Shanhai Commercial City, above Xuanwu Restaurant, in the suite where Lingyun lives.

Lingyun sat on the sofa in the living room, looked at Feng'er with her hands folded in front of her, and said depressedly: "Feng'er, what should I do, I don't want to go back yet.

Feng'er respectfully said: "Your Highness, we have been playing for a month. If we don't go back, both the King and the Queen will be worried."

"It's only been a month. Lingyun pouted, like an awkward little girl.

Feng'er pursed her lips and felt depressed. She hadn't found Deacon Red and the others, so it was impossible to go back now.

She has already decided that she will leave Shanhai Commercial City when she has a chance, and go to a farther place to see, no matter what, she must get the mysterious life breath of Xuanwu City.

Ling Yun suddenly asked: "How many magic stone spar do we have?

Feng'er replied: "The magic beast crystals have already been exchanged for Xuanwu coins, and there are still about two million yuan.

"Two million yuan. Lingyun's eyes light up.

"One Six Seven"

She sat up and said in a serious tone: "Is the deputy knight commander lying to me, two million yuan can play for a long time in Xuanwu City, how can there be no money?"

"Your Highness, part of the two million yuan is the final payment to be delivered, as well as the ship's berthing fee. The final payment for the clothes ordered by Her Royal Highness has not yet been paid." Feng'er reminded in a low voice.

.....Almost forgot. " Ling Yun suddenly pulled her face down.

She was full of depression, wishing her father and mother were there, she could play for as long as she wanted, and she didn't have to worry that the magic beast spar would run out.


At this time, the door was knocked.

"Who?" Feng'er looked sideways.

"Your Highness, it's me." The deputy knight commander's voice sounded outside the door.

"Feng'er, go open the door." Lingyun pouted.

"Yes." Feng'er responded and opened the door.

"His Royal Highness." The deputy knight commander stood outside the door and respectfully gave a knightly salute.

Lingyun glanced at him, yawned and asked, "What's the matter?

The deputy knight commander asked calmly: "A new store has opened in the commercial city, do you want to go shopping?"

"What store?" Lingyun's eyes lit up.

The deputy knight commander respectfully said, "It's called a spiritual food shop. 35

Ling Yun raised the corner of her mouth, and said in a bad tone: "Isn't there always a snack shop? 35

The deputy knight commander explained: "Your Highness, is the 'spirit' of the soul.

Ling Yun raised a bit of interest again and asked, "So, what is that for sale?"

"I don't know yet, the official opening is only today." The deputy knight commander respectfully said.

"Then go have a look, I'll change my clothes." Ling Yun stood up and said.

"Yes, I am waiting for His Highness in the lobby on the first floor." The deputy knight commander gave a knightly salute, turned and went downstairs.

Lingyun took Feng'er into the room, put on the new dress she bought yesterday, put on bright red lipstick, and tied her loose hair behind her.

When the two came to the lobby on the first floor, the knights and magicians were already waiting.

"Your Highness Princess." Seeing Ling Yun appearing, everyone hurriedly saluted respectfully.

Lingyun urged: "Where is the new store, take me there.

"Please come with me, Your Highness." The deputy knight commander gestured, walking ahead to lead the way.

The crowd left the lobby on the first floor in a mighty manner and walked north along the long street.

After crossing two long streets, everyone stopped in front of a building.

This is a six-bay building with an area several times larger than the surrounding shops.

Lingyun looked at the sign at the door of the store and read out the words: "Spiritual Food Store.

"This shop is well decorated... extravagant." The accompanying magician exclaimed.

The spiritual food store is very large, and some of the interior decorations are made of colored glass and purple light steel.

The unique lines on the purple-patterned light steel are full of extravagance, and the lantern hanging at the door is the finishing touch.

In the shop, there are many sculptures hanging on the wall, the content is all kinds of green vegetables.

In addition, the beams, counters and boxes in the store have various carved patterns on the surface.

In the box, there are various green vegetables and fruits, all of which contain life elements.

"Ta Tata~~~ 35

When Ling Yun and others walked into the store, they could smell the aroma of various fruits and green vegetables.

"Welcome." The staff in white overalls greeted him.

"Isn't this a shop that sells green vegetables and fruits, why is it called a 'spiritual food shop'?" Lingyun said disappointedly.

The staff explained with a smile: "Guests, these are not ordinary fruits and green vegetables, they are naturally different. 35

"Why is it different, tell me about it. Lingyun asked with a stern face.

The staff patiently introduced: "These green vegetables and fruits all contain life elements, and eating them is good for the body, which is the same as Lingmi...

"Really?" Ling Yun's pink lips opened wide.

She has eaten Lingmi, and has a deep understanding of the benefits of Lingmi. Eating it regularly is indeed very beneficial to the body. Not to mention keeping fit, it can also prolong life. …

"Here is something to try, and guests can try it." The staff brought a plate with sliced ​​fruits and tomatoes.

"I'll try it." Ling Yun couldn't hold back, she picked up an apple and stuffed it into her mouth.


She chewed and carefully felt the changes of the apple in her mouth, and she really sensed the existence of life elements.

"Hey, it really has the breath of life elements." She exclaimed in surprise.

Feng'er's pupils shrank, she couldn't help but also picked up a piece of tomato and stuffed it into her mouth. After tasting it carefully, she really felt the element of life, which was what she had always needed.

She looked at all the green vegetables and fruits in the store with bright eyes, her heart was full of greed and desire.

"Feng'er, what's wrong, why are you in a daze?" Lingyun raised her hand and waved in front of Feng'er.

"No, nothing." Feng'er came back to her senses and hid the greed in her eyes.

The staff smiled and asked: "Guest, do you want to buy some to go back?

Lingyun thought for a while, then asked sideways: "Deputy Knight Commander, how many Xuanwu coins do we have left? 35

"There are still 800,000 Xuanwu coins that can be used." The deputy knight commander calculated the remaining Xuanwu coins after subtracting various balance payments.

"Then buy some, father and mother should like it." Lingyun waved.

"Yes." The deputy knight commander did not refuse, walked up to talk to the staff, and bought some spiritual food of all kinds in the store.

Before everyone left, the staff sent smiles to the outside of the store.

The staff waved: "Guests, if you are free, you can go to each David City to play."

The staff of Shanhai Commercial City have been instructed to publicize the 4.0 cities of David to the guests, so as to attract tourists to the Acropolis.

"What Acropolis?" Ling Yun paused.

The staff explained: "Tomorrow, the train to the Acropolis will open, and foreigners can also go to the Acropolis by train or animal cart.

"Is there any fun in the Acropolis?" Ling Yun asked with interest.

The staff replied: "Naturally, each acropolis is different, and the fun is also different. Guests can go and see if they are interested. 99

"Then I'm going." Ling Yun said excitedly.

"His Royal Highness..." The deputy knight commander said in difficulty.

Lingyun said solemnly with a straight face: "I must go.

The corners of the deputy knight captain's eyes jumped, is it too late to strangle that talkative staff member?

. . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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