Mu Liang looked at Zhen Huan who was carrying Fang Tian Hua Ji and asked, "How was the rehearsal?"

"City Lord, don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it all the way, there's absolutely no problem." Zhen Huan raised her hand in a salute and assured.

"Then practice it again." Mu Liang raised his chin and decided to take a look at it in person before he was relieved.

"Yes." Zhen Huan saluted again.

She turned back to the navy soldiers, and shouted loudly: "Everyone gather, follow the usual training, and walk through it for the Lord of the City to see.~

"Yes!" the navy-soldier responded in unison.

They quickly formed a square formation, like the army, a formation of 500 people, holding military crossbows and moving neatly forward.


The footsteps of the navy soldiers were uniform, and each step made a loud sound.

Mu Liang watched intently and nodded slowly: "Very good, keep this state tomorrow, I don't want to make mistakes."

"Yes." Zhen Huan nodded seriously.

Mu Liang lowered his hand and said, "You guys continue to rehearse, I still have something to do.

Zhen Huan said with a serious face: "Let's rest assured and leave it to us here.

"Well, I'm optimistic about you." Mu Liang's lips rose, looking forward to tomorrow's founding ceremony and military parade.

He got into the car with Liyue and Sujin, and Yueqinlan stayed in the square, waiting for the air force to arrive, and they had to do the final rehearsal.

Mu Liang and others returned to the Highland Palace in the animal carriage. Seeing that he had something to do, Su Jin consciously returned to the side hall and prepared to paint some ink paintings.

Liyue followed Mu Liang to the study to see if there was anything she needed to do.

Mu Liang sat back on the dragon chair, reached out and pulled a piece of paper, picked up a pen and wrote the names of the domesticated animals on it.

"Tomorrow, let Xiaocai go in front first, Xiaohong in the back, and then Xiaozi." He muttered to himself.

The nine-colored lizards, rock turtles, and ghost spiders were the first to follow Mu Liang, and they will go first when they appear tomorrow.

"Do you want all the domesticated beasts to appear tomorrow?" Liyue asked in surprise.

"No, just a part is enough. The sea dragon beast has to stay at the port and can't go away." Mu Liang shook his head.

In addition, domesticated beasts such as the three-flowered pupil snake, the glazed beast, and the eight-patterned beast do not need to participate in the military parade.

These should be used as trump cards to hide.

Li Yue glanced at the names of the domesticated beasts written on the paper, and commented: "Just the appearance of these domesticated beasts is enough to frighten the nobles of the royal family.

On the list, there are three domesticated beasts of the tenth order, six domesticated beasts of the ninth order, and eleven domesticated beasts of the eighth order.

"It's not enough to be scared." Mu Liang smiled.

There are some lunatics in this world, no matter how strong you are, lunatics will collide head-on.

Liyue nodded slowly and said, "As long as they are rational enough, they will not make trouble at the founding ceremony. 35

"Hope it." Mu Liang smiled noncommittally.

He contacted many domesticated beasts in his heart, told them to prepare for the military parade tomorrow, and told them the order of appearance.

Most of the domesticated animals are not low in IQ, but they are still like children. The main reason is that they have evolved too quickly and are not yet mature in terms of mentality. This needs time to change. Right now, they can only rely on Mu Liang to allocate and arrange.

Mu Liang turned his head and said: "Go and tell Xiaolan, and let her inform the managers of the various cities of David to attend the founding ceremony on time tomorrow.

"Yes." Li Yue responded and walked out of the study.

After the girl left, Mu Liang took out the guest list for tomorrow's founding ceremony.

"I hope I don't have to kill the chicken to show the monkeys." Mu Liang stared at the names on the list, who would be the chicken in his early days?

According to the information collected during this period of investigation, among the nobles who came to participate in the founding ceremony of the country, there are also many people who came from pirates, and they are not peaceful people.

Pirates are tired of the life of dancing on the tip of a knife, and most of them choose to spend money to buy aristocratic titles and turn into noble nobles.

When Liyue came back, Mu Liang had written down the names and power backgrounds of all the royal family and nobles, so he could deal with all emergencies tomorrow.

Mu Liang tilted his head and instructed: "Call Xue Ji back, and let her use a video camera to record the whole founding ceremony and military parade tomorrow, and broadcast the whole process live on TV. 35

"Yes." Li Yue left the study again.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose. He lowered his eyes and thought about something. Is there anything else he missed?

The founding ceremony is too important, and everything should not be sloppy.

When Liyue came back, she brought steaming star tea.

Mu Liang thought of something, and the corners of his lips rose: "Many people and acquaintances have also come from the old continent.

"Well, there are many people who have participated in the Holy Land Council." Li Yue nodded slowly.

・・・・For flowers・・0

She helped receive people from the Old World and lived on the other side of the main city train station, separate from the royal family and nobles of the New World.

"Augusig didn't come." Mu Liang suddenly said.

"Oggsig from Ten Thousand Demons City...isn't here, but Feng Qinglang is here." Li Yue said softly.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly: "Feng Qinglang of Wan Yaocheng, Hu Xian doesn't know if he wants to meet him."

He knew the news that Ten Thousand Demons City had been destroyed, but he just didn't believe that Augsger was dead.

"I don't think so." Li Yue said softly.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Mu Liang said indifferently.

His impression of Feng Qinglang was only at the moment when he was picking up the fox immortal. The other party and Yanxiang Marquis stood together, looking so weak.

"Who is coming from Yeyue City?" Mu Liang asked again.

Liyue thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "No one is coming to Yeyue City. 35

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, no one came from Yeyue City?

"Maybe it's because Xi Beqi is here, they don't think they need to send someone over to participate. Liyue guessed.

"Well, maybe." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Li Yue said again: "Jin Feng is here too, I wanted to see you, but you were too busy and I stopped you.

"It's not a big deal, it's fine if she doesn't see her. If it's a big deal, she won't be persuaded by you." Mu Liang nodded.

Jin Feng, the city owner of Fengcheng, Mu Liang still owes her a favor.

When the Fengcheng transit base was built, I asked her to help take care of the transit base, and the price was to owe her a favor.

Li Yue said softly: "Shakov is here too, he will come to report on the work of the transit base later, do you want to see him?

"Let's meet." Mu Liang said warmly.

"Okay." Li Yue nodded softly.

Mu Liang looked at the silver-haired girl, and said warmly, "You've been busy all day, go to a rest meeting, and there will be no rest from tomorrow."

Liyue has been busy these days, and today is the most relaxing day for her in recent times.

"Don't be tired, I'll accompany you." Li Yue's pink lips parted lightly.

"Okay. 35 Mu Liang's black eyes gleamed, and he raised his hand and gently scratched the bridge of the silver-haired girl's nose.

Li Yue's pretty face was slightly red, and she lowered her eyes quietly.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Ask for a custom towel.

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