Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1806: Makes people laugh out loud. (1 more)

Xuanwu City time, five o'clock in the afternoon.

“Mu Liang, Mu Liang~~~”

Yue Feiyan's crisp voice sounded in the palace.

Holding a painting in her hand, she happily knocked on the study door.

"Knock Knock~~~

"Come in." Mu Liang's voice came from the study.

Yue Feiyan pushed open the door and walked in front of Mu Liang, waving the painting in her hand, and said excitedly, "Mu Liang, the national flag you want me to design has already been painted, take a look."

"Oh, let me see." Mu Liang put down the pen in his hand and reached out to take the painting from the girl's hand.

Xuanwu City has to announce the establishment of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and the national flag is of great significance, so it is necessary to redesign the new national flag.

After Mu Liang had this idea, he asked the people living in the palace to design the national flag, and finally selected a national flag to use.

Mu Liang unfolded the rolled-up painting with anticipation, and he saw a bright red color with a simple drawing of a turtle in the center. "One Eight Three"

He looked at the drawn turtle and fell into silence, opening his mouth several times without saying a word.

"This is the flag you painted?" he asked slowly.

Yue Feiyan asked expectantly, "Hee hee, isn't it pretty?"

Mu Liang asked curiously, "I'll tell you if it's good or not. Please explain to me first, why do you want to draw like this?"

Yue Feiyan said naively: "Didn't you say that the national flag should be red as a whole, and then draw some special or representative patterns on it."

Mu Liang glanced at the painting in his hand and asked with a wry smile, "So this is the turtle you painted?

"This is Xiao Xuanwu, you didn't recognize it, did you?" Yue Feiyan puffed out her cheeks.

She explained: "Our Xuanwu City was built on Xiaoxuanwu, and it will also be the foundation of the Xuanwu Kingdom in the future, so it would be more appropriate to paint Xiaoxuanwu on the national flag.

"This is a small basalt..." Mu Liang looked at the tortoise on the flag, which had no resemblance to the rock turtle.

Yue Feiyan said with a stern face: "Tsk, you really didn't recognize it, what a resemblance I drew. Xibeqi said that it looked like it. 35

"Xi Beqi also said it looks like it..." Mu Liang suddenly had a bad premonition, shouldn't the national flag drawn by Xi Beqi be like this?

He then thought that he had already designed three new national flags. If the people in the palace did not have a good design, he would use the one he drew.

Yue Feiyan said naively: "What's not like, tell me, and I'll change it."

Mu Liang said softly: "If you want to change it, you probably have to repaint it all. 35

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If such a national flag was really hung up, he would be laughed at by people from other kingdoms.

"Ah, is it really ugly?" Yue Feiyan's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.

"It's not ugly, it's just not suitable for the national flag." Mu Liang said warmly.

"I've been painting for two hours..." Yue Feiyan pouted, a little depressed.

Mu Liang thought for a while, then said gently: "In this way, when the flags of other people are painted, all of them will be voted on, and the flag with the highest number of votes will be adopted. 35

"Okay." Yue Xianyan's red eyes lit up, confident that her own national flag was better than others'.

Mu Liang put down the painting and asked, "Is the rehearsal of the Air Force over today?"

Yue Feiyan said confidently: "Yes, don't worry, the Air Force's military parade tomorrow will be very smooth."

"I'm looking forward to it." Mu Liang chuckled twice.

He really wasn't worried in his heart, with Yue Qinlan staring at the square, there would be no major problem with the appearance of the air force soldiers.

"Knock Knock~~

There was a knock on the study door.

"Mr. Mu Liang." Wei Youlan's voice came into the study.

"Come in." Mu Liang replied casually.

Only then did Wei Youlan push the door and enter, also holding a painting in her hand, and came to Mu Liang a little nervously.

She handed out her painting and said softly, "Mr. Mu Liang, this is the national flag I painted, please take a look at it.

Yue Feiyan stretched her neck and urged curiously, "Quickly open it and take a look."

Mu Liang gave the red-haired girl a funny look, knowing her state of mind at this time, so he slowly unfolded the flag drawn by the little maid.

The national flag painted by Wei Youlan also uses bright red as the background color, and many patterns like stars are painted on it, which are scattered throughout the flag.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, is this a painted starry sky?

"Xiao Lan, what are you painting?" Yue Feiyan asked suspiciously.

Wei Youlan explained: "The painting is the light on the holy tree. I can see it every day when I look up. I think it is very beautiful, so I painted it."

Mu Liang suddenly realized that the fruits and leaves of the tree of life will glow, which is indeed like a sky full of stars in the dark night, and this is what Xuanwu City looks like in the dark night now.

"It's very good, the painting is good." He praised.

Yue Feiyan wrapped her arms around her, and humbly hummed: "Humph~~

She had to admit that Wei Youlan's flag was better than her own.

"You guys are all good at painting." Mu Liang couldn't help but admire himself, Master Duan Shui is not easy to do...

Out of the corner of Wei Youlan's eyes, she saw the national flag painted by Yue Feiyan on the desktop, and she wondered, what was it painted?

"Humph." Yue Feiyan Tsundere snorted again.

Mu Liang turned his head and asked, "Xiao Zi and the others haven't painted their national flag yet?

Wei Youlan whispered: "They are still painting, and they are almost done.

Mu Liang nodded slowly and said, "Then let's watch it together after everyone gathers in the evening, and then vote for the best national flag. 39

Yue Feiyan rolled her eyes and asked: "Can you vote for your own national flag? 35

"No, I can only vote for someone else's." Mu Liang gave the red-haired girl a funny look.

"Oh, okay..." Yue Feiyan pouted.

Wei Youlan said softly, "Mr. Mu Liang, I'm going to prepare dinner.

"Go." Mu Liang nodded indifferently.

The little maid saluted respectfully, turned and left the study.

"I'm going to change the national flag again." Yue Feiyan took the national flag off the table and hurry up to go back and change the painting.

Mu Liang shook his head amusingly, with the red-haired girl's painting skills, don't hold out too much hope.

After the two left, the study became quiet again, but the quietness was soon broken again.

The study door was pushed open again, and Li Yue walked into the study with her hands behind her back.

"What's hiding behind?" Mu Liang asked with raised eyebrows.

Li Yuemei smiled and showed what was hidden behind her: "This is the national flag I painted.

Mu Liang asked in surprise, "When did you draw it?

4.0 Liyue has been busy these past few days, and she followed him again today, thinking that she didn't have time to paint the national flag.

Liyue explained: "I couldn't sleep the night before, so I took time to draw.

"I'll take a look." Mu Liang stretched out his hand with interest.

The silver-haired girl unfolded the painting in her hand and turned it over and handed it to Mu Liang.

The national flag painted by Liyue is also red as the base, and a large green tree is drawn in the center, which is a very simple design.

Mu Liang said firmly: "This painting is the tree of life."

"Well, I can only draw like this." Li Yue said a little embarrassed.

Mu Liang nodded and praised: "The tree of life, our holy tree, also symbolizes life, and has a very good meaning."35

"Yes, it is like this." Li Yue blinked her silver-white eyes. When she drew it, she had not thought about it so much.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code

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