Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1817: A send-off proposition. (1 more)

In the Great Hall, the royal family and nobles walked and stopped in front of different long tables with plates in their hands.

The food on the plate made the eyes of these royal nobles glow, and their mouths have not stopped moving since they got the fork and chopsticks.

"It's delicious, and this one is delicious too."

"Oh, how is this made, it's so delicious. 39

"Don't fight me, this donut is mine.


Mu Liang glanced at the several nobles who were fighting over the last doughnut, and the corners of his lips twitched.

He turned his head to look at Yue Qinlan beside him, and asked, "Is the kitchen prepared enough?"9

"The fire in the back kitchen never went out." Yue Qinlan shrugged indifferently.

When she returned from the Great Hall, she went to the back kitchen to inspect the kitchen to make sure that the ingredients prepared were enough to satisfy the royal family.

Mu Liang watched for a while, then said: "These people are too good to eat, and there are still too few chefs to prepare.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Don't worry, the banquet has only started for less than an hour, and it's still a long time."



Mu Liang looked at the girls behind him, and asked in a warm voice, "Who wants to accompany me to eat something?"

"Me." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"Let's go together, I'm an image ambassador, so I should accompany me. On March 33, Qin Yi got her hair on her temples late.

The tail behind the fox immortal swayed slightly, and said charmingly: "Then let's go together.

"Alright." Mu Liang smiled.

He walked out of the passage, walked towards the center of the Great Hall, and took a dinner plate.

Mu Liang has changed his clothes, and the clothes he is wearing are much more sophisticated than the ones he wore at the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China.

Yue Qinyi, Yue Qinlan, and Hu Xian all took the plates and walked behind Mu Liang to Su Jin not far away.

Su Jin and Su Lin Yisi were chatting. The two had a relationship in the highlands. Among the many royal aristocrats they didn't know, they could get together to chat.

Mu Liang stepped forward and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Gossip." When Su Jin saw Mu Liang approaching, her beautiful eyes lit up.

Seeing Su Jin's performance, Su Linyi raised her brows as if she understood something.

She nodded to Mu Liang: "Your Majesty Mu Liang, long time no see.

Mu Liang asked with a smile, "Is the Lanlupo Kingdom still in peace?"

Su Linyi nodded and said, "Thanks to His Majesty's help, it is quite peaceful."

When Mu Liang left the Lanlupo Kingdom, he shocked the city lords and nobles, so there was no civil strife.

In the current Lanlupo Kingdom, those city lords and nobles have recognized the identity of Queen Su Linyisi, and they all understand that behind the Lanlupo Kingdom is the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Well, it proves that you still have the ability to manage the Lanlupo Kingdom well."

"Congratulations, Your Excellency Mu Liang is now also a king." The voice of congratulations came.

Mu Liang looked back, Qi Erna, Yom and others were coming, with a plate of dessert in their hands.

"Congratulations." Qi Erner grinned.

"Your Excellency Qi Erna, we meet again." Mu Liang smiled lightly.

Yue Qinlan asked gracefully, "Several, are you satisfied with today's food? 35

"Satisfied, it's all delicious." Ling Xiang nodded quickly.

"You can eat more if you like." Yue Qinlan said with a smile.

Ling Xiang shook her head, patted her bulging belly and said, "I can't eat any more, my belly is bulging. 99

Qi Erna frowned, what about her daughter's princess temperament?

He quickly changed the subject, gestured to Yom beside him, and introduced: "This is Yom, the king of Childudrey Kingdom; next to him is his queen Lingxi.

"Hello." Yom nodded.

Mu Liang nodded clearly and said, "I hope you all have a good time in Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Okay." Yom returned a polite smile.

From the corner of his eyes, he looked at Huxian and sister Yueqinlan, and his eyes lit up.

When he was in the square, there was a distance between him and the high platform. At that time, he also thought that the fox fairy and sister Yueqinlan were beautiful, but now he is even more amazing when he sees it up close.

Lingxi put her hand on Yom's waist and asked with a smile, "Does it look good?"

" doesn't look good." Yom tightened his body and pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth.

"Who is more beautiful?" Lingxi exerted force on her hand and threw out another proposition.

With a stern face, Yom said earnestly and sincerely: "...Of course my wife is the most beautiful, and you are the most beautiful woman in the world."

Lingxi put down her hands and said indifferently, "It's quite comforting to hear, even though you're telling a lie."

"How can it be a lie, it's all the truth." Yom grinned.

"..." Mu Liang was speechless, the two in front of him thought they were talking very quietly, but he heard every word.

Qi Erna coughed twice and reminded: "Cough, Yom, don't you have a deal to discuss with Your Excellency Mu Liang?"

Yom came back to his senses and asked earnestly, "Yes, is it convenient to talk about a deal now?"

"What deal?" Mu Liang asked with interest.

Yom asked sincerely: "I'm very interested in the armor your knights wear, can Your Excellency Mu Liang take it out for a deal?"

"Purple-patterned light steel armor?" Mu Liang raised his brows.

Yom shook his head. "Not that, but I do need to buy some new armor."

"Then your Excellency is referring to..." Mu Liang's black eyes flickered slightly, and he understood something in his heart.

Yommin said: "I'm going to buy those nine-colored armors. 35

Mu Liang's expression didn't change, and he thought to himself that it was true.

He said lightly: "Sorry, those armors are only sold at 183.99

Yom was stunned for a moment, and asked reluctantly, "Can you tell me why? 35

"This is also classified. 35 Mu Liang said calmly.

"What a pity. Yom sighed in disappointment.

Mu Liang said warmly: "If your Excellency needs high-grade magic armor, there will be several different sets at the auction tomorrow, and you can participate in the auction if you need it.

"That's the only way." Yom nodded slowly.

He regained his energy and asked: "The armor worn by ordinary knights can be traded, right?

"Of course, how much do you need?" Mu Liang asked with a smile.

Yeom said with a serious face: "A thousand sets, including weapons. Shadow

The fox fairy gracefully took over the conversation: "Your Excellency, after the banquet is over, will you come back to the highlands to discuss in detail?"9

"This..." Yom looked at Mu Liang.

Mu Liang explained: "She is responsible for all the foreign transactions of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"I see." Yeom suddenly realized that if he wanted to negotiate a deal, he had to talk to the foxtail woman.

Lingxi suddenly said, "Your Excellency Mu Liang, there is one more thing."

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang's expression remained calm.

Lingxi said with a serious face: "We want to see the island in the depths of the misty sea."

"Mother? 39 Lingyun was stunned for a moment, what happened?

. . . . . . . . .

[1 update]: The second update of the positive code.


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