Over the salt water area, two sixth-order blue devil birds were flying before flapping their wings.

The green devil bird, a huge flying beast, with a dark blue body, looks like an egret, and has a milder personality than other flying beasts.

There are seven or eight people sitting on the back of the blue devil bird.

There are also several animal skin ropes wrapped around it, which are used to stabilize the body of the person sitting behind it, which is equivalent to a safety rope.

Bai Yu grabbed the rope, looked forward with her head, and shouted without turning her head, "Lord Su Jin, there should be a sea of ​​mist in front of you."

"Well, I see the fog." Su Jin raised her eyes and responded.

She and Bai Yu came to Xuanwu City this time because they were invited to participate in the founding ceremony of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Due to the long distance, the transport spaceship did not go to Jinyuan City, and could only take the blue devil bird from other big cities.

These two green devil birds are the pet "one six seven" kept by the city owner of Mohe Dacheng. They were also invited to participate in the founding ceremony of the Xuanwu Kingdom. They stopped for a while while passing through the transit base, and learned that Su Jin was also coming. Xuanwu City, just walk together.

Mohe Great City is not far from Jinyuan City, and the Blue Devil Bird can reach it after flying for a day and a half.

Because the distance is not too far, Mohe Dacheng often comes to the transit base to trade materials, and he is familiar with Sujin and the people at the transit base.

At the sea level, the sky-high fog joined together, dividing the sea in two, turning it into a salt water area and a different ocean of the New World, and at the same time separating the two continents.

"After flying for so many days, it's finally here." Bai Yu stretched her waist and looked at the back of the other blue devil bird.

On the back of the other blue devil bird, sat the city owner and guard of Mohe Great City.

The city lord of Mohe Dacheng is an eighth-order awakener. He is only thirty-two years old this year, with a bumpy figure and neat short red hair.

He Luo turned his head and shouted: "Sister Su Jin, you have been to Xuanwu City, do you know where the entrance is?

"Just ahead." Su Jin responded.

She is younger than Heluo, and she is not angry when she is called a younger sister.

"That's good, it's the first time I've come to Xuanwu City, I don't know what it's like." He Luo raised his red eyes and said.

Su Jin said in a serious tone: "You will like it."

He Luo raised the corners of his lips and said, "If it's as rumored, I'll really like it."

She has never been to Xuanwu City, but she has heard too many things related to Xuanwu City. The folks spread the word about Xuanwu City as divine, saying that there are holy trees that reach the sky, and there are spirit beasts that will deliver heavenly punishment, etc.

"I don't know what Xuanwu City has become." Bai Yu muttered.

She hadn't been to Xuanwu City for a while, and she learned from Su Jin's mouth that Xuanwu City had undergone another renovation, and its size was ten times larger than before.

The speed of the green devil bird slowed down, and the misty sea was in front of him, and he could clearly see the storm sea and the rain-like lightning.

"There, there is a portal." Su Jin pointed to the left front, and could vaguely see the portal.

"Past." He Luo gave the order.


The blue devil bird vibrated its wings and flew towards the glass door.

When they approached the Liuli Gate, the people in Mohe Dacheng opened their mouths wide and were shocked by what they saw.

"Is it really safe to build Xuanwu City in such a place?" a guard exclaimed.

"Yeah, if this is accidentally struck by lightning, no matter how strong you are, you will die.

The guards were talking in vain.

Bai Yu glanced at them and said carelessly: "If you want me to say, Xuanwu City is the safest place in the world.

He Luo was also a little worried and asked uncertainly, "Sister Su Jin, is Xuanwu City really inside?

"Well, fly in, it's fine." Su Jin nodded.

He Luo gritted his teeth, but still gave the Blue Devil Bird an order to move on.

The blue devil bird circled in the air, adjusted its direction and flew into the glazed portal, and flew into the misty sea.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

Lightning struck the glazed door, making a deafening sound, making the guards tremble with fear.

When the blue devil bird flew into the misty sea, the thunder became smaller.

Su Jin slowly stood up and said coldly, "Continue to fly forward. 99

"I'm here..." Her eyes flashed slightly, and she came back to Xuanwu City again, wondering if Mu Liang thought about herself.

"It turns out that the depths of the salt water area are like this..." He Luo also stood up and looked around with her beautiful eyes sparkling.

She was curious about everything here, what could be in the fog?

"It's here, Xuanwu City is ahead." Su Jin suddenly said.

He Luo raised his eyes and looked forward. The first thing he saw was a huge plant. It grew on a cliff, but the leaves were already bigger than the blue devil bird...

Under the huge green plants is a protruding stone platform with rows of houses on it.

Below the stone platform is the port, where many large ships have been moored.

"This is Xuanwu City..." He Luo's red lips parted slightly.

She turned her head sideways and asked loudly, "Are you going to fly in directly?

"No, unless you want to die." Su Jin said seriously.

"...I don't want to." He Luo's eyes jumped.

"Landed on the customs square." Su Jin pointed to the platform on the cliff.

"Okay." He Luo pouted and ordered the blue devil birds to lower their flight height and land on the square in front of the customs.

Bai Yu exclaimed: "The change is so great that I can't even recognize it. Is this Shanhaiguan?"

"This is not Shanhaiguan." Su Jin said softly.

"Huh?" Bai Yu blinked her beautiful eyes, Xuanwu City has changed the entrance to the city?

At the customs, Salleffen watched with a straight face, watching the two blue devil birds descend.

After the blue devil bird landed, the army stationed at the customs surrounded them and watched Su Jin and others vigilantly.

"We were invited to participate in the founding ceremony." He Luo quickly said loudly.

The vigilant look on Sallefin's face did not diminish at all when he heard the words, and he relaxed a little after seeing Su Jin.

She greeted coldly: "Your Excellency Su Jin, we meet again."

"Salute." Su Jin nodded.

She had met Sallefin, who had been to the transit base in Jinyuan City.

4.0 "This is the city owner of Mohe Great City." Su Jin introduced He Luo and others.

Sallefin nodded and said calmly: "Register first, and then arrange for someone to send you to the main city."

"Okay." Su Jin responded.

Everyone followed Sallefin to the customs, and after checking the authenticity of the invitation post, the fee for handling the customs clearance was omitted, and only the regular registration was carried out.

He Luo pouted and said, "It's so troublesome to enter the city, it's even more troublesome than going to the transit base."

Sulphine glanced at her without explaining anything.

"Let's set off in half an hour, you can rest for a while." She said coldly.

"Okay." Su Jin nodded and sat down on the bench.

He Luo and the others couldn't sit still and wandered outside the customs, exclaiming from time to time.

. . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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