl did not have a bicycle, so she could only walk to the big market, where there were only places to cut hair, and there were also many shops selling food.

She doesn't have to work today, she doesn't walk fast, and she enjoys her leisure time.


She crossed Ding 2nd Street, Ding 1st Street, Bing 3rd Street, and Bing 2nd Street, next to the expanded square.

The square for breakfast was very lively. The city residents rode their bicycles, some bought newspapers and some went directly to the workshop to work.

The girl walked along the wall and smelled a lot of fragrances, all of which she liked.

Norman blinked and whispered, "What are you going to have for breakfast today..."

She recalled what she ate two days ago. The day before yesterday, it was buns, pancakes at noon, and wheat porridge with meatballs at night.

Yesterday I ate noodles for breakfast, burritos for lunch, and no dinner.

She passed by a sweet potato shop and was attracted by the fragrance in the shop.

"Then eat sweet potatoes, I haven't eaten for three days." Norman decided.

She walked into the sweet potato shop, and the staff behind the counter were cleaning the sweet potatoes, then dicing them and frying them in a frying pan. This was making sweet potato chips.

This sweet potato shop sells everything made from sweet potatoes, sweet potato chips, baked sweet potatoes, steamed sweet potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, and more.

The staff saw Norman and asked casually, "Guest, what do you want to buy?"

Norman tilted his head and thought for a while, then said clearly: "Half a roasted sweet potato, and a sweet potato ball."

"Okay, a total of one yuan." The staff smiled.

Norman took out a one-yuan Xuanwu coin and handed it to the staff, and took the paper bag handed over by the other party, which contained half a roasted sweet potato and a sweet potato ball, which was the size of half an adult's fist.

After the salaries of urban workers have risen, prices have also risen a bit.

The girl left the sweet potato shop and stood on the side of the street biting the steaming roasted sweet potatoes, her beautiful eyes staring at the street where people came and went.

The main city is very lively now, and there is no rubbish on the streets. Before the 'day' is bright, the sanitation workers have already cleaned the streets.

"It's such a good life..."

Norman sighed in a low voice: "Hopefully this goes on forever."

She is from the Old World, a survivor of a small tribe.

The tribe where the girl once belonged was destroyed by powerful beasts, making her an orphan even more helpless, and finally entered Xuanwu City to live.

Now, she works in a garment workshop. Every day, she leaves the main city in a beast cart, and returns in the beast cart at night.

For a moment, she felt that her life was very beautiful now. She didn't have to worry about being attacked by beasts, and she didn't have to worry about running out of water. She lived in a clean and tidy house. She only needed to work to get enough food. This was something she never dared to think about before. .

"Bless the Lord of the City with a long life." Norman crumpled the finished paper bag and threw it into the trash can next to him.


The girl patted her face, turned and walked to the barber shop on the other side.

The barber shop is diagonally opposite the big market, the store is very large, maybe because it is too early, there are not many customers in the store.

Norman walked into the barber shop. The staff was wiping the tables and chairs. When they saw the girl come in, they quickly stepped forward to greet them.

The barber shop is newly opened, and the barber is also newly trained, who only cuts simple hairstyles.

"Are you going to cut your hair?" the staff asked with a smile.

"Hmm, how much does one cut cost?" Norman asked cautiously.

She had seen the advertisement of the barber shop in the newspaper, but she didn't know what the charges were, only that she could cut her hair here.

"One time, two yuan, including washing and cutting." The female staff introduced.

"Two dollars..." Norman hesitated, but nodded.

"Then wash your hair first." The staff gestured.

"Oh." Norman followed, and came to the inner area, where you could see a few oddly shaped shampoo beds.

"Lie down and rest your head here." The staff waved his hand to indicate.

Norman looked surprised and tried to lie down on the shampoo bed with his head just in the shampoo basin.

The shampoo bed, made by Mu Liang, is mainly made of colored glaze, and the surface is covered with a layer of linen, so that people will not feel uncomfortable when lying on it.

"Start shampooing now." The staff rolled up their sleeves, turned on the water switch, and water sprayed from the shower onto the girl's hair.

The shower head is also made of colored glass, and the connecting hose is made of rubber.

167 The girl's hair was wet, and the staff squeezed a little shampoo and started scrubbing the girl's hair.

"Hey, do you still use shampoo for me?" Norman asked in astonishment.

Shampoo is expensive, but a haircut costs only two dollars.

"Yes, this is required by the training adults." The staff said sweetly.

Norman said in surprise: "How do you profit from this?"

The staff explained: "It's a trial operation now, so the haircut is only two yuan, and the price will increase in a few days. It will cost five yuan for a haircut."

"It turned out to be like this." Norman suddenly realized that the reason why it is cheaper now is to let the townspeople experience it and accumulate experience and customers.

The staff smiled and did not speak, and carefully scrubbed and washed the girl's hair, which may also be the reason of the woman, she washed very carefully.

"It's so comfortable~~~" Norman's gray eyes narrowed slightly.

"Is it worth two dollars?" the staff asked with a smile.

"Well, it's worth it." Norman nodded and replied without thinking.

The staff turned on the shower, rinsed the foam from the hair, took out the towel to dry the hair, and asked the girl to get up and sit on the chair.

"Really comfortable." Norman retorted.

The staff took out the tools for haircut and said with a smile, "If you like it, you can come here often."

. . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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