Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1792; Can wishes come true? (2 more)


The sixth-order worker bees flew high into the sky and flew towards the main city through Qianji Pass.

Behind the worker bees, Su Jin and others sat upright, watching the scene on the ground.

The green devil bird was left in Qianji Pass, and there will be special personnel to raise it.

Qianji Pass has not yet been connected to the train, so it can only rely on worker bees to carry people.

"Xuanwu City is so big!" He Luo's eyes widened, unable to see the edge of Xuanwu City at a glance.

Bai Yu said crisply: "It will be called the Xuanwu Kingdom in the future.

"That's for the future." Heluo replied without looking back.

"That's what I said." Bai Yu pouted.

He Luo looked around and said, "I have already seen the holy tree that can reach the sky, where is the spirit beast that can deliver heavenly punishment? 35

Bai Yu asked in surprise, "Isn't it the first time you came to Xuanwu City? When did you see the holy tree?"

"Isn't the sacred tree above the customs?" He Luo blinked his red eyes.

Bai Yu shook his head and denied: "Of course not, the sacred tree is bigger than it."

"Eh, it's bigger than it, how big it is." He Luo was surprised.

Only now did she realize that 31 herself had mistakenly mistook the thorny flower as the sacred tree of Xuanwu City.

"You'll find out later." Su Jinping said calmly.

"It's really exciting." He Luo's eyes glowed, and he turned his head to look forward.

Soon, they saw a large area of ​​greenery, which was full of green plants, filling the entire field of vision.

"Lord City Lord, look, there are a lot of green plants." The guards were amazed and stretched their heads to look at the ground below.

He Luo was also stunned. He heard a lot of rumors about Xuanwu City. This was the first time he saw the real scene, and it was the first time he saw so many green plants in his life.

She exclaimed: "How do you grow so many green plants?

"This is only part of it. Su Jin said softly.

In fact, it was true. They soon saw a patch of fruit forests, and they also passed through the corn, cabbage, and tomato growing areas near the Acropolis.

In the next dozens of minutes, the people in Mohe Dacheng were completely stunned, looking at the endless green, and thinking that this place is heaven.

The sixth-order worker bees flew for more than ten minutes before they saw the huge canopy of the tree of life.

Su Jin looked ahead and said: "That is the sacred tree of Xuanwu City.

"The holy tree that reaches the sky really reaches the sky..." He Luo said with a dull expression, shocked by the huge tree of life.

Compared with the tree of life, the size of ten thousand thorns is the difference between a grain of sand and a watermelon.

The crown of the tree of life is already as high as the clouds.

When the worker bees flew into the range covered by the canopy, He Luo and the others invariably looked up at the canopy.

"The wind is so comfortable, I'm sleepy. 99 He Luomei narrowed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

She thought of something and turned around and asked: "It is rumored that if you make a wish on the holy tree, your wish will come true. Is it true?"

"There are still such rumors?" Su Jin raised her brows, Mu Liang never told her that the Holy Tree had such an effect.

"Is it fake?" He Luo sighed regretfully.

Su Jin said indifferently: "You can also try, maybe it will come true."

"Then I'll give it a try." He Luo raised his lips, looked up at the holy tree, put his hands together and closed his eyes.

"..." Su Jin pursed her red lips, the city lord of Mohe Dacheng still looks like a little girl.

"Okay." He Luo opened his eyes.

Bai Yu asked curiously, "What wish did you make?"

"It won't work if you say it." He Luo shook his head mysteriously.

"Oh, it won't work if you don't say it." Bai Yu muttered.

‧" Su Jin's mouth twitched.


The flight speed of the worker bees slowed down and began to fall towards the ground.

"It's here." Su Jin said coldly.

Bai Yu, He Luo and the others looked down and saw that the worker bees had already flown into the main city, and they could see the huge main city square and the conspicuous high ground.

He Luo pointed to the high ground and asked, "Where is that? 35

"That's the high ground, where the Xuanwu City Lord lives." Su Jin explained.

"Are we staying there this time?" He Luomei's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I don't know, let's wait for the arrangement." Su Jin shook his head.

He Luo looked at the trunk of the tree of life and sighed: "I really want to go to the holy tree to see. 35

Bai Yu tilted his head and said in a low voice, "Sir, others don't know where to live, but we should go to the highlands, right?

"Why do you think so?" Su Jin lifted her eyes and looked at her subordinates.

Bai Yu said of course: "Based on the relationship between the lord and Mu Liang, people who came to Xuanwu City before lived in the palace. 99

"My relationship with Mu Liang..." Su Jin's long eyelashes trembled.

She shook her head and said, "This time is different.

Bai Yu said with an imperious look: "Don't worry, my lord, I will let you live in the palace."

Su Jin frowned slightly and said solemnly: "Don't make trouble, this time is to participate in the founding ceremony, which is a big event for Mu Liang.

Building a kingdom is no trivial matter, and you can imagine how busy Mu Liang will be.

"Okay. Bai Yu rolled his eyes.

The worker bees landed in an open space not far from the main city square, next to the newly built main city railway station.

As soon as the worker bees landed, a staff member greeted them.

The staff said politely: "You are all here to participate in the founding ceremony, right?"

"Yeah." Su Jin nodded.

"Please show the invitation post." The staff said.

Both Su Jin and Heluo 167 took out the invitation letter and handed it over. After checking it was correct, they returned the invitation letter.

The staff were very polite: "Follow me. The place to live has been arranged. Now I will take you there."

"Where do you live?" Bai Yu couldn't help asking.

"It's nearby, it's coming soon," the staff explained.

Bai Yu frowned suddenly, turned back to look at Su Jin, but received a warning look.

She wrinkled her nose, but in the end said nothing.

Several people followed the staff to the front of a three-story building.

The staff member gestured: "You live in this building, no outsiders will live in, you can choose a room to live in at will. 99

He Luo pushed open the room on the first floor, saw the clean and tidy room, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, I'll stay here." She turned and sat on the big bed, more satisfied with this.

Su Jin said calmly: "Then let's live on the second floor."

Bai Yu puffed out her cheeks and greeted Mu Liang eighteen times in her heart.

"You should still live in the palace." A gentle voice sounded, and a figure appeared beside the woman.

Su Jin's body trembled, and a hint of stunned flashed in her beautiful eyes.

She looked sideways behind her and saw a familiar figure.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, looked at the woman in a daze and asked, "Why, don't you want to?"

0. . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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