On the other side, in the study room of the Highland Palace.

Mu Liang raised his hand and passed through the robe that Wei Youlan was holding in his hand.

Wei Youlan picked up the belt, looped it around Mu Liang's waist, and asked softly, "Your Majesty, is this tight enough?


Mu Liang raised his brows lightly and said with a smile, "Is this changed?""

"Your Majesty, isn't it?" Wei Youlan smiled like a flower arrangement.

"Yes. 33 Mu Liang smiled.

Beginning to be king today, the little maid is not wrong.

The study door was pushed open, and Xiao Zi probed in.

She asked respectfully: "Your Majesty, the animal carriage is ready, Lord Qinlan asked me to ask if you are ready? 39

"It's almost time." Mu Liang replied.

Xiao Zi couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty, hurry up, time is running out." "One Eight Three"

"Okay." Mu Liang picked up the crown on the side, put it on the top of his head, and fastened it to his hair with a hosta.

He flicked his sleeves and stepped out.

Wei Youlan learned from the TV series, and bowed her knees and said, "Congratulations to Your Majesty."

Mu Liang waved his hand and stepped out of the study.

In the main hall, Yue Qinyi, Yue Qinlan and others were already waiting.

Yue Qinyi put on the skirt that Mu Liang gave her, a cheongsam style skirt, which perfectly showed her slender waist and figure.

She has two strings of pearl earrings on her ears, and a necklace made of gemstones on her neck. The finely carved gemstones are strung in a triangle shape, which perfectly decorates her neck.

The woman also wears a bead chain on the top of her head, which makes her short aqua blue hair particularly eye-catching.

Yue Qinyi raised her hand, looked at the jade ring on her wrist, and asked, "Is it really good to wear it like this? 35

"Of course, you are the queen today." Yue Qinlan said firmly.

Yue Qinyi glanced at her sister and asked in a low voice, "Why, you don't want to be a queen anymore?"

Yue Qinlan blinked her blue eyes and knew what her sister meant. If she wanted to become a queen, she naturally had to marry Mu Liang.

"It's not what I want to be." She answered vaguely.

"As long as you want, you can be." Yue Qinyi joked.

Yue Qinlan pouted, her eyes flickering: "Don't forget, there are many people around Mu Liang."

Yue Qinyi said gracefully, "Who said that a king can only have one queen?"

"There is no regulation in Xuanwu City..." Yue Qinlan's voice became smaller and smaller.

Yue Qinyi poked her sister's waist with her elbow, and instigated: "Fight, maybe it will be successful.

"Don't worry, let's talk about it." Yue Qinlan said calmly.

Yue Qinyi hates iron for not being steel: "It's useless.

Yue Qinlan wanted to say something when she saw Mu Liang pushed open the door and came out.

When she saw Mu Liang come out, her blue eyes lit up. Today's Mu Liang looks extraordinarily different, like a king.

Mu Liang looked at Yue Qinyi and said warmly, "Today's outfit suits you very well."

"It's all Qinlan who helped me dress up." Yue Qinyi raised the corners of her lips and said.

"Well, her aesthetic has always been good." Mu Liang smiled.

Yue Qinlan glanced at the time, and said quickly: "There are fifteen minutes left, I will talk about it on the way."

"Well, let's go." Mu Liang nodded lightly.

Several people left the palace and saw the familiar beast carts and moon wolves. In addition to the twenty-four highland guards, there were also members of the Ghost Special Assassination Squad.

Liyue, Mia, Elina, Yan Bing, and Nijisha are the first members.

Si Sari, Angela, Yiu, Huxi, Megan, Kaina and others are the second batch of members.

Kaina is the mother of the little maid Yao Er and is now a member of the Ghost Special Forces.

Heather, Hafenni and others who joined later belong to the third group of members.

The highland guards were fully armed, wearing ghost cloaks and shields, led by Xiao Miao, with a moon wolf beside them.

The members of the ghost special assassination team also wear ghost armor, except for Mia, who wears shadow armor.

"Your Majesty." Li Yue and the others shouted in unison.

Mu Liang took a step, and with a smile on his lips, nodded and got into the car.

"Let's go." His voice came from the carriage.

"Yes." Li Yue and the others turned over and sat on the Moon Wolf, looking majestic and imposing.

Yan Bing, Elina, Si Sally... The five entered a state of invisibility and kept following secretly.

Yue Qinlan, Yue Qinyi, and Hu Xian also got into the carriage.


The moon wolves roared, pulling the beast cart and galloping.

The wind behind the highland guards flew up, looking majestic. …

The Moon Wolf pulled the beast cart away from the highland and galloped towards the main city square.

On both sides of the road, red flags were planted, and red lanterns were hung on the wooden poles that stood up.

"There are still ten minutes." Yue Qinlan glanced at her watch, and the scheduled time was almost here.

"It's too late." Mu Liang said calmly.

Yue Qinyi didn't speak, she took out a piece of paper and looked at the content on it again.

This is the speech that Mu Liang wrote to her, hundreds of words, she has already memorized it in her mind.

The fox fairy asked suspiciously, "Didn't you take it down?"

When she returned to the palace last night, she heard Yue Qinyi recite this speech in silence.

Yue Qinyi said angrily: "I'm a little nervous now, I'm afraid I'll forget it when I'm on stage. It's better to watch it a few more times."

Yue Qinlan laughed and said: "Sister, you are also someone who has seen big scenes, so why is it so nervous."

Yue Qinyi once worked as a great magician in the palace of Haiting Kingdom, so there is no need to be nervous.

"You don't understand, this time all the members of the royal family from different kingdoms are here, and the scene is different." Yue Qinyi rolled her eyes and said.

"Why don't I cut my hair short and speak for you on stage." Yue Qinlan said, reaching out and pulling a lock of hair.

She and her sister are twins. If they don't look at their hair and body, but only their faces, they can be said to be exactly the same, just need to adjust the makeup and hair.

"Okay, I'll cut it for you." Yue Qinyi flipped her wrist and took out a pair of scissors from the storage magic tool.

"Hey 4.0, I'm joking." Yue Qinlan was startled, and hurriedly ducked to the side.

"Don't hide, my good sister, aren't you going to come on stage for me?" Yue Qinyi raised her eyebrows.

"No." "Yue Qinlan raised her hand to straighten her messy hair and regain her elegance.

"Shout." Yue Qinyi put away the scissors boringly.

Mu Liang shook his head amusingly and asked, "Minuo and the others have already gone to the square?"

"Well, the band has to prepare in advance, Xiao Nuo has to watch." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, today is a special day, the school is not in class, and most workshops are also closed, just to welcome this special day.

"The square, it's coming." Mu Liang looked out the window and could already see the clock tower in the center of the square.

. . . . . . . . .

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