Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1778: The sense of security is so strong. (1 more)

Norman sat on a wooden chair with a mirror in front of him, which was made by applying special paint on the glass and then polishing it.

The paint was accidentally researched by Yuffie, and the raw material was some kind of special ore.

The mirror made by this method is not as good as a glass mirror, but it is also better than a bronze mirror and other metal mirrors.

In this world, bronze mirrors are the most numerous, followed by other metal mirrors.

The production of metal mirrors is very troublesome. By grinding and polishing, the metal surface can reflect objects, but most of the images will be blurred and distorted.

Norman widened his gray eyes and leaned forward to look at himself in the mirror.

She reached out and touched her face, and the tips of her hair were dripping with water droplets. She couldn't help but exclaimed, "What kind of mirror is this? It looks so clearly. 35

"This is a glass mirror, a very rare thing." The staff picked up scissors and a comb.

Norman asked with interest: "Where can I buy it?"

The staff shook his head and explained: "You can't buy it, this is what Lord Qinlan brought.

"Is that so..." Norman looked regretful.

Maybe it will be available in the future, but it will be very expensive, right?

"My name is Nuo'er, let's start cutting my hair now." The staff showed a signature smile with two dimples on their faces.

Norman nodded: "Okay."

Nuo'er took out a piece of soft cloth, which was made of animal skin, the animal hair on it had been scraped off, and it had been soaked in medicinal water. It was as soft as a cotton cloth.

She draped the hide over Norman and fastened it to the girl's neck with clips, and water dripped from the tips of her hair.

Nuoer fiddled with the girl's short hair, smiled and asked, "Do you have any requirements for the hairstyle? 35

"I want to cut it short." Norman said clearly.

Nuo'er combed the girl's short gray hair with a comb, and asked softly, "How short should you cut it?

"Just cut as many." Norman looked at himself in the glass mirror, reached out and grabbed a handful of hair, measuring the length of a knuckle.

"Okay. 35 Nuo'er responded.

She skillfully picked up a bunch of hair with a comb, moved it to the end of the hair with two fingers, and then cut off two centimeters of hair neatly with scissors.


The scissors used by Nuoer are very sharp and made of light purple steel, which can easily cut off the hair.

Norman's brows trembled, watching the cut hair fall on the hide, and then slide down to the ground without hindrance.


Nuo'er moved quickly, and the clumps of hair were cut off, which also made the ends of Norman's hair neat, not like it was bitten by a dog like before.

After more than ten minutes, the girl's hair was cut, and it looked much neater.

Nuo'er smiled and asked, "Miss, are you satisfied with this?"

"Hmm, it looks good." Norman looked at himself in the glass mirror and was very satisfied with the new hairstyle.

Nuo'er put down the scissors and said, "Then let's wash it again, and wash off the cut hair. 35

"Eh, do you need to wash again?" Norman asked in surprise.

"Yes." Nuo'er responded.

"Okay." Surprised, Norman got up and walked to the shampoo bed, laying down and enjoying himself.

Nuo Er skillfully scrubbed her hair, washed it with shampoo again, and finally dried the girl's hair with a dry towel.

"Okay." She helped Norman up.

"It's really comfortable." Norman let out a sigh of relief, took out two one-yuan Xuanwu coins and handed them to Nuo'er.

Nuo'er put away the Xuanwu coins and smiled: "Welcome to come again next time."

"Okay." Norman nodded again and again, and decided to do it again before raising the price.

She left the barber shop, and a gust of wind blew on her face, which made her feel refreshed, as if she had been reborn.

Norman looked back at the barber shop and sighed: "This service is really comfortable..."

She turned around and walked in the direction she came from. At this moment, she had a lot of thoughts in her mind, and she had to go back and write it down.

The girl returned to Room 6, Building 18, Ding 3rd Street. After opening the door, she went straight to the long table, picked up a pen and paper, and began to devote herself to writing.

She wrote it for over an hour, and the first draft of the script was over a thousand words.

Norman looked at the first draft in his hand and whispered: "I don't know if the script submitted a few days ago will be selected...

She has already submitted a manuscript to the main city management bureau, and she has not received a reply in the past three days.

"I shouldn't have been selected..." The corner of Norman's mouth turned downward, and his enthusiasm for writing the script was extinguished.

She took a deep breath and comforted herself: "There should be a lot of people who contributed, it's normal for those who didn't choose me, maybe they haven't seen my script yet."

The girl was thinking wildly, and unknowingly fell asleep on the table.

"Tap tap~

Yue Qinlan stepped on the stairs and came to the door of the house where Norman lived on the third floor.

"Why didn't you close the door?" She looked at the slightly open door, looked sideways inside the room, and saw Norman sleeping at a glance.

Has Xuanwu City already gave people such a strong sense of security? It didn't even close the door.

"Fell asleep?"

Yue Qinlan raised her brows lightly, stepped into the house, and heard the girl's long breathing.

Women's ears are stronger than ordinary people, and they can tell whether a girl is asleep by breathing.

Yue Qinlan looked around the house, there was very little furniture in the living room, and only saw a dining table, two wooden chairs, and a low wooden frame.

She walked gently to the girl's side, looked at the paper on the desktop, and was immediately attracted by the content.

"々, it's a new script." Yueqin's blue eyes were happy, but half of the paper was under the girl's body, and only part of the beginning of the script could be seen.


Norman's body trembled, and he slowly raised his head, his gray eyes were blank.

She and Yue Qinlan looked at each other and slowly raised their numb arms, but they still haven't recovered.

"Awake?" Yue Qinlan pulled another wooden chair and sat down gracefully.

"Eh?" Norman slowly widened his gray eyes, and came back to his senses in an instant.

She stood up in a conditioned reflex, staggered back a step, and stared at Yue Qinlan in astonishment.

Norman stammered: "Book, Master Secretary?

Yue Qinlan said gracefully (with Wang Zhao): "I saw that you didn't close the door, so you came in directly.

"Didn't you close the door... maybe you forgot." Norman glanced at the door and became cautious.

"Still pay attention to safety, and close the door when entering and leaving." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Norman nodded quickly and responded weakly: "Yes, I will pay attention to the team in the future.

Yue Qinlan remembered the information from the investigation, looked at the girl and said, "You are Norman, right?"

"It's me." Norman clicked again.

She was uneasy, did she make a mistake, why did the secretary come to the door in person?

Yue Qinlan looked at the nervous girl, and said with a smile, "Don't be nervous, I'm not looking for you for something bad.

"What's that for?" Norman breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and his unease dissipated a little.

Yue Qinlan smiled and asked, "Can't you guess it?"

. . . . . . . . .

[1 update]: The second update of the positive code.


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