Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1810: I'm afraid I'll die badly. (2 more)

In the main city, on the main road outside the square, animal carts approached one after another, and their speed began to slow down as they approached the square.

At this time, the main city square was already crowded with people, many of whom came from the Acropolis, and some came from other big cities and kingdoms.

At the entrance of the square, there are circles of spiral guardrails, and the townspeople line up consciously and walk to the square in an orderly manner.

The founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China was allowed to be watched by city citizens, and there were specific areas in the square where they could watch at close range.

The citizens of the city held the Xuanwu red flag, which was distributed free of charge by the roadside, adding joy to the founding ceremony.

At the entrance of the square, there stood two hundred army soldiers wearing purple-patterned light steel armor, all armed with weapons, which acted as a shock and deterrent to avoid accidents.

In the square, there are also soldiers and staff guiding the incoming townspeople to a specific area.

On the main road, the door of the animal carriage opened, and the royal family and nobles got out of the car one after another.

The staff who have been waiting for a long time greeted them, checked the invitation post, and guided them to the special passage~.

Lingyun got out of the car, looked around and sighed: "There are so many people. 39

The square is covered with red flags and a string of red lanterns, fluttering in the wind.

"It looks like everyone is very happy." Lingxi said gracefully.

She looked around, and the faces of the passers-by were filled with joy, and some were waving red flags in their hands before they even entered the square.

Qi Erna, Ling Xiang and the others also got off the animal carriage and reunited with Yom and the others.

The staff greeted them and said enthusiastically: "Several, please show the invitation, and I will take you in."

"Okay." Qi Erna and Yom took out the invitation card, and after the staff checked it, handed it back to the two of them.

"A few, please come with me." The staff gestured and walked ahead to lead the way.

Qi Erna and others followed, and the clothes on several of them were not ordinary people, and the staff received them carefully.

Under the guidance of the staff, Ling Xiang and others walked into the special entrance passage and walked into the square.


Ling Xiang and the others opened their pink lips, looking at the spacious and flat square, they couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

Lingxi lowered her head and said: "The ground is all paved with crystals, which is too extravagant."

Yom raised his foot and chopped the ground, and said in surprise: "It seems to be a real crystal, very hard. 99

The staff reminded: "Several, take your seats first."

"Cough, good." Yom coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.

Several people followed the staff to the seats next to the high platform in the square, and many royal family members had already taken their seats.

"Several, your seats are here." The staff pointed to the seats near the high platform.

"Yeah." Yeom sat in the position indicated by the staff with a stern face.

Lingxi and others took their seats one after another, and they looked around and saw a lot of familiar people, who were royal nobles from other kingdoms, and had met several times.

They nodded to each other, even if they had said hello.

Lingxi turned her head and said in a cold voice, "A lot of people have come from other kingdoms. 35

Yom sneered a few times: "How many people really hope that the Xuanwu Kingdom will be established?"

Qi Erna said indifferently: "Whether they are sincere or not, they can't be here to make trouble."

He didn't feel anything about Xuanwu City turning into Xuanwu Kingdom. This time he came mainly to discuss deeper cooperation with Fox Immortal, and it was also for the auction.

"It's hard to say, maybe there really is trouble." Yom said indifferently.

Ling Xiangjiao snorted: "Humph, if you dare to make trouble, you will definitely be slapped to death by Mu Liang."

She likes Xuanwu City, she likes everything here, so she doesn't want anyone to ruin it.

"Mu Liang?" Yom frowned lightly.

Ling Xiang said crisply: "It's the Xuanwu City Lord, my father said he is very strong.

"Really?" Yom looked at Qierner.

Qi Erna twitched the corners of his mouth and said with fear in his eyes: "Of course, he can slap me to death with a slap.

"What?" Yom's eyes widened in disbelief, suspecting that his friend was bluffing him.

Qi Erner glanced at his friend and laughed: "You are not old enough to be deaf. 35

Youmu asked solemnly: "With your strength, wouldn't you really be unable to catch a slap from the Xuanwu City Lord?"

Qi Erna said: "You should know that we are standing on a sea monster now."

"I know." Yom nodded.

Qi Erna asked again: "Then do you know how strong this sea monster is?"5

Yeom shook his head, thought for a moment, and guessed: "Wang Jie?

Qi Erna smiled, shook his head and said, "This is a holy monster."


"Holy order!" Yom's eyes widened again in shock.

He originally thought that the king rank or the supreme was the sky, but he never thought that it would be the holy rank.

Lingxi was also shocked, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

Qi Erna added lightly: "By the way, the holy tree above the head is also a holy order."

"..." Lingxi and Yom were speechless in shock, and invariably looked up at the huge tree canopy. They had never heard of green plants that could grow to the holy level.

Qi Erna analyzed rationally: "You said that with this holy sea monster and this holy tree, would the strength of the Xuanwu City Lord be weak?

"Unlikely..." Yom's throat moved.

Qi Erna sneered and said with a firm tone: "Wait, if someone makes trouble on such an important day, I'm afraid they will die badly. 35

Yom and Lingxi glanced at each other and decided to stay safe.

In the next half hour, more and more people entered the square and filled the seats on both sides of the high platform.

Opposite the high platform is the head of Wuyangyang, most of them are from the main city and the Acropolis, and the other part is from outsiders.

About 80% of them are holding red flags. Before the founding ceremony of the country started, they were already waving the flags in their hands enthusiastically.

Between the high platform and the crowd is the venue for the military parade, with guardrails and army soldiers guarding both sides to ensure the smooth progress of the military parade.

There were more and more people in the square, and there was a lot of noise. Most people were excited and excited, looking forward to the start of the founding ceremony.

At this time, a staff member followed Xue Ji to the high platform and began to set up cameras.

Xue Ji said with a serious face: "Two cameras are aimed at the high platform, and the other cameras are aimed at the outside venue, and the military parade and the city lord should be photographed."

"Yes." The staff carefully installed the cameras, this time for a live broadcast, to make sure everything went smoothly.

The camera has been connected to the central processor and signal tower on the tree of life through the magic circle, and it can transmit the picture to each TV in real time to realize the function of live broadcast.

Xue Ji said with a serious face: "After adjusting the camera, the Lord of the City will be here soon, and the whole process of entering the arena will also be filmed."

"Yes." The staff was sweating profusely, and quickly accelerated their movements.

. 0. . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Ask for a custom towel.

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