Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1813: The Xuanwu Kingdom was formally established. (2 more)

After Yue Qinyi's speech ended, her mood became more relaxed, she looked back at Yue Qinlan, and blinked her beautiful eyes playfully.

The corners of Yueqinlan's lips rose, and her sister's speech ended. According to the established process, it was time to announce the establishment of the Xuanwu Xuanwu Kingdom.

Mu Liang raised his head, a bright light flashed in his black eyes, and an invisible wave spread out, covering the entire square.

He opened his mouth slowly and said word by word: "Here, I announce that the Xuanwu Kingdom has been officially established.

Mu Liang used his ability to let the sound spread to every corner of the entire square.


The people cheered and cheered, and the red flag in their hands was waving vigorously again, and the waves were louder than waves.

"Your Majesty the King!

The people shouted like crazy.

Looking down from the high platform, half of the square has turned into a red 'ocean', which is a dazzling red flag.

Qi Erna's face was dignified, he didn't expect Mu Liang to have such a high status among the people, like a god.

Yom pouted and said, "It's really not easy for him to be loved by so many people.

Lingyun said with a serious face: "Father, it is Mu Liang who is good, and the people will like and love him.

"..." Yom closed his mouth wisely, and her daughter's elbow began to turn out again.

Mu Liang looked calm and listened to the cheers of the people.

He turned his head and ordered: "Play the national anthem and raise the national flag."

"Yes." Yue Qinlan responded, turning her head sideways behind her.

Beside the high platform, Mino and the band have been waiting for a long time, each with a musical instrument in their hands, waiting for instructions to play the Xuanwu Kingdom March on the high platform.

The Xuanwu Kingdom March was originally called "March of Xuanwu City", which is the national anthem written by Mu Liang.

Next to Mino stood Verishaya. As a siren, she has a mesmerizing voice, and it is best for him to sing the national anthem.

She was still making a movie two days ago. When she learned that she was going to sing the national anthem, she rehearsed with the band. Today, she has the courage to stand here.

"Sister Velishaya, are you nervous~`?" Minuo asked innocently.

Velishaya said nervously: "a bit, I've never sang in front of so many people."

Minuo calmly said in a crisp voice: "It's okay, Mu Liang is here, and we are with you. 35

"Okay." Velishaya took a few deep breaths and adjusted her state.

The members of the band suggested: "When you get to the high stage, you will treat the people below as Chinese cabbage, and you will not be nervous.

"I'll try..." Velishaya looked at the head of Wu Yangyang in front of the high platform. If all of them were Chinese cabbage, how many Chinese cabbage would there be?

"Relax, it's alright." Mino continued to soothe.

"Mmmm. Verishaya nodded slowly.

The staff shouted: "Minuo, ready to go on stage.

"Okay." Mino responded quickly.

She looked at the band members and Verishaya: "Come on, let's go on stage. 99

"Okay." Several people responded, carrying their musical instruments and walking towards the stage.

The appearance of the bunny-eared girl and others has attracted the attention of many people, who are all wondering what is this going to do?

Mu Liang glanced at Minuo, turned his head and said to Yue Qinlan, "Get ready to raise the national flag.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan took out the resonance bug, turned around and contacted Qin Yu, she was responsible for raising the flag this time.

It didn't take long for the drums around the square to weaken, replaced by the sound of bells, followed by the sound of the guzheng.

On the high platform, Wei Youlan plucked the strings of the guzheng with ten fingers, making a crisp sound that quickly spread throughout the square.

"What kind of sound is this? It's really nice." Lingxi's beautiful eyes lit up.

Her attention was attracted by Mino on the high platform, she concentrated and listened to the music quietly.

After the guzheng, the sound of other musical instruments followed, and the combination of different timbres and tones complemented each other, which made people feel excited.

Velissaya's throat moved, and the lyrics slowly sang out of her mouth, spreading through the square through Mu Liang's ability, and through the cameras to all TV sets.

"Xuanwu Kingdom, where tomorrow and the future are, here is a peaceful world

In the lyrics, "Xuanwu City" has been changed to "Xuanwu Kingdom".

As soon as the siren girl opened her mouth, the audience fell silent, indulging in the singing.

The songs of the Kraken clan are magical and can make people listen to them involuntarily.

The people involuntarily sang along, and the singing became more penetrating, surprising the royal family.

"Ta Tata~~~ 35

The singing continued, and Qin Yu was also ready on the other side, holding a red flag and wearing thunder armor, walking towards the flagpole in front of the high platform.

Behind her, there were also two teams of army soldiers, also wearing purple-patterned light steel armor, holding sniper rifles in both hands, and walking forward.

"Tap tap~~~

In the national anthem sung by Verishaya, Qin Yu kept moving forward.

Slowly, more and more people noticed Qin Yu, she stopped in front of the flagpole, and fixed the flag on the rope neatly.

When the singing became fierce, Qin Yu pulled the rope in his hand, and the national flag rose slowly. Under the action of the wind, the flag surface slowly unfolded, revealing the pattern on it.

Velishaya's singing slowed down, and this was the end of the "March of the Xuanwu Kingdom".

When the singing stopped, the national flag rose to the top of the flagpole and fluttered in the gentle wind.

The people's faces are still full of meaning, obviously they haven't sung enough, and they are immersed in emotions.

Mu Liang exhaled slowly, and seemed to have completed a sense of ritual, and his mood became calm.

"々, thank you." Velishaya bowed slightly and got off the high platform with the band members.

Mu Liang's calm voice sounded: "Next, please join the military parade.

"Hey, great, there is another military parade." The people cheered.

Many of them have seen the last military parade, and they still remember the scene at that time for the sake of money, and they will never be forgotten in this life.

"A military parade, what is it?" Qi Erner asked in confusion.

"I don't know either." Yom shook his head.

Lingxi recovered from the shock brought by the national anthem, let out a breath and said, "I'll find out later. 99

"Yeah." Yom responded.

"Boom, boom, boom~~~

The drums rang out, and the war drums were struck again.

"The military parade begins now." Mu Liang's voice sounded again.

Yue Qinlan stepped forward, and an elegant voice sounded: "The army appears. 95


Outside the square, the army soldiers who had been waiting for a long time moved, maintained a square formation, and walked towards the square with neat steps.

In the square, people listened to the sound of neat footsteps, and their faces were full of anticipation and excitement.

00000. . . skillful.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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