Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1803: Pay will be rewarded. (1 more)

in vocational schools.

"Tap Ta Ta ~ 99

Mu Liang turned his head to Yiliyi and asked, "Have all the majors in the school started?"

"There is a major that hasn't started yet." Yiliyi shook her head.

"What major?" Yue Qinlan asked.

Yiliyi said softly, "Jewelry design major."

This is Mu Liang's profession. Jewelry is the favorite of the rich ladies in the royal family. They will buy them as long as they look good. It is necessary to cultivate talents in this field.

"What's the reason? Mu Liang asked calmly.

Yiliyi regretted: "I lack a teacher, and I haven't found anyone who can design jewelry."

"It's really hard to find. There are 18,000 kinds of jewelry pictures flashing in Mu Liang's mind, and he can draw them when he has time.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Leave it to me, you can always find it if you look for it slowly. 99

"Okay." Mu Liang replied.

Yiliyi asked respectfully: "Sir City Lord, there is a fashion design major in front, do you want to take a look?"

"Well, let's see." Mu Liang nodded indifferently.

In the fashion design class, the students are staring at the podium, and the teacher is explaining the knowledge.

"To learn clothing design, you must first learn to sketch and watercolor, so that you can draw better design drawings." On the podium is a female teacher.

She talked about it all the time: "Learn sketching and watercolor painting well, even if you can't become a fashion designer in the future, you can change to other jobs, such as interior design, etc.

Mu Liang's eyes brightened, if it weren't for the fact that the woman was talking about the knowledge points he wrote, she would have thought that she was really a teacher from the earth.

Su Jin suddenly asked, "Is she good at drawing?"

"Well, both sketching and watercolor can be used." Yiliyi nodded.

Sketching and watercolor were taught to her by the little maid, and she consciously practiced painting every day, steadily improving her painting skills.

Su Jin's eyes lit up, her face full of eagerness to try.

"Actually, Su Jin's painting skills are stronger." Mu Liang said warmly.

"Really~`?" Su Jin's pink lips parted slightly.

Mu Liang said warmly, "I've never seen someone more powerful than you. 35

Su Jin said softly: "You still have to teach me more.

Mu Liang pursed his lips and nodded, "Okay."

Yue Qinlan's eyes were full of resentment, and she suspected that Su Jin was the real fox spirit, so she found a reason quietly.

Everyone walked around the teaching building and watched the teaching methods of various professional classes, and they were generally satisfied.

"Lord City Lord, I apply for air conditioning in the classroom." Yiliyi said suddenly.

Mu Liang nodded indifferently: "Well, it will be arranged. 35

Yiliyi's eyes were filled with joy. It was true that the climate in the main city changed too much, sometimes it was hot for a few days, and then it was cold for a few days. This was related to the changeable climate at sea.

She asked respectfully, "Sir City Lord, are you going to the Comprehensive Practice Building?

"Everyone is here, let's go and have a look." Mu Liang said warmly.

"Yes, Lord City Lord, come with me." Yiliyi gestured, turning around and walking in front.

Everyone followed and left the teaching building and walked towards the nearby comprehensive practice building.

Walking into the first floor of the comprehensive practice building, there is a corridor in the middle, and rooms on both sides. There are wooden signs on the door, which write the purpose of the room.

"Blacksmithing practice room, painting room..." Li Yue softly read the words above.

"This is where the students practice and practice." Yiliyi introduced.

Yue Qinlan asked, "Are there any children taking classes here now?

"I think about it..." Yiliyi recalled.

She nodded and said, "Yes, the children in the cooking class are learning. 35

"Go and have a look?" Yue Qinlan looked sideways at Mu Liang.

"Well, lead the way." Mu Liang replied.

"Okay, the cooking practice room is on the second floor." Yiliyi walked in front and walked to the second floor from the stairs in the middle.

When everyone came to the second floor, the first classroom on the left was the cooking practice room.

Before everyone entered, they heard the sound of knocking iron.

"Hey, why is someone knocking on the iron?" Li Yue said in surprise.

Yiliyi explained: "It's not the iron, it's the children who practice the spoon."

"Bumping the spoon?" Li Yue was puzzled and walked towards the door.

In the practice room, there are rows of stoves, the stoves have not yet been lit, and there are children next to each stove, holding a large iron pot in the left hand and a long-handled spoon in the right hand, and the pot is filled with half a pot of sand and stones.

"Bang bang bang~~~

The children turned the ladle and turned the sand and pebbles up, turning it over and over again and again.

The children were sweating profusely, their hands were constantly moving, and they still looked clumsy and unskilled.

The middle-aged teacher put his hands behind his back and said sternly: "Hurry up, if the ingredients in the pot are, at your speed, the dishes will be burnt.

"Yes." The children responded aloud, their hands moving faster.

"If the range of the spoon is bigger, the iron pan will be held firmly. This is still a small iron pan. When it is replaced by a large iron pan, won't it be more immobile?" The teacher said solemnly.

“Bang bang bang ~9⁹

The children did not care to wipe the sweat from their foreheads, and hurriedly followed suit.

"々, it's still very hard." Su Jin looked at the children biting their lower lip and flipped the iron pot with determination.

"How much effort and sweat you put in now, you can reap the rewards later." Mu Liang said calmly.

Learn to cook well and ensure that the royal family and nobles will rush to hire, not to mention open a shop to do business, or go to a restaurant to find a job, the salary will not be low.

"It makes sense." Yue Qinlan nodded in agreement.

"Right now, I'm just practising flipping the spoon and flipping the pot, and I'll practice knife skills later." Yiliyi said softly.

"Well, a good teacher." Mu Liang nodded slowly, agreeing with the teacher's teaching method.

Yiliyi introduced: "This teacher is already forty-five years old. He used to cook for the royal family. After he came to Xuanwu City, he worked in the restaurant and now he is a teacher.

Most of the teachers in vocational colleges are leaders in all walks of life, and then slowly explore how to become a good teacher.

"Well, what's the salary like?" Mu Liang asked sideways.

(good money)

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "The monthly salary is 600 yuan, free housing, six days off each month, and other benefits remain the same as before.

Mu Liang thought for a while and said, "I'll improve the teacher's treatment."

Education is a very important thing. By raising the salary and salary, the teachers are more motivated, so that some people will not go to the sidelines.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan agreed.

"Let's go and have a look at the square." Mu Liang turned around and said.

"Yes." Li Yue and the others responded.

Yiliyi asked: "Lord City Lord, don't you want to see other practice complexes?"

"No, come back in a few days." Mu Liang waved his hands.

He still has a lot of things to do now, the founding ceremony is the most important thing, and he needs to pay more attention.

"Yes." Yili nodded respectfully and sent Mu Liang and the others out of the school.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second is more clever.

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