Lingxi looked at Yom and said resentfully, "Who led the way?"

She is very depressed now. After a day's train ride, she did not expect to be in the wrong direction.

Yom laughed dryly, looked sideways at the knight commander and the others, and asked with a serious face, "Who led the way? 35

"Your Majesty, it's not you..." The knight commander opened his mouth, coming to the underwater town was decided by the king.

Yeom asked with a stern face, "Who led the way?"

"...It's me." The knight commander replied with a wooden face.

Yom looked at Lingxi and asked with a smile, "Look, how are you going to punish him? 55

Lingxi resisted the urge to roll her eyes and shook her head dignifiedly: "Forget it, although I ran to the wrong place, the scenery here is good."5

"Well, that's it." Yum nodded~.

The knight commander twitched the corners of his mouth, and kept his mouth shut.

Yeom waved his hand and said, "Let's order food first, you have to fill your stomach before rushing to the road. 55

The staff of the revolving restaurant stepped forward and asked in a clear voice: "This is the menu, what do the guests want to eat?"

Lingxi opened the menu, took a few glances and said, "I have never heard of the names of these dishes..."

Yom probed and looked: "Steamed yellow-spotted sickle fish, braised blood-toothed beast spareribs, minced pork soup with egg drop, sweet potato and cabbage balls..."

"These dishes are delicious and will not disappoint guests." The staff smiled.

Yeom said richly and richly: "Then let's have a plate of everything.

The staff reminded: "Guests, you may not finish eating.""

"It's okay, let's go. Yom waved his hand indifferently.

"Okay." The staff did not dissuade him any more, put away the menu and went to the counter.

Yeom frowned and said, "Why hasn't the person who went to ask for instructions from Lord Huxian hasn't come back?"

They have to catch up with the founding ceremony, and it is too late to take the train. They can only ask the staff to ask for instructions and find a way to send them to the main city as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, wait until you're full." Lingxi said gracefully.

"Okay, listen to Madam." Yom nodded with a smile.

The knight commander wanted to raise his hand to cover his face, and now His Majesty the King looks like a fool.

Ten minutes later, the staff brought delicious dishes to the table one after another, and the aroma came out.

"It's so fragrant, it's delicious to look at." Lingxi's beautiful eyes lit up.

She picked up the spoon, scooped up a piece of spareribs and stuffed it into her mouth, the taste was fat but not greasy.

Yeom's eyes lit up: "This soup is delicious too, really fragrant~~~"

The knight commander remained silent, quietly stuffing food into his mouth, chewing quickly.

For more than half an hour, the staff continued to serve dishes and remove empty dishes.


Yom couldn't help burping, and watched the staff bring three more dishes. He knew it was delicious by the smell, but his stomach couldn't hold it.

"I can't eat it." He twisted his face.

"I can't eat it either." Lingxi took a small sip of the hot soup, looking at the delicious food in front of her and felt a pity.

"If you can't eat it, don't eat it. Yom raised his hand and patted the queen's hand.

He looked at the knight commander and said, "Knight commander, eat more."

"I can't eat it either..." The knight commander sullen his face, his stomach bulging.

"Unfortunately, there are so many delicious food." The king regretted.

Lingxi said regretfully: "It's a pity, I have never eaten something so delicious before, and each dish tastes different.

"We'll eat again after the founding ceremony." Yeom said warmly.

"I won't be able to eat these when I go back to the Kingdom of Chi'erduodri." Lingxi rolled up her hair on the temples.

She said with longing eyes: "I really want to eat these dishes every day. 99

Yeom said with a serious face: "This is simple, invite the chef here and let him cook delicious food for you every day.

"That's up to them." Lingxi glanced at the king.

"I would." Yom grinned.

What he has is gold coins, and he digs a chef back with a high salary. He doesn't believe that he can't do it.

"Tap tap~~~

The staff who left first came back with good news.

The staff said with a smile: "Master Fox Immortal will send someone to pick you up and leave."

"Very well, let's go now." Yom stood up and said.

The staff hurriedly said: "Don't worry, you have to wait for an hour."

"In that case, let's go out for a walk. Yom frowned.

The staff nodded and said, "Yes, just come back in an hour.

"Well, let's settle the bill." Yom said indifferently.

"Okay." The staff took out the abacus and calculated it against the bill.


Lingxi looked at the abacus curiously and asked inexplicably, "What is this?"

"Abacus." The staff looked up.

・・・・For flowers・・・O

Lingxi asked, "What's the use?"

"It can assist in the calculation." The staff took time to explain.

He put down his abacus and said word by word: "This meal costs 36,853 Xuanwu coins.

Youmu said indifferently: "There are no basalt coins, but gold coins and magic beast spar.

The staff smiled and said: "Yes, three fifth-order Warcraft spar, three fourth-order Warcraft spar..."

"This price... is a bit expensive." Yom was stunned for a moment, but he quickly took out the demon beast spar and settled the bill.

The knight commander was also taken aback, and the three of them spent three fifth-order demon beast spar for a meal?

"There are still 18 dishes that were not served." The staff explained.

The dishes in the entire menu are made, plus the drinks, desserts, fruits and other foods in the menu, many of the ingredients are monster meat, and the star tea is used, the price is normal.

'Too many. "Lingxi shook her head.

"It's okay, just eat happily." Yom said indifferently.

With a straight face, he took his wife's hand and left the revolving restaurant.

"Welcome next time." The staff warmly said goodbye.

The three of them took the transport ladder to the first floor. The other knights and magicians were full and were admiring the paintings on the wall in the lobby.

"Your Majesty." Everyone hurriedly saluted.

Yeom said indifferently: "Let's go out for a walk, and come back in an hour."

"Yes." Everyone responded.

The doubtful knight asked the knight commander before realizing what had happened.

The crowd strolled for two streets in the undersea town, and soon an hour passed. When the bell rang at three in the afternoon, they returned to the Xuanwu Restaurant.

The staff were already waiting at the door, and when they saw their return, they hurriedly greeted them.

"Where's the person who will pick us up?" the knight commander asked with a serious face.

"It should be coming soon..." The staff member was uncertain.

He received a notice that he would be picked up after an hour, and he could not guarantee whether it would be on time or not.

Yeom said coldly, "What should it be?"


"It's only been an hour, are you in a hurry? 33's cold voice sounded out of thin air.

The darkness under the corner squirmed, and the shadow beast jumped out of the shadow with a person on it.

. . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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