Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1787: There will be chaos again in the daytime. (1 more)

Highlands, inside the palace.



Wei Youlan held the tray in her hand and knocked on the study door with one free hand: "Mr. Mu Liang. 35

"Come in." Mu Liang's warm voice came from the study.

Wei Youlan just pushed the door and entered, holding the tray to the desk.

She said in a clear voice, "Mr. Mu Liang, the clothes to be worn at the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China have been prepared, please try to see if they fit."

Mu Liang raised his eyes and glanced, the clothes on the tray were piled high, and there were at least three sets of clothes.

"Then try it." He stood up helplessly.

Wei Youlan chuckled a few times, put her clothes on the table, and reached out to take off Mu Liang's loose robe.

Mu Liang raised his hand and let the little maid help to undress and untie, and then put the new clothes on his body.

Wei Youlan moved carefully with her hands, smoothed out the wrinkles on her clothes, and wrapped the belt around Mu Liang's waist to adjust the tightness.

She took two steps back and asked in a clear voice: "Mr. Mu Liang, this is the first set, is there anything that needs to be adjusted?"

Mu Liang raised his hand and looked at the robe on his body. It was golden as a whole, with 31 delicate moiré patterns on the cuffs, which were embroidered with white thread and looked very luxurious.

In addition to the cuffs, the hem of the clothes also has a circle of moire, which is embroidered with different purple threads, which looks very layered.

Mu Liang raised his hand and put it down to test the tightness of the clothes.

He said calmly: "Well, it fits very well, no need to adjust."

"Okay, let's try the second set." Wei Youlan stepped forward, took off Mu Liang's clothes, and picked up the second set of robes and put it on him.

Mu Liang cooperated and tried all the rest of the clothes. Only one of the clothes had a too wide waist and needed to be adjusted and narrowed.

"I can fix this problem right away." Wei Youlan said crisply.

"It's still your skill." Mu Liang said clearly.

The little maid could have needlework and was very good at craftsmanship.

Wei Youlan smiled with two dimples on her face, hugged her clothes and bowed obediently, then turned and left the study.

Mu Liang adjusted the hem of his clothes and sat back on the dragon chair.

"Four more days.""

His black pupils shone brightly. Four days later, the founding ceremony of the country will be held. At that time, there will be many people from the royal family and nobles from all over the world.

At present, there are more than 5,000 people registered at the two customs offices.

"I don't know if I can make it in time." Mu Liang whispered softly.

He now regrets it a little, and should send out invitations two months in advance, leaving enough time for those remote royal families.

The New World is very big, and there are many inland kingdoms. It takes time for Huxi and the others to fly there. After receiving the invitation, they are leaving for a month.

Mu Liang is not worried that these royals will not come, there will be auctions to attract them, and the mystery of the misty sea, the number of people will only be more or less.

"The rich royal family can fly over, there should be enough time." Mu Liang whispered softly.

He heard Yue Qinyi say that many royal family members of the kingdoms have flying monsters in captivity, which can carry people.

In addition, some magicians can also lead people to fly, but this is too overkill.

Today, the trains to the cities of David have been opened to the outside world. Those who want to go to the Acropolis can take the train to go to the main city, but to enter the main city, you need to check the customs clearance documents.

Footsteps came from outside the study.

"Tap tap~~~"

Yue Qinlan pushed in the door and asked gracefully, "Mu Liang, are you busy?"

"What's wrong?" Mu Liang asked suspiciously.

"I have prepared a start time for each activity, you can see if you need to change it." "Yue Qinlan handed the document forward.

After Mu Liang took it, he took a look and found that it was a schedule for auctions, fashion shows and other activities.

The founding ceremony will start four days later. After the kingdom is announced, the auction will also be held in the main city, and the clothing show will also be held in the No. 9 Acropolis the next day.

The first 'wine festival' of the Xuanwu Kingdom will be held on time at the No. 3 Acropolis on the third day after the founding ceremony.

During the Wine Festival, the day when wine lovers revel, all drinks in Acropolis No. 3 will be discounted by 10%, and some taverns will also hold free drinking events.

In addition, there are various festivals and activities, such as the Food Festival, Songkran Festival, the first 'Kuro' card competition, etc., will be held in each David City.

"Okay, just follow your plan." Mu Liang put down the document in his hand.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Since this is the case, I will announce this timetable to facilitate outsiders to arrange their travel itinerary."

"Hmm." Mu Liang replied.

"Are you going to go to these activities?" Yue Qinlan asked again.

"There are too many activities, how can I go." Mu Liang smiled wryly.

Yueqinlan said gracefully: "Then I suggest that events like the 'wine festival', auctions, 'Kuro' card competition, and food festivals should all go to the venue. 35

The several activities she mentioned are relatively important and attractive.

"Well, yes." Mu Liang agreed.

"Then I'll make arrangements." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"Wait a minute." Mu Liang said.

Yue Qinlan paused, blinked her blue eyes and asked, "Is there anything else? 35

Mu Liang asked in a clear voice, "How many people from the royal family came?"

Yue Qinlan said gently: "This, I asked two customs offices in the morning, and the number of people registered today has exceeded 7,000."

"Seven thousand people, more than expected." Mu Liang was surprised.

Yue Qinlan smiled softly and said: "The statistics are for some royal family and nobles, in addition to this, there are many businessmen and ordinary people, and the number of people who come has already exceeded 30,000. 99

There are still four days before the founding ceremony, there are still many people on the road, and more and more people will come.

"If so, are there too few restaurants to stay?" Mu Liang mused.

Yue Qinlan shook her head and explained: "Not a lot, Shanhai Commercial City and each David City have built a lot of hotels, and those ordinary people have a place to live."

During the expansion of Shanhai Commercial City, many new hotels were built. The positioning is the same as the Samsung Building, which is suitable for ordinary people to live in.

Those who want to pursue a better living experience can go to Xuanwu Restaurant, which will be more expensive.

"Well, it's good to have arrangements." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

Yue Qinlan stepped forward, raised her hand to rub Mu Liang's temple, and said warmly: "You have too many things to deal with, I have already arranged all these little things, you don't need to worry about them."5

Mu Liang patted Yue Qinlan's hand and sighed, "Thanks to you, I can relax.

"Thanks to you, I can live such a good life." Yueqin Lanmei smiled, leaned over and wrapped her hands around Mu Liang's neck from behind.

"Your hair is so fragrant." Mu Liang moved his head.

Yue Qinlan's pretty face was slightly red, she let go and stood up straight, lest Mu Liang would mess around again in the daytime.

0. . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: Please customize.

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