Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1816: No, you don't want to. (3 more)

One after another animal carts approached and stopped at the entrance of the Great Hall. After the people in the carts got off, the driver drove the animal carts back to the square to continue picking up guests.

Among the first group of royal aristocrats to arrive at the Great Hall, there were two groups of people, Qi Erna and Yom.

"Father, this is the Great Hall of the main city. It is usually only there when there are large-scale performances or large-scale events." Ling Yun introduced her to her parents.

She came to the two people in the main city, followed Lingxiang to visit all the places in the main city, and also learned about the origin of the buildings here with the city residents.

"I remember the venue of the auction, it seems that it is also in the main city hall." Lingxi said gracefully.

"Yes." Yom nodded.

Ling Xiang moved her nose and looked back at the entrance of the Great Hall, her eyes lit up and said, "Father, I have already smelled the fragrance, let's go in quickly."

"I smelled it too." Ling Yun was shocked and said happily.

"Go in." Lingxi lifted her skirt, took her daughter's hand and stepped up the stairs.

The entrance to the Great Hall is above the ground, with a section of ninety-nine steps.

Several people went up the steps and walked into the Great Hall, and the smell became stronger and stronger. After showing the invitation, several people successfully entered the Great Hall and saw a dazzling array of delicious food.


Ling Xiang's beautiful eyes sparkled, as if there were stars in it, and her mouth almost drooled.

"Goooooooo~~" 9

The stomachs of Yom and the others also screamed, stimulated by the many delicacies in front of them.

"It looks delicious." Lingxi pursed her lips and walked forward with her skirt up.

Yom and others also followed, and after approaching the middle dining area, the staff stepped forward.

The staff politely said: "Hello, this banquet is a buffet style, there are plates over there, you can take what you want to eat, and there are tables and chairs over there to sit on.

"Okay." Ling Xiang's eyes lit up again.

Take whatever you want to eat, and eat as much as you want, it's so cool.

She took Lingyun's hand, walked quickly to the cutlery area, took the plate and fork, and went to get the food.

Ling Xiang took a step and saw a lot of delicate food on the table next to her.

"This looks delicious, but what is it?" She looked at the staff curiously.

The staff smiled and said, "This is fish sauce."

"Do you eat it directly?" Ling Xiang used a common clip to pick up a piece of sashimi and put it on the plate.

The staff gestured to the bowl of black dipping sauce next to him: "Yes, you can also eat it with dipping sauce."

"Come on, then." Ling Xiang said crisply.

"Okay." The staff took out a small plate and put a little dipping sauce on the plate in the girl's hand.

"Give me some too." Lingyun said greedily.

"Okay." The staff nodded.

While the staff was serving the sauce, the girl added a dozen sashimi and placed it on the plate.

Of course, there is also some sushi made with rice etc.

The staff looked at the full plate of sushi, hesitated for a while, but still reminded: "Guests, there is still a lot to eat here, if you only take one kind of sushi, you will not be able to taste other delicacies when you are full.

"Hey, that's right, then I'll give my father and mother some points." Lingyun said coquettishly.

"Okay, you can also take a plate and eat while walking." The staff raised his hand to indicate.

"Mmmm." Lingyun waved her hand and went to find her father and mother with a plate.

When Lingxi looked at the full plate of sushi, she was also speechless. After tasting one, she was satisfied and took the sushi from her daughter.

"Mother, leave some for me." Lingyun pouted.

"Go get some yourself." Lingxi said playfully.

"...Okay." Lingyun pouted, pulling Lingxiang to get food again.

This time, she behaved well, holding a plate and eating wherever she went, she only took a little at a time, and if she thought it was delicious, she would take more.

But that's it, every time she arrives at a table, she will stop for a few minutes, after all, there is nothing unpalatable here.

"No, there are so many delicious things in the back, I can't fill my stomach." Ling Yun stopped her hand from taking the second fried chicken leg.

"Lingyun, come here, the fried rice noodles here is delicious~~" Ling Xiang shouted not far away.

"Come on." Ling Yun responded and turned to leave decisively.

When we arrived at the fried hor fun stall, the chef was stir frying new hor fun, and the aroma came out.

"Do you want some?" The chef looked at the drooling Aura.

"Yes." Lingyun nodded quickly.

She handed out the plate, moved for a while, and said in a serious tone: "I want a little bit, I want to eat something else."

"Okay...." The chef held back a smile, took a little pho with a clip and poured it onto the plate.

"It's really fragrant. 35 Lingyun picked up the fork, rolled up a ball of hor fun, and stuffed it into his mouth.

After she finished tasting it, she turned her head and shouted: "Father, mother, the fried rice noodles here are delicious, come quickly."5

"Come on. Lingxi responded and came with Yom's hand.

Qi Erna also came over and immediately surrounded the fried rice noodle stall.

There was a smile on the chef's face, and the stir-fried rice noodles got faster and faster.

After Lingxi and others tasted the fried rice noodles, the pot was divided by several people.

"It's delicious, better than the fried rice noodles in Xuanwu Restaurant." Lingxi commented.

Her words made the chef's mouth open wider.

"It's really fragrant." The pho in Yom's mouth now.

Lingyun reminded: "You can't eat too much, and there are other foods that you haven't tasted yet.

"Yes, go eat something else." Lingxi restrained herself and poured the rest of the fried rice noodles on her husband's plate.

"Yom was stunned for a moment, the dignified king wants to eat other people's leftovers?

Well, that's his wife, and it's nothing to eat.

He happily pulled the fried rice noodles into his mouth, followed behind his wife with the plate, and tasted one by one.

"Father, this is delicious."

"Mother, this is ice cream, it's sweet.

In less than ten minutes, several people had already eaten eight 4.0 percent.

However, there are no less than 150 kinds of delicacies in the Great Hall, and four-fifths of the delicacies have never been tasted.

At this time, more and more nobles walked into the Great Hall, and they were quickly attracted by the food. They took their plates and chopsticks to get the food.

"This is heaven, it's much better than our state banquet." Some royal family members couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

"Yeah, it's the first time I've eaten so much delicious food that I don't want to leave."

"No, King you don't want to. 35

The Great Hall became noisy, but fortunately there was no conflict.

The chefs in the background were busy, the stove that was turned off was burned again, and the food was brought to the table continuously, and the royal family and aristocrats later could also eat fresh.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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