Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1802: Do your best to settle down. (3 more)

In the main city, on the main road, the moon wolf pulls the animal cart and gallops,

On both sides and in front of the animal carriage, there are highland guards riding on the moon wolf to follow.

In the carriage, Mu Liang, Liyue, Yueqinlan, and Sujin were all there. They were going to the vocational school.

Two days ago, the vocational school officially opened, and today Mu Liang has time to visit.

Yue Qinlan looked at Mu Liang and asked, "Mu Liang, tomorrow is the founding ceremony, are you nervous?"

"Don't be nervous." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Really?" Yue Qinlan blinked her water blue eyes.

Mu Liang chuckled a few times: "Of course, it's nothing.

Yue Qinlan raised her hand to cover her chest, and said nervously, "If I were, I would definitely be nervous."

Mu Liang patted the back of the woman's hand and said gently, "Calm down, stand by my side tomorrow, I'm here."

"Well, I hope there won't be any accidents. Yue Qinlan worried.

Tomorrow's founding ceremony, there will be thousands of royal nobles from other kingdoms, plus other city residents and tourists who come to watch the ceremony, the number may exceed tens of thousands.

"Don't worry, if there is something to look for tomorrow, the expanded cell will be enough." Mu Liang said with cold eyes.

After the evolution of the rock turtle, the location of the prison has also been adjusted, and the size 31 has been expanded again, which can hold tens of thousands of prisoners at the same time.

"I still hope it goes smoothly to the end." Yue Qinlan nodded.

"Let's do everything in our power to secure our destiny." Mu Liang smiled slightly.

"Speaking strange things again. 35 Yue Qin blue and white gave Mu Liang a look.

Mu Liang smiled. It was a habit. He was full of poems and songs, and it was hard to use in this world.

He asked: "Have all the people who went out to send invitations come back?"

"Well, I came back yesterday." Yue Qinlan nodded.

"Is everyone okay?" Mu Liang asked with concern.

"Only a few people encountered sea monsters when they came back, and they were injured a little by accident, and the others were fine." Yue Qinlan replied.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Well, give them a bonus. 99

"Don't worry, I've arranged it." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Su Jin looked at the two chatting, unable to get in a word, and then saw Mu Liang's face, her heart felt much less sad.

"When will Qin Yu come?" Mu Liang asked peacefully.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "The transport spaceship has been arranged to pick up the people, and they will be able to come over in the afternoon.

Qin Yu is still responsible for the security of the founding ceremony tomorrow.

In addition to the army stationed in the main city, a thousand troops will be dispatched from Zhendong Army, Zhenbei Army, Zhenxi Army, and Zhennan Army to maintain order and ensure the safety of the scene.

This is a daunting task, and Qin Yu needs to come over today to prepare and arrange the personnel layout and other issues.

"Well, I'll take a look later."" Mu Liang nodded.

Not long after, the animal cart arrived at the vocational school, which was next to another school in the main city, separated by two kilometers.


The moonwolves roared up to the sky, their progress slowed down, and they walked slowly through the gate and entered the school.

The vocational college is very large, with six buildings, two of which are comprehensive practice buildings, which are places for students to practice and practice.

The other three buildings are teaching buildings, where students take classes, and the sixth building is the teacher's building, where teachers live and work.

There are six buildings, each with six floors, so that there will be more students in the future without being crowded.

Yuelang stopped, Liyue pushed open the door of the car, and Mu Liang and others got out of the car.

"Tap tap~~~

Yiliyi walked quickly from not far away. She is currently in charge of this school, and she will re-select the principal when there is a suitable candidate.

"Lord City Lord, Sister Qinlan." Yiliyi greeted.

Mu Liang nodded and asked, "Have the children gone to class?"

"Yes. Yiliyi said softly.

"Look." Mu Liang raised his chin.

"Okay, please come with me." Yiliyi turned and walked towards the teaching building.

Mu Liang and others followed, and could not help but lighten their pace and came to the outside of the first teaching building.

Looking in from the window, the children are listening carefully to the teacher's explanation of knowledge points.

Standing on the podium was an uncle with a wrinkled face. He was holding a few pieces of wood in his hand and showing it to the children.

"It's hardwood, a very hard wood that's good for square furniture...

"It's threaded ash wood, it's very flexible, it's very moldable, and it can be used to make fine woodwork."

The wood in the man's hand is gray with many spiral patterns on it, which is naturally formed.

"Black wood, extremely precious wood, very rare in quantity and very expensive, can be used as the main body of ornaments, similar to the hairpins made into wooden hairpins, etc.

The uncle used to be a woodworker, and was specially recruited into the school to be a teacher, teaching children how to become woodworkers.

The children listened attentively and raised their hands occasionally to ask questions.

The uncle put down the wood: "These woods, pass them on and have a good look, it is best to remember their appearance, taste, and characteristics, and then you will know how to use them when you start making them later.

"Yes." The children responded in unison, looking at the dozen kinds of wood with bright eyes.

Yiliyi turned her head and asked, "Want to go in and see?"

"No, don't disturb them." Mu Liang shook his head softly.

Several people quietly walked away and went to the next classroom.

The second classroom is for blacksmithing, for children how to become a blacksmith.

The teacher on the podium is still a middle-aged uncle, holding a book with calloused hands, and is talking to the children about knowledge.

"To become a qualified 183 blacksmith, you must first learn to recognize iron ore." The blacksmith said with a serious face.

Some practitioners raised their hands and asked, "Shouldn't we know different irons first, why should we know different iron ores?

The blacksmith said with a stern face: "Iron is extracted from iron ore, we have to learn from the source, at least have an understanding.

"Yes." The student put down his hand obediently.

"In addition to knowing iron ore, you have to learn how to control the temperature, and you have to be strong. People who don't have the strength can't be a blacksmith." The blacksmith said and looked at several girls in the class.

." A few girls bit their lower lip, holding back the blacksmith's scrutiny eyes, without retreating.

"Very well, the most important thing is to be able to endure hardship." The blacksmith nodded with satisfaction.

He put down the book in his hand and said seriously: "If you have less strength, then find a way to improve your strength. You can swing the hammer every day. The more you swing, the stronger your strength will naturally be."5

"Yes." The children nodded vigorously.

The blacksmith said word by word: "Remember, being a blacksmith is very hard work. Those who can't bear hardships should apply for a change of major as soon as possible, and don't waste time with me. 95

The children did not say a word and chose to stay.

"Well, very good, continue teaching." The blacksmith nodded in satisfaction.

Outside the classroom, Mu Liang was a little surprised, this blacksmith is very talented in teaching.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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