Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1801: The beds here are so comfortable. (2 more)

"Tap tap~~~

The shadow beast shook its body, its wings were attached to its body, and its gray eyes closed and opened, returning to its usual azure blue.

Mia jumped down from the shadow beast and stood in front of Yom and the others, the shadow armor on her body shone with dim light.

When Hu Xian received the news from the staff, she told Gao Di, and Mu Liang sent her to bring the shadow beast to pick him up.

Mia raised her hand and glanced at the watch on her wrist, then looked at Yom and the others, and said coldly: "One hour, just right.

Yom and the others looked stunned, shocked by the way the Shadow Beast and Catwoman appeared, ignoring the girl's words.

Mia frowned and said again: "Show the invitation.

Only then did Yom hear clearly, took out the invitation card and handed it to the girl, asking: "You are here to pick us up to the main city?"

"Yeah." Mia answered, opened the invitation post to check, and handed it back to Yom after confirming that "183" was all right.

She raised her hand and touched the chin of the Shadow Beast, and said calmly: "Let's go, I'll take you to the main city now. 99

These people in front of them are guests, their words and deeds may be impolite, and they must not lose their manners.

"How to go? Sit on it?" Lingxi pointed to the shadow beast.

Mia nodded and said, "Yes, come close."

"Let's go." Yom looked at the Shadow Beast curiously, and came to it vigilantly.

The knights and magicians all stepped forward, hesitating whether to climb on the back of the shadow beast.

"Ready." Mia reminded aloud.

"What?" The knight commander and the others frowned in confusion.

Mia turned over and stood on the shadow beast, patted its head and said, "Xiaoying, let's go.


The shadow beast let out a low roar, and its closed wings spread out, covering Yom and the others under the wings.

Before they could come back to their senses, darkness had already enveloped them, and then an invisible wave spread out and merged into the surrounding space.


The next moment, the shadow beast wrapped Yom and the others, plunged into the darkness and disappeared.

When they reappeared, they had already come to the open space outside Shanhai Commercial City. Just after a breath of fresh air, the Shadow Beast performed Shadow Jump again, leading them to disappear again.

After six shadow jumps, the shadow beast appeared next to the main city train station, and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Hoo hoo hoo~~~

The shadow beast closed its wings, revealing Yom and the others.

"Shut up~

Among the more than 50 people, a quarter of them directly bent down and vomited, unable to withstand the high-intensity migration of the Shadow Beast.

Mia frowned, looking at the vomit on the ground, she really wanted to send these people away.

She said, "Sorry, I forgot to remind you, the shadow jumping process may be uncomfortable. 39

Yom glanced at the vomited knights and magicians, frowned and asked, "Has this arrived in the main city?

"Yes." Mia nodded indifferently.

"So fast!" Lingxi was surprised that the two-day train journey was completed in just a few minutes.

"Tap tap~~~"

The staff greeted her, first saluting Catwoman, and then looking at Yom and the others.

Mia said coldly, "Give them a place to live."

"Yes." The staff saluted respectfully.

Mia looked at Yom and the others, and said softly: "The founding ceremony is the day after tomorrow, and you can have a good rest tomorrow.

"It's time to take a good rest." Yom looked at the pale-faced knights, could he recover after a day of raising them?

"Then I won't disturb your rest." Mia nodded.

She patted the shadow beast on the head, and one person and one beast escaped into the darkness again.

"Guests, please come with me, the room is ready, I will take you there." The staff gestured.

Yom and the others followed and came to the row of three-story buildings.

The staff suggested: "These two buildings are for you, the building in front has only nine rooms, and the entourage can live in the house at the back.

He understands the habits of some royal aristocrats and will not live in the same place with the knights.

"Okay." Yom nodded indifferently.

"You can find me in the small building in front if you need it." "The staff pointed to the first building, which is the temporary residence of the staff.

"Understood." The knight commander responded.

The staff saw that there were no other problems before turning around and leaving.

Yeom looked at the knight commander and the others, and ordered: "You all go to the house at the back to live. 35

"Yes." The knight commander had no objection, and took the other knights and magicians to the back building.

Yom took his wife's hand and entered the building to choose a room.

"Do you still want to go out for a walk today?" Yom asked. …

Lingxi shook her head: "No, I'm too tired, let's rest in the room.

After several long-distance shadow jumps, Rao was also a little uncomfortable.

Yeom said distressedly: "then have a good rest today, and go out tomorrow."

Lingxi raised her eyes and said, "Well, you asked someone to buy an abacus for me, and I want to study it. 35

"Okay." Yom nodded.

He went out and called the maid, asked her to go out to buy an abacus, and stopped by to see if there was a place to eat.

Lingxi walked around the room and was very satisfied with the environment here, especially the faucet that would leak water when she turned it on, which made her mistakenly think that it was a magic tool related to the water element.

She pressed the big bed and said in surprise: "The bed here is so comfortable, I will buy a set when I leave.

"Okay, buy them all." Yom spoiled.

Lingxi lay on the big bed and stretched lazily.

She thought of something and said, "I don't know if my daughter is here or not."

Yom clenched his fists and slammed his palms, returning to God: "If you don't tell me, I'll almost forget, and I have to ask someone to find out the whereabouts of my daughter.

"You can forget this." Lingxi glared at Yom.

"It's not to take care of you and be unhappy." Yom said with a smile.

Lingxi rolled her eyes and said calmly, "Hmph, let's look for it tomorrow, they are so tired, and they don't have the energy to inquire about the news.

"That's right, listen to you." Yeom nodded again and again.

"Help me hammer my leg." Lingxi snorted 4.0 and raised her leg lazily.

"Hey, good." Yom's eyes lit up.

On the other side, Lingyun was still shopping with Lingxiang, not knowing that her father and mother had come nearby.

"The scenery here is so beautiful." Ling Yun raised her eyes to look at the sky, and the tree of life was glowing like stars all over the sky.

"I really want to live here forever." Ling Xiang sighed.

Lingyun's beautiful eyes lit up, and she pouted: "I also want to, but my father won't let it."

Ling Xiang laughed and said: "Hee hee, we can come here often in the future to play, it will be more fun if we come together."

"Well, it's good twice a year, once for half a year, how about it?" Ling Yun suggested.

"I think it's good." Ling Xiang covered her mouth and giggled.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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