Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1819: I finally got my heart on a man. (3 more)

"Ah?" Ling Yun looked at her mother for a while, her pretty face turning red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lingxi stared at Lingyun's eyes, and her beautiful eyes asked brightly, "Yun'er, repeat what you just said. 35

Lingyun's eyes were erratic, and she whispered: "I, I didn't say anything, it was my mother who heard it wrong. 35

"No, I heard it clearly." Lingxi smiled and stared straight at her daughter.

"Mother heard it, why did you come to ask me?" Ling Yun's pretty face turned even redder, and she pouted angrily.

Ling Xiang opened her mouth wide and said loudly, "I heard it too, you are going to marry Mu Liang."

"Shh~~~" Ling Yun widened her beautiful eyes, and quickly reached out her hand to cover her friend's mouth, and then let her shout, and everyone in the hall would know that her heart was moving.

Yes, she just fell in love at first sight with Mu Liang's imposing manner and protection, and suddenly she was enlightened.


Ling Xiang raised her hand and patted the hand on her mouth, and was about to be suffocated to death by her friend covering her mouth directly.

"Clap clap~

Lingxi clapped her hands and said happily: "Okay, it's really good, Yun'er is enlightened, and she finally has a crush on a man.

Yom nodded with satisfaction: "Well, Mu Liang is also good, he is powerful and still the head of a country, and he can be your husband too.

He is also very happy with his daughter's enlightenment. After all, he was not interested in the "blind date" arranged before, but now he is suddenly interested in a man, how can he not make people happy.

Precisely because she didn't want to 'blind date', Ling Yun ran out every three or five minutes, and she didn't spend much time in the palace.

Lingyun said angrily: "Father, what are you talking about, people will misunderstand when they hear it."

"What is the misunderstanding, misunderstanding that you don't like Mu Liang?" Yom's face blossomed with a smile.

"I, I..." Lingyun opened her mouth.

Lingxi patted her daughter's shoulder and said with a smile like a flower: "Yun'er, don't worry, mother will help you.

Lingyun pouted and whispered: "Mother, don't make trouble, the people around Mu Liang are prettier than me."

Lingxi said with a serious face: "But your status is not as high as you, you are the princess of the kingdom of Chierduodri.

Qi Erna glanced at her daughter thoughtfully, could she also marry the Xuanwu Kingdom to strengthen the power of the Xihua Kingdom?

"Father, what are you thinking?" Ling Xiang was keenly aware of the change in her father's eyes.

Based on her understanding of her father, she definitely has an idea in her heart, and combined with the current situation of her friend, she will understand something.

Qi Erna coughed a few times and asked in a pointed way: "Cough cough (dbea), Ling Xiang, what do you think of Mu Liang?"

"I think he's pretty good, even better than my father." Ling Xiang wrinkled her pretty nose and deliberately said irritating words.

Qi Erna's eyes glowed, and she said in surprise: "You think so, that's just right, try it out, maybe you can become the queen of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"...Father." Ling Xiang was stunned, why did his father not play cards according to common sense?

"What's wrong?" Qi Erner looked at her daughter suspiciously.

Ling Xiang raised her chin and snorted coldly: "Father, I don't want to marry Mu Liang.

Qi Erner was puzzled and asked inexplicably: "Why? Don't you think he is very good? 99

"I was talking nonsense." Ling Xiang shouted.

"I see." Qi Erner wanted to understand something, raised his hand and slammed it into the palm of his hand.

"What?" Ling Xiang's eyes jumped.

"You must be shy." Qi Erner grinned.

He patted his daughter's shoulder and said earnestly: "Daughter, don't worry, I will handle it.

After Yom heard the whole process, he asked with a black face: "Qi Erna, are you going to rob my daughter for her husband?"

"What is robbing a husband? It depends on strength and ability." Qi Erna said proudly.

Both of them saw the promising future of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and wanted their daughter to marry Mu Liang first, which would bring more rewards in the future.

Yeom said with a stern face: "Lingxiang doesn't like Mu Liang. You are forcing her, which is against the will of women. This is not allowed by the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom."

Qi Erna was stunned for a moment, and asked in astonishment: "Have you read the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom?"

Yom raised his chin and said, "Of course, it is written in the constitution that racial equality and equality between men and women are required."

Qi Erna said with a stern face, "Emotions can be cultivated, let's get married first.

Lingxiang and Lingyun looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Lingyun said depressedly: "What should I do, I seem to have said the wrong thing."

"Say something wrong?" Ling Xiang rolled her eyes.

She said angrily, "So you don't really like Mu Liang?"

"That's not true, I think he is very good." Ling Yun's ears turned red, and she bowed her head in embarrassment.

Ling Xiang opened her mouth, raised her hand to rest on her forehead, and said, " can't be saved."

Lingxi came to her daughter, held her hand and said, "Yun'er. When you marry into the Xuanwu Kingdom, your mother will come to see you often in the future.

Lingyun said speechlessly: "Mother, I seem to have been married.

"Sooner or later." Lingxi affirmed her tone.

With the strength of the Childodri Kingdom, if you want to marry a daughter, you are afraid that someone will refuse?

Lingyun rolled her eyes and asked, "Then if I marry, I won't be a queen, but just an ordinary concubine?"

"This..." Lingxi frowned, recalling the degree of Mu Liang's support for the fox fairy not long ago, the queen's position does not necessarily fall on her daughter's head.

She said with a serious face: "Then first become a concubine, then work hard to climb up, just like a TV series, and finally become a queen.

"Mother, you should watch less Gongdou TV dramas in the future, those are all fake." Lingyun said in a bad tone.

Xue Ji filmed a palace fighting drama some time ago, and it has been broadcast on TV.

Lingxi said with a look of regret: "I think it's very useful, and I have learned a lot of moves, but I was in a hurry to come to the Xuanwu Kingdom, and I didn't have time to practice it.

Lingyun twitched the corners of her mouth, silently lighting a row of candles for her father's other concubines in her heart.

"Stop talking about this. 99 Lingxi waved his hand.

She went straight to the point and said, "This time we are going to stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom for a while, so it's better to let you and Mu Liang get to know each other.

"Mother arranges it." Ling Yun's pretty face flushed.

Ling Xiang closed her eyes and shook her head, Fang Xinxu's friend was helpless, and she threw herself on the man.

She looked at her father, who was still arguing with Yom, and suddenly felt that one head and two were big.

"Mu Liang, that's my daughter's." Qi Erna blushed.

Yeom sneered: "Impossible, Mu Liang can only be Yun'er.

The men's strange desire for victory rose.

"Your daughter is not as beautiful as mine." Qi Erner gritted his teeth.

Yeom sneered and sneered: "You are blind, and Yun'er is the most beautiful. 35

"Father, uncle, stop arguing, it's too embarrassing." Ling Xiang bit her head and stood between the two.

Yom looked around and saw that there were already many people around, so he walked away with a dark face.

"Daughter, you have to work hard, you can't lose to Lingyun, you know?" Qi Erna urged with a serious face.

"...Yes, I understand." Ling Xiang said perfunctorily.

. . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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