
The train traveled on the viaduct and slowly slowed down into the main city.

The staff's prompt sounded in the carriage: "All passengers, please pay attention, the main city train station is about to arrive ahead, and all passengers please get ready to get off."

In the carriage, Ling Xiang was lying on the window, looking out and sighing: "What a big change~~~"

"It's only been so long, and the changes have changed so much. Qi Erner was shocked, almost thinking he had come to the wrong place.

In the carriage, Ling Yun and others were also full of curiosity.

"What a big tree!" Ling Yun exclaimed.

Qi Erner introduced: "That is the sacred tree of Xuanwu City. 55

Lingyun was horrified: "Holy tree... It's too big, it seems to be bigger than your Xihua King City."

." Qi Erner twitched the corners of his mouth, being offended.

Ling Xiang rolled her eyes at Lingyun, and said in a sullen manner: "What, our Xihua King City should be bigger."

"Hee hee... yes yes yes." Ling Yun smiled playfully.

Ling Xiang raised her hand and pinched Lingyun's face, and said coquettishly: "This holy tree is also bigger than your king city in Qierduodri."


Lingyun let out a pain, and said depressedly: 167 "Hurry up and let go, don't pinch my face every time."

The deputy knight commander looked at it blankly, the two princesses were very noisy every time they met, and it was like this from childhood to adulthood.

On the other side, Feng'er was also lying on the window, with a pair of eyes staring at the tree crown above her head, the greed and madness in her eyes could hardly be concealed.

"I found it, I finally found it, such a strong breath of life.""

She took a few deep breaths greedily, wishing to break the window and go out now.

Feng'er swallowed her saliva, her fingertips on the glazed window turned white from too much force.

The life element emanating from the tree of life is a fatal temptation for her, which is irresistible.

"Feng'er? What's wrong with you?" Lingyun called out in confusion.

Feng'er came back to her senses and hid the greed and desire in her eyes. She looked back blankly and said, "Ah, I'm fine."

Lingyun said crisply: "Really, just looking at you almost drooling."

Feng'er moved in her heart and explained, "That's because I saw the fruit on the holy tree, it should be delicious."

"Hey, is there any fruit on it?" Ling Yun's spirit was shocked, and she hurriedly looked above the window.

Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, but because it was too far away, she could only see patches of green, and did not see the fruit of life between the branches and leaves.

Feng'er explained: "Your Highness, you have to use the 'lookout' magic to see it."

'Looking' magic, similar to clairvoyance, can see far away.

"Forget it, I won't." Lingyun pouted.

"Buzz~~~" 5

The train slowed down and slowly entered the main city railway station.

"Passengers, please note that the train has entered the main city railway station, all passengers are requested to bring their belongings and prepare to get off...

The staff's prompt sounded again in the carriage, and the train stopped beside the platform just one minute after the voice fell.

The train doors are all open.

Lingyun quickly stood up and sighed: "Finally here, this Xuanwu City is too big.

"It's much older than my last visit." Ling Xiang agreed.

Everyone got out of the car one after another and followed the signs to the exit.

When we arrived at the departure hall, the reception staff greeted us.

The staff said lightly: "Welcome to the main city, are you all here to participate in the founding ceremony?

"Yes." Qi Erner nodded indifferently.

"Please show the invitation post." The staff smiled.

Qi Erner took out the invitation post and put it away after the staff checked it.

"Everyone, please come with me, the place to live has been arranged. The staff gestured and walked in front to lead the way.

"Tap tap~

Qi Erna and others followed, looking around while walking, attracted by the bustling main city street scene.

"It's really special here." Ling Yun's eyes flashed, and she saw the huge advertising screen outside the train station, playing various advertisements in a loop.

The advertising screen is an enlarged version of the TV (dbea), but it is not connected to the antenna of the central processor, and only loops and plays the independently stored advertising video.

In addition to advertising screens, there are also many printed posters promoting movies, TV dramas, cosmetics, life magic tools and so on.


Everyone followed the staff to the front of the building where the guests were received, and arranged the rooms according to the number of people.

"I want to live in a room with Lingxiang." Lingyun hurriedly said.

"Yeah, yes." Ling Xiang also nodded.

"Okay." The staff nodded with a smile and readjusted the room.

Before leaving, the staff reminded: "Everyone have a good rest, the founding ceremony is the day after tomorrow, and someone will notify you when the time comes."

"Got it." Ling Xiang waved her hand.

Lingyun muttered: "The day after tomorrow is the founding ceremony of the country, if my father is not late, he will get it tomorrow"

"Come here by flying centipede, you can arrive tomorrow." Qi Erna said calmly.

"Yes, the flying centipede is very fast." Lingyun nodded reassuringly.

The Flying Centipede is the eighth-order flying beast raised by the royal family of the King of Childodry. It is regarded as the guardian beast of the royal family.

"Let's go and see the room." Ling Xiang took Ling Yun back to the room, stroking left and right to see.

"Take a rest and go out for a walk later. Qi Erna stood at the door and said.

"Yes, father." Ling Xiang responded.

Feng'er stood aside and said, "Your Highness, I want to go out for a walk and see where there is food for sale. 55

Lingyun waved her hand indifferently and said, "Go, come back early.

"Yes." Feng'er nodded respectfully.

The deputy knight commander said coldly, "Remember, don't cause trouble."

Feng'er paused, turned her head and said innocently, "My lord, how can I cause trouble, I just want to go for a walk."

"Better." The deputy knight commander snorted coldly.

Feng'er murmured in her heart, but her expression was still innocent: "Sir, if you are really worried, you can go with me.

"Not interested." The deputy knight commander said coldly.

"Oh." Feng'er resisted the urge to roll her eyes, turned and left the building.

She walked along the long street, and the sign on the side of the road told her that it was the residential area of ​​the main city.

"Tap tap~~~

Feng'er raised her eyes to look at the huge tree of life, her breathing rate accelerated, absorbing the life breath in the air.

"It's really comfortable..." Feng'er whispered softly.

She wants to take a close look at the sacred tree of Xuanwu City to prepare for the action that follows.

"My, these are all mine." Feng'er grinned and looked greedily at the Tree of Life.

She suddenly turned her head and looked behind her, there were many pedestrians on the road, and she couldn't see anything unusual.

"Could it be my illusion?" Feng'er frowned, feeling that someone was watching her.

She became vigilant and walked forward pretending to be nonchalant, her thoughts were spinning, and she decided to find another time to go near the holy tree.

. . . . . . . . . .

[1 update]: The second update of the positive code.


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