
The moonwolves roared, and their forward movements slowed down.

"The Lord of the City is here!""

"Lord City Lord~~~""

On both sides of the avenue outside the entrance of the square, the citizens who could not enter the square were standing, waving and cheering.

Some townspeople corrected loudly: "It should be called His Majesty the King now.""

"Yes, it should be called His Majesty the King." The people around agreed.

"Your Majesty the King."

"Your Majesty the King~~~99

The townspeople shouted, and the red flags in their hands waved vigorously.

In the moon wolf beast car, Yue Qinlan said gracefully, "The city people have changed their minds. 35

Mu Liang glanced sideways and asked in amazement, "Have you arranged for someone to guide you?

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Of course not, this should be the citizens of the city... your people spontaneously.

"Well, it's good." Mu Liang's lips curled slightly, and it felt good to be supported by the masses.

Moon Wolf pulled the beast cart and slowly drove into the gate of the square, and loud cheers suddenly sounded.

"Lord City Lord/His Majesty the King~~~"

The people in the square cheered and waved the red flag vigorously.



The team of the moon wolf beast car attracted everyone's attention, including those royal aristocrats.

They stared at the gorgeous beast car, and the lunar wolves who looked good, and many people had envious expressions in their eyes.

They soon noticed the ghost special assassination team members on both sides of the animal car, and their eyes were rounded when they saw their gorgeous armor.

Some royal nobles exclaimed: "The armor they wear is all high-grade magic equipment?"

People with good eyesight have already distinguished: "Yes, they are all high-level magic tools.


Many people took a deep breath and were shocked by the 'arrogance' of the Ghost Special Assassination Team.

"These should be the personal guards of the Xuanwu City Lord." Qi Erna guessed in a trance.

Yeom nodded enviously: "Well, it should be."

Lingxi was speechless and said: "The guards are equipped with high-level magic tools, which is too extravagant. 35

"It's too extravagant and enviable." Yom twitched the corners of his mouth.

It is difficult for him to buy high-end magic tools, and those who have money don't have the market, but now he sees more than a dozen sets of high-end magic tools, how can he not make people jealous.

Qi Erna's eyes flashed and said: "If you think of a way, you should be able to buy a few sets."

Yeom's eyes lit up: "Yes, when the founding ceremony is over, I'm going to see Mu Liang.

The moon wolf beast car stopped in front of the high platform, the moon wolves were crawling on the ground, and the maid outside the car stepped forward to open the car door.

"It's here." A calm voice sounded.

Mu Liang got out of the car first, and Yue Qinlan, Yue Qinyi and Hu Xian got out of the car together.

"Dong Dong Dong~~~"

The next moment, a deafening drum sounded around the square. It was the drums of war being beaten, and it was to welcome Mu Liang's arrival.

Under the high stage, Yue Qinlan said gracefully, "Go up. 99

"Let's go." The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose, and he took the three girls up into the air and landed on the high platform lightly.

The appearance of the four immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

"Your Majesty the King~

The people shouted in unison, and the name has been unified, and the shout was louder than one.

Lingxi looked sideways, her eyes showing surprise, "This is the Xuanwu City Lord, and he looks very good-looking.

"Good-looking, where is it good-looking?" Yom asked with a dark face.

"To be honest, it looks better than you." Lingxi smiled.

Lingyun's beautiful eyes gleamed and said, "Yes, Mu Liang is prettier than his father."5

66." The corners of Yom's eyes twitched, is her daughter suffering in vain?

"Also prettier than my father." Ling Xiang said crisply.

66. Shut up. "Qianner head avenue.

The two did not admit it in their mouths, but they could not deny in their hearts that Mu Liang was better-looking and stronger.

On the other side of the high platform, Su Lin Yisi's eyes glowed, and he hadn't seen Mu Liang for several months, and found him more fascinating than before.

"He's become more unfathomable." Su Linyisi whispered softly.

The founding ceremony, she is naturally coming, but only arrived today.

"Are they all taken?" Beside the camera, Xue Ji looked at the staff with a serious face.

"Don't worry, my lord, all the pictures were taken, and not a single picture was leaked." The staff assured in a low voice.

"That's good." Xue Ji nodded with satisfaction.

She asked again: "Is the live broadcast connected?"

The staff nodded and said, "It's already connected.

"Well, pay attention to the shooting angle." Xue Ji urged.

"Yes." The staff responded quickly.

At this time, in the far inland, those royal aristocrats who did not come to the misty sea were all guarding the TV at home at this time, and they were broadcasting the live broadcast of the founding ceremony.

"This scene is too grand." Many nobles were speechless.

In the cities of David and the transit bases, live broadcasts of the founding ceremony were also being carried out. The people who could not go to the main city gathered together and stared at the 'big TV' set up by the Acropolis Administration.

"His Majesty the King has come to power. 35 people shouted excitedly.


Mu Liang walked to the middle of the high platform, Hu Xian and others followed behind, two steps behind.

Mu Liang looked around at the crowd, raised his palm and made a downward movement.

The people slowly quieted down, stared at him expectantly, and waved the red flag a few times from time to time.

Mu Liang said slowly: "Today is a special day, the day that Xuanwu City is about to change. 35

The people held their breath and pricked up their ears, unwilling to let go of a word from Mu Liang's mouth.

Mu Liang's voice changed, and 183 said in a clear voice: "Thank you to the royal family and nobles from various kingdoms, and also to the city lords, who have come here to participate in the founding ceremony of the Xuanwu Kingdom. Welcome you. 55

The royal family and nobles sitting on both sides of the high platform had different expressions on their faces, some happy and some expressionless.

Some of these people came for the island in the depths of the misty sea, and some came to establish a trading relationship with the Xuanwu Kingdom.

In addition, the rest of the people have different thoughts, some sincerely wish, and some have bad intentions.

Mu Liang retracted his gaze from the royal family and nobles, looked back at the many people, and raised his hand: "Now, please speak to our future ambassador of the Xuanwu Kingdom. 35

Yue Qinyi's heart tightened, she suppressed her nervousness and stepped forward, standing beside Mu Liang.

"Don't be nervous, relax." Mu Liang's voice sounded in her ear.

Yue Qinyi nodded slowly, raised her eyes to look at the people, and said with her red lips slightly open: "Hello, I'm Yue Qinyi, the image ambassador of the Xuanwu Kingdom, the Xuanwu Kingdom is a beautiful place, I believe that these days, you are all Experience... 99

With the help of Mu Liang, Yue Qinyi's voice spread throughout the square.

She eloquently introduced the Xuanwu Kingdom, allowing everyone present to re-understand the kingdom.

. . . . . . . . .

[1 update]: The second update of the positive code.


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