Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1809: Men's strange desire to win. (1 more)

"Boom, boom, boom~

The bell rang melodiously, one after another, and a new day began.

In the building where the royal family is received.

Lingyun raised her hand and knocked on the door of Lingxiang's resting room: "Lingxiang, are you awake? 55

"Wake up, I'm washing up, wait a minute." Ling Xiang's crisp voice came from the room.

Lingyun shouted: "Hurry up, Xuanwu City has sent someone to pick us up."

The tree of life just lit up, dispelling the darkness on the turtle's back, and the beast car that came to pick up people was already parked on the side of the road.

"Okay~~~" Ling Xiang responded.

After more than ten minutes, the girl came out after washing up. She had put on a new dress and was covered with gemstones.

"Let's go." Ling Xiang said sweetly.

Lingyun also looks the same, wearing very expensive, yet youthful and beautiful.

The two went downstairs hand in hand, and Feng'er was already waiting downstairs.

Feng'er complimented: "Her Royal Highness Princess is so beautiful today."

"Am I not beautiful before?" Ling Yun Tsundere asked rhetorically.

"I used to be pretty, but I'm extra pretty today." Feng'er said with a light smile.

"It's about the same." Feng'er Tsundere raised her chin.

She glanced around and asked suspiciously, "Where's the deputy knight commander?"

Feng'er explained: "The deputy knight is talking to His Majesty Qi Erna, and has already been waiting at the beast carriage.

Ling 183 Yun Jiao said: "Then let's go over there."

Ling Xiang suddenly asked: "By the way, why hasn't uncle come yet?"

"I don't know either."" The smile on Lingyun's face faded a lot. She came to the main city for three days and did not receive any news from her father and mother.

She was a little worried, didn't her father and mother have an accident on the road?

Seeing that her friend was in a low mood, Ling Xiang quickly comforted her: "Don't worry, my uncle is very strong."

"Well, my father is a ninth-order powerhouse." Ling Yun regained some spirit.

"Yes, maybe I'll see you later." Ling Xiang patted her friend's hand.

"Hmm." Ling Yun squeezed out a smile.

The two walked to the side of the road hand in hand, and in the distance they saw a long row of animal carts, some of the royal family and nobles had already boarded the car and were taken to the main city square.

"His Royal Highness." The deputy knight commander waved his hand from a distance, with Qi Erna standing beside him.

"Come on." Ling Yun responded.

She took Ling Xiang and walked forward quickly, and greeted Qi Erna sweetly: "Uncle Qi Erna, good morning. 99

Qi Erna smiled and said: "Early, Lingyun is very beautiful today."

"Father, what about me?" Ling Xiang pouted.

"You are also very beautiful (dbea)." Qi Erner laughed dumbly, rubbing her daughter's head dotingly.

Ling Xiang showed a smile and said clearly: "Father, are you going now?"

Qi Erna nodded and said, "Well, the founding ceremony starts at ten o'clock, so it's time to set off."

"Then let's go." Ling Xiang Jiaohan urged, stepping on the wooden ladder to go up to the beast cart next to her.

Qi Erna turned his head and said: "Lingyun, you haven't seen your father yet, just follow us first."

"Yeah, Ling Yun comes up soon." Ling Xiang turned around and waved.

Lingyun hesitated: "This bothers you too much. 35

Ling Xiang raised her face and said in a serious tone: "How come, we have such a good relationship, don't say such things, come up quickly.

"Okay." Lingyun smiled and stepped forward.

"Yun'er!" Suddenly, a surprised voice came from behind everyone.

Ling Yun paused, turned around in a conditioned reflex, and saw his father and mother whom he hadn't seen for several months.

"Father, mother!" She exclaimed in surprise and hurried forward.

Lingxi raised her hand to catch her galloping daughter, and said gently: "It's really Yun'er, I thought I was wrong."

Yom murmured: "I've been looking for two days, but I didn't find it until now."

After he and his wife came to the main city, they asked people to find Lingyun, but they couldn't find it for two days, thinking that she had not come to the main city.

Lingyun raised her head from her mother's arms and asked with a puffed face, "Father, mother, when did you come?

"Two days ago." Lingxi replied.

Lingyun stared at her beautiful eyes and said dissatisfiedly: "Ah, you came two days ago, why didn't you come to me?

Yom explained with a wry smile: "I found it, it's not that I didn't find you."

Lingyun said suspiciously: "How come, I have been in the main city for three days."

She now seriously suspects that her father and mother want to live in a two-person world, and deliberately did not look for her.

Lingxi squeezed her daughter's face gently, and said softly, "Just find it now."

"Hmm." Ling Yun smiled, and the worries in her heart dissipated.

Qi Erner said hello: "Old Yom, you are a little slow. 55

Yeom snorted and said angrily, "You didn't come a few days earlier than me, did you?

"That's also earlier than you." Qi Erner said proudly.

Lingxi laughed and said, "What is there to compare?"

This man has a strange desire to win.

Ling Xiang quickly got off the animal car and said hello: "Hello Uncle Yom, hello Aunt Lingxi."5

Lingxi smiled and nodded: "Okay.

The coachman reminded: "Several distinguished guests, we should leave."

"Okay, let's get in the car first." Qi Erner nodded.

"See you later." Lingyun waved to her friend, her father and mother are here, she doesn't have to squeeze a beast car with her friend.

"Okay." Ling Xiang responded.

The crowd got into several animal carts and drove towards the main city square one after another.

In the animal car, Ling Yun and her father and mother talked about what they had seen and heard in Xuanwu City for more than a month.

Lingxi looked at her daughter's bright smile, and the smile on her face became more and more, she could see that her daughter liked Xuanwu City very much.

Lingyun thought of something, and she said: "I also went to an underwater town, it's really beautiful, my father and mother must go and see it."

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Yeom's eyes, and he said, "Undersea town, your mother and I have already been there, but only for two streets.

Lingyun said in surprise: "Hey, father and mother still have time to go to the underwater town?"

"It happened by coincidence. 39 Lingxi and Yom looked at each other, and invariably chose to hide the wrong way.

Lingyun said in a clear voice: "Well, let's go again after the founding ceremony.

"Okay." Lingxi nodded dotingly.

Lingyun clenched her fist and slammed her palm, remembering: "By the way, there are still twelve Acropolis here, I haven't even gone yet, so I'd better go to the Acropolis first."

"It's all right, go back after you've had enough." Lingxi agreed.

Yeom opened his mouth, the palace still has a lot to deal with, and he can only stay in Xuanwu City for half a month at most.

Lingyun turned her head to look at her father and asked, "Father, what do you want to say?

Yom grinned, "No, listen to you."

"Then go to the Acropolis tomorrow, and then go to the undersea town last." Ling Yun decided.

"Not tomorrow, I have to participate in the auction." Yom shook his head.

The second purpose of his visit this time was for the auction, so he brought a lot of demon beast crystals.

"Hey, there's an auction, so I'll go too." Ling Yun's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Okay. Lingxi agreed again.

00. . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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