Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1820: Contempt, so what. (1 more)


The light emitted by the tree of life is restrained, allowing the Xuanwu Kingdom to gradually enter the night.

The day and night of the Xuanwu Kingdom are realized by relying on the tree of life to illuminate and simulate.


The moonwolves pulled the beast cart into the highland, drove up the spiral road of the highland with unabated speed, and galloped all the way to the eighth floor of the highland.

The door of the carriage opened, and Mu Liang, Yue Qinyi and Hu Xian got out of the car.

Yue Qinyi looked at the palace and exhaled: "It's over."5

"Are you tired?" Mu Liang asked sideways.

Yue Qinyi shook her head and explained: "I'm not tired, but the founding ceremony ended successfully, which makes people feel at ease.~"

The banquet was over, and it represented the successful conclusion of the founding ceremony of the country, and the Xuan-Wu Kingdom was officially established.

After the banquet, Yue Qinlan stayed in the Great Hall, arranged for workers to clean up the Great Hall, and then re-decorated it as the venue for the auction. This needed to be completed overnight, and the auction could go on smoothly tomorrow.

Mu Liang looked up at the palace and smiled: "Well, the palace here will be the palace of the Xuanwu Kingdom in the future.

Hu Xian Mei smiled and asked, "Do you want to rebuild it?

"No, the palace is pretty good now." Mu Liang shook his head.

"I think so too." Yue Qinyi nodded.

Mu Liang stepped into the palace and said gently: "If you are not full, let Xiao Lan and the others prepare some more food."

"Don't eat, I'll change clothes." Yue Qinyi reached out and took off the jewelry on her head, twisting her waist and going to the side hall where she lived.

Hu Xian said charmingly: "I'm going to change my clothes too, Qi Erna and the others should be here later.

In order to participate in the founding ceremony, she dressed very grandly. Now that the founding ceremony is over, she still likes to wear relaxed and comfortable clothes.

"Well, let's go." Mu Liang replied warmly.

The fox immortal waved his hand and went to the side hall with his fox tail.

Wei Youlan stepped forward and asked obediently, "Your Majesty, do you still want dinner? 95

"Don't eat, let's make a pot of hot tea." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Yes." Wei Youlan turned to make tea.

Mu Liang returned to the study, sat on the dragon chair and narrowed his eyes, recalling the entire process of today's founding ceremony.

"Everything is going well." He opened his eyes, and there was a glimmer of light in the bottom of his eyes.

There was still a trace of doubt in his heart, he thought that the black magician would take action at the founding ceremony, but now he did not.

"It's a problem after all, and it has to be resolved early."


There was a knock on the door of the study by the little maid.

Wei Youlan said softly, "Your Majesty Mu Liang, there are many people from the Highlands who want to see you.

"What reason?" Mu Liang raised his eyes and asked.

Wei Youlan explained: "It said it was for cooperation and transactions."

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Just go find the fox fairy."

Wei Youlan blinked her beautiful eyes: "Then I ask Lord Huxian to receive them?"5

"Hmm." Mu Liang replied.

The little maid left the study and found the foxtail woman to receive those nobles.

The fox fairy asked casually, "Qi Erna and Yom are here?"

Wei Youlan said clearly: "Not only them, but also a lot of nobles from other kingdoms.

The fox fairy said indifferently: "I see, arrange to go to the garden on the third floor of the highland."

"Yes." Wei Youlan called Xiao Zi and other maids to entertain these nobles from afar.

In the courtyard in the garden, the royals and nobles of different kingdoms are sitting separately, there are thirty or forty people.

The gray-bearded male noble said impatiently, "Why hasn't anyone come yet? 35

"Calm down." The friend beside the male noble reassured.

"It doesn't take us seriously, it doesn't respect us." The male noble snorted coldly.

"Then what can I do, you go and scold him?" The friend rolled his eyes and asked back.

"The male noble twitched the corners of his mouth, remembering the man in the Great Hall who turned into a blood mist, and silently closed his mouth.

"Shout. Lingxi pouted.

She said coldly: "An earl, why does Mu Liang put him in his eyes?"

"Madam is right." Yom nodded in agreement.

Qi Erna sneered: "It's been less than ten minutes, this person can't wait any longer.

Yeom said firmly: "Believe it or not, after meeting Mu Liang, he will become very honest."5

"I believe it." Zierner and Yom looked at each other and smiled.

"Tap tap~35

Not long after, the sound of crisp footsteps came from outside the courtyard.

Everyone looked sideways, and saw Hu Xian, Wei Youlan, and Yao'er walking into the courtyard and walking straight towards everyone.

"I made you wait for a long time." The fox fairy walked into the courtyard, and her beautiful eyes swept around, remembering most of the people, and corresponding to the information in the memory one by one.

"Where is your king?" a noble asked suspiciously.

The fox fairy explained in a calm tone: "Our majesty is still busy with important things, and I don't have time for the time being, and I am in charge of the business of the Xuanwu Kingdom, just talk to me."5

・・・・For flowers・・0

"Can you make a decision?" a noble asked with a frown.

The fox fairy raised her chin slightly, her tone proudly: "Of course.""

She came to the main seat of the courtyard and sat down, smiled and said, "What are you all here for, you can tell me."

The nobles looked at each other, some of them opened their mouths, but stopped talking.

The fox fairy raised her brows lightly: "Is everything all right?

"Your Excellency Fox Immortal, let's talk first?" Qi Erna asked.

"Don't worry." The fox fairy glanced at Qi Erna and Yom.

"Okay." Qi Erna nodded slowly, with the incident in the Great Hall as a lesson, he did not dare to offend the woman in front of him.

The same is true for the others. Although they still look down on the Orcs in their hearts, they still maintain a smile on the surface.

"If all of you are all right, then go back." Hu Xian glanced at the others.

"No, I want to go to that island." A noble suddenly said.

"What are you going to do?" Foxxian asked.

"I'm curious about it, go take a look." The man said calmly.

Yao Er whispered: "Master Fox Immortal, he lied."

The fox fairy chuckled, not interested in why he went to the island, so he didn't get into the matter of lying to him.

She said coldly: "Prepare the monster spar, and after a month, our majesty will have time to take you there."

"As long as the monster spar is ready?" The nobles were in an uproar.

Fox Immortal lifted her eyes and said softly: "Of course, but the number of places is limited, first come first served.

"I, I'm going." Immediately, many people raised their hands.

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Hu Xian raised his hand and pressed it.

The nobles calmed down, their minds were different, but the goal was the same, that is, to go to that mysterious island.

"Isn't there someone else who wants to negotiate a deal?" Huxian looked at the other nobles.

"I'm going to trade some armor." Another nobleman stood up.

The fox fairy asked casually, "What kind of armor?"

"The armor worn by those who have been following your king's side." The noble said with warm eyes.

The fox fairy glanced at him and said gracefully: "Sorry, there are armors of high-end magic equipment, but not those. If you like armor of high-end magic equipment, you can buy it at the auction tomorrow. 39

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: Ask for a custom towel.

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