Su Jin came back to her senses and said softly, "Mu Liang, why are you here?"

Mu Liang took it for granted: "Naturally, I'm here to pick you up.

Bai Yu was also stunned for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth rose uncontrollably. The Lord of the City should be very happy now.

"I thought you were busy." Su Jin said softly.

"It's a little busy, but there is still time to pick you up to the palace." Mu Liang chuckled a few times.

He originally reviewed the documents in the study, and the little maid told him that Su Jin had arrived at Qianji Pass after receiving the news from the customs.

"Okay." Su Jin's pretty face flushed slightly, as if she had knocked over a jar of honey in her heart.

He Luo looked at Mu Liang and then at Su Jin: "Mu Liang, such a familiar name...'

"Sir, Xuanwu City Lord seems to be called Mu Liang." The guard reminded in a small voice.

"You are the city lord of Xuanwu!" He Luo exclaimed.

Mu Liang looked at He Luo, nodded indifferently and said, "I am.

He Luo looked at Mu Liang up and down, and asked excitedly, "God, how can you stay so young, can you tell me how?

"The way, probably because I'm only twenty-five years old." Mu Liang chuckled.

"What, you're only twenty-five?" He Luo stared at Mu Liang in disbelief.

"Well, is there a problem?" Mu Liang said indifferently.

"You are too young." He Luo opened his mouth wide.

Mu Liang smiled: "Thank you for the compliment.

"Tsk tsk~~~

He Luo was amazed, his eyes swept over Su Jin and Mu Liang again, and suddenly said, "Are you a couple?"

"You misunderstood." Mu Liang said calmly.

Su Jin pursed her lips and explained a bit bitterly: "We are just friends."

"Oh, my friend, I know." He Luo had an expression I knew.

"..." Mu Liang was speechless for a moment, the person in front of him was probably full of familiar attributes.

"I still have something to do, you have a good rest." He said calmly.

"Okay, let's get busy." He Luo waved his hand.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand to look at Su Jin: "Take my hand~

Su Jin was stunned for a moment, only to regain his senses in Bai Yu's eyes that hated iron not becoming steel, and put his hand on Mu Liang's palm.

Bai Yu also reached out and grabbed Su Jin's other hand, she didn't want to be left here.

With a thought, Mu Liang disappeared in place with Su Jin and Bai Yu.

He Luo exclaimed: "Hey, what kind of awakening ability is this? 35

The guard couldn't hold back and whispered: "Lord City Lord, are you being too rude to City Lord Xuanwu?"

"Will it be?" He Luo asked indifferently.

The guard bit his head and said: "It is rumored that the Xuanwu City Lord is a master of the tenth order, it is better not to offend him."

"Got it, long-winded. 35 He Luo snorted coldly.

She raised her chin and ordered: "Pack up, let's go out for a walk.

"Yes." The guard saluted respectfully.

On the other side, Mu Liang took Su Jin back to the Highland Palace.

The little maid and others were already waiting, preparing tea and various cakes and fruits.

"Miss Su Jin, long time no see." The little maid greeted her softly.

"Long time no see." Su Jin nodded to the maids as a greeting.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "It's not the first time you've come here, take this place as your own, and do whatever you want.

"Okay." Su Jin smiled gracefully.

Mu Liang continued: "Still stay in the same room as before, everything is still there, just let Xiao Zi and the others clean up, and let them send it over if they are missing."5

"Okay." Su Jin nodded again.

Mu Liang looked sideways at the maids and instructed: "Take care of the guests well, and come back to the study to find me if you have something to do."

"Yes." The little maids nodded respectfully.

Mu Liang looked at Su Jin and said apologetically, "I've been a little busy recently, so I'll hold a banquet for you in the evening.

"It's okay, you are busy first." Su Jin nodded understandingly.

"If you have something to do, let Xiao Zi and the others do it." Mu Liang said gently.

"I will." Su Jin nodded gracefully.

Mu Liang gave her a deep look before turning around and walking towards the study.

He thought of something, took a step, turned around and said, "By the way, I like the green plants you gave me, thank you.

"Just like it." Su Jin smiled.

She was thinking about what gift she would give Mu Liang next time, a spirit beast or a rare green plant?

Mu Liang turned around and went to the study. There were still a bunch of documents for him to review. If there were any problems, he had to rectify them, and if there were no problems, they should be optimized.

As soon as he was gone, the maids became lively.

Xiao Zi said crisply: "Miss Su Jin, sit down first, what do you want to drink, there are milk tea, fruit wine, star tea, soft drinks and so on. 55

Qin Fei'er also enthusiastically said: "What do you want to eat, fruit, cakes, steamed buns?"

Xiaomi Jiaohan asked: "Do you want to watch TV? A new movie was just released today. It's about the elopement of the princess and the knight..."

Bai Yu opened her mouth wide, why no one asked her what she would like to eat, and why the princess and the knight eloped again, I really want to see it.

"I'll just drink tea." Su Jin said softly.

"々. Okay, I'll prepare." Xiao Zi nodded obediently.

Su Jin sat on the sofa and asked softly, "Sister Qinlan and the others?"

Xiaomi replied: "Master Qinlan is in the management office, Master Huxian went to Shanhai Commercial City, Miss Xibeqi and the others went to the Air Force Base, everyone is very busy. 99

"What can I help with?" Su Jin asked seriously.

"No, Miss Su Jin is a guest." Xiaomi smiled like a flower.

"I can help." Su Jin said softly.

Xiaomi said in a clear voice: "No need, Miss Su Jin has been on the road for so long, so she needs a good rest."

"Okay." Su Jin didn't insist any longer.

Soon the maids brought food and turned on the TV.


Sister Heatherfan came back and looked at Su Jin suspiciously.

"Who are you?" Hafenni blinked, rarely seeing strangers in the palace.

Xiao Zi introduced: "Miss Hai Fanny, this is Miss Su Jin, the city owner of Jinyuan City, and a friend of Lord Mu Liang."

"(De Wang Zhao) That's it, hello, my name is Hafenni." Hafenni greeted her crisply.

Heather also introduced herself: "My name is Heather, and I'm her sister."

"Hello." Su Jin nodded, but Mei Mu looked at Sister Heather.

Bai Yu was also surprised. Could these two also be Mu Liang's women?

She was a little angry, and Mu Liang was too promiscuous. If the Lord of the City really followed Mu Liang in the future, he would be wronged.

"I still have something to do, so I'll be busy first." Hafenni smiled apologetically.

She took her sister's hand and ran quickly to the study.

Su Jin stared at the backs of the two, and her eyes flashed.

"Sir, are you alright?" Bai Yu asked with concern.

"Of course it's fine." Su Jin sat back on the sofa and continued to stare at the TV.

"'s really okay." Bai Yu whispered.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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